In Bloom

Started by Babar, Tue 23/10/2018 07:50:29

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In Bloom

The Infestation is blooming, and time is running out. Will you be able to save humanity?
In the far-flung future, the earth is in danger: A malicious bloom has spread through the galaxy and will soon engulf the earth. You will be tasked with saving it, but in the end, you must decide how!

A short game with only a couple puzzles, limited palette, and hopefully interesting world. You play as the Scout, on a mission to save humanity from the encroaching infestation bloom. This game has nothing to do with the Nirvana song.

So back in September, I decided to participate in the $102 Adventure Game Challenge. Being my usual procrastinating self, the vast majority of my work on my entry took place in the last week of the jam. Still, it is a completed and complete-able game, so I figured I should share it!
This version has some improvements over what I submitted to the jam, but the walkcycle is still as janky as ever. I'll try to fix it when I'm less prone to frustration, but aside from that, it should be mostly complete.


* There's an immediate room transition in the overworld screen, the moment you click the exit. I have no idea how to fix that.

The ultimate Professional Amateur

Now, with his very own game: Alien Time Zone


This looks something like the simple BG style I always tried for, but detailing always took over.

Seems interesting, will download.


Quote from: Jack on Tue 23/10/2018 22:44:06
This looks something like the simple BG style I always tried for, but detailing always took over.
Participate in a jam, that'll help with time management :D. This originally started with programmer art, if you can believe that, with the final BGs done in the last 2 days.

Hope you enjoy!
The ultimate Professional Amateur

Now, with his very own game: Alien Time Zone


congrats on the release and the 6th rank out of 20 in that $102 jam babar!


Well you already know I enjoyed your game and hope to more of the same ;)


And now we know what takes to get Babar into making more games. (laugh)
Looking forward to try it. And congrats on finishing it on time!
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


I just tried it, and aside for a walkable area in the ruins not quite lining up with the background it was a decent short game.

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