Last & Furious (MAGS Nov 2017 entry)

Started by Crimson Wizard, Fri 01/12/2017 17:38:56

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Crimson Wizard

Crimson Wizard and Jim Reed present:
(made for MAGS November 2017)

Last & Furious

Download links:

Project source licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 (except music, which has its own authors and licenses)


'Last & Furious' is a top-down racing game, featuring single track, two physics modes, wonky collision system and hastily set up opponent AI.

Controls: arrow keys.
Car behavior: can thrust forward, steer and brake (no backpedal, sorry).
Physics setup: when starting new race choose between "Safe" and "Wild" physics mode (they will give you two different experiences!). It is also possible to disable car-vs-car collisions (they still collide with the walls though).

Physics model in this game is actually configurable. If you feel adventurous, go to "Data" subdirectory. There you will find "race_safe.ini" and "race_wild.ini" files which contain parameters for related game modes.

Code: Crimson Wizard;
Art: Jim Reed (was also generating tech ideas);
Music: "Car Theft 101" by Eric Matyas (, "Welcome to the Show" by Kevin MacLeod (

Game DB page:


Congrats on the release!
It's great fun, you should be proud of it. (nod)

I did find a bug (or maybe it's a feature? (laugh))

Windowed mode: With physics and collisions on, I managed twice to get my car spinning out of control to the left! 8-0 Second time I even took my fingers out of the keyboard and the car just continued spinning as if I still pressed the up and left key. All that is missing is the smoke and sniping wheels animations! (laugh) In both cases I collided (1st with a another car, 2nd time with a wall). Bug occurred in opposite sides of the track (lower left corner and finish line corner).

EDIT: Forgot to say that if I click out side the game window and then return I regain control of the car and the keys start working like they should again.

Am I  the only to have stumble into this one?

Looking forward to the Deluxe version! (nod)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Not bad at all! :)

Great artwork and, while not perfect, very well made controls and physics! The AI works well too.

Had a go in safe mode and made 1st place and another one in wild mode where I made 2nd place. Doesn't seem to be too hard.

I'd love to see more tracks!


Already said I love this game and would love to see it being expanded.  Would be worth considering as a low cost commercial project I think?


Awesome game!
The feeling is good and Jim Reed nailed the 16-Bit Era graphics once again 8-)

My record time (2:16) for 3 laps on wild mode :
(Sorry for the bad quality - it looks better at a higher speed)



Almost flawless run, creamy.
You could probably shave a second or two off that if you took the shortcut to the left of the boulder on the dirt track.
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What a great way to show the possibility of the engine - you got my vote (even racing isn't my cup of tea (wtf) )
and thinking about the limit of time it is done - just "WOW!"


This is really fun :) Well done to both of you, I'm amazed you've managed to put this together in a month. I must say, the name really is something special :)

Alan v.Drake

Nice, kudos to you Crimson and Jim!  :-D

- Alan

Crimson Wizard

Thank you for kind words :).
My biggest concern was that game won't be fun enough to play, because we could not make good AI until the last part of the month, and I personally hated an idea to release the game without the "drifting physics" mode.

Original game's working title was "Crashcar", but then Jim wrote a list of titles, "Last & Furious" was in the end and I loved it, so chose that one :).


Addictive stuff. Incredible what can be pulled off in a month. What would be amazing would be a custom circuit builder.
But I'd settle for a few more tracks.

Also, as mentioned in the other thread, a multiplayer mode would be awesome, but I'd settle for some kind of web-based scoreboard where an encrypted code is generated based on your performance and you enter the code on a website which adds your time to a ranked scoreboard...

Or something.
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The opposite! This game is a whole lot of fun. The track design is awesome and drifting that cars makes so much fun! I am already addicted to it. What's not so funny, is creamy's ridiculousely fast run... I am not even near that lap times.. 47 secs for one lap is a rarity (roll)

??? ??? ???

But I am VERY excited for getting to play the deluxe version in the near future!


Wheeeeeee, this game is fun :-D
The smooth scrolling is awesome and the controls with normal physics are great to handle. I still have to get warm with the wild physics... the character portraits are a nice touch and the rest of the graphics are also fantastic. The rocks look so crunchy :)

I recorded my best times up to now in normal physics. Also I got stuck in the wall right at the start of the race and of the video :D


  Kudos to you guys for making a fun old school racing game with AGS!  Looking forward to Last & Furious updates, deluxe versions, etc...

Two Tales

Impressive. To make a game like this using AGS is beyond my level of knowledge and understanding of scripting. Even more so to pull it off in a month.


This is fun! I especially like it with the wild physics mode enabled and max opponents. Reminds me of playing Death Rally and 240 Racing as a kid, nice work. :smiley:


Neat! Nice to see this made under the AGS engine! Reminds me of Amiga racers like Super Cars. :)


This game has the best name ever, and was a very nice project all-around (nod)
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I think that given the time restraint (1 month) one can forgive almost any small issues....

Having said that, MAG virgin Crimson (and of course Mr Reed) have done a splendid job producing such a fine game that was Last and Furious without debut... Technical brilliance....

Now, if you two guys could make a snail race I may be in with a chance of winning (laugh)

Well done guys (nod)

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