Earthling Priorities

Started by Gnome, Thu 03/08/2017 10:59:27

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After more than three years spent in quasi-development our short, sci-fi, comedic adventure game Earthling Priorities has been launched!

Download the game here: -- it's freeware.

Earthling Priorities is a subtle mini-adventure game, partly homaging those good ol' times when Space Quest happened, and Big Brother was still considered a bad thing.

It is trying very hard to be pithy, but is mostly rather silly.

You'll point, click, solve at least one puzzle, and get to ponder the reality of your existence. Also, the importance of doors.

Developed with AGS by:

-Konstantinos Dimopoulos - Game Design & Writing

-Daniele Giardini - Graphics

-Jim Spanos - Coding

-Chris Christodoulou - Music



Congratulations on the release!  (It's was about time you made a game :grin:)


Thanks :) Hope you like it dear!

(BTW, not my first game mind you; my first adventure though!)


Congrats on the release!! (nod)
Hope to find time soon to play it.
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


This was fun! It had the same kind of trippy feel and nihilistic sarcasm as All pigs deserve to burn in hell.


Thank you all for the extremely kind words!

Happily Earthling Priorities has gotten some lovely press so far including mentions on PC Gamer and Warp Door :)


I enjoyed this game and made a longplay of it. I hope you enjoy it too! :D


Congratulations for the release!
It was a funny little game to play (nod)

The 'eat shit' poster reminded me on a saying we had back in the days:
"Eat shit - thousands of flies can't be wrong!" 
Is it related to this?


Didn't get to do a Let's Play in the end as I just couldn't get a quiet house for a few minutes (at least, that's how it felt!) - BUT what I have done is my shortest ever review, and yet it is somehow also the most complete review I've ever done.


Once again, thank you all for the kind words!

As for the "Eat Shit" bit, one can never know what happens inside the complex brain of a visual artist...


A nice little game. Lovely pixel art, sweet music and I certainly enjoy this sort of humor. But you should probably fix all that sprite shifting and maybe turn off the debug mode.


Thanks! Will try and get an updated version out as soon as possible :)

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