Penga & Obcster's Chirstmish Adventure - Updated 04/24/2018

Started by Benworks Creations, Fri 13/01/2017 00:25:43

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Benworks Creations

Hello everyone! All though the full release is just around the corner. I have uploaded the new "Official" demo with full voice acting!
There have been changes. The game resolution is now set to 320x240 it was just easier this way. The game is complete excluding all voice overs, soundfx, and music. I had my brother in-law stand in for the voice of Obcster in demo. I will be taking over in the full release.
My 5 year old son is doing the voice of Penga and has done an amazing job so far. There is a small clip of video his mother posted on the facebook page.
We know it's past Christmas now but the game is fun and it will be released when it's done. Thank you everyone for your support!

Benworks Creations

Benworks Creations

The rest of the dialog has been written and gathering everyone to do voice overs. Then last step is the putting in the rest of the soundfx and music!

Benworks Creations

Sorry to announce but today the usb drive which contained the game has stopped working.

Darth Mandarb

Sad to hear. Let me know (PM) if you get it sorted and we can reopen the thread!

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