September Tune Contest (now until September 30) - Spiders Doing Things

Started by Erenan, Fri 29/08/2014 17:37:26

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Another tune contest! This one is about spiders doing things.

You have to pick an action, and then write a piece of music inspired by or otherwise somehow about spiders performing  that action.

Here is a list of sample actions (though you can use any action, not just what is in this list):

Racing Go-Karts
Baking Pies
Fighting Robots
Writing Articles about Virtue Epistemology
Singing Opera while Solving a Sudoku (to pass the time since the spider is in prison)
Eating Flies

Basically, anything goes!

I want to point out, however, that you get bonus points for actions that spiders aren't known for doing. So if you write a piece about spiders eating flies, you'll probably lose, so you're better off picking something like "tattooing Ariana Grande's face on a giraffe's shoulder."

Also, if your tune somehow conveys that it is spiders performing the action as opposed to just any other creature (e.g. monkeys, humans, talking skulls, etc.), then all the better.

Declare what action you have picked, provide a link to your tune, and you're good to go!

Contest ends September 30! Enter on or before that day and you are IN!

Have fun!
The Bunker


Just wondering... Is this a bad theme? Is anyone interested in this?
The Bunker


Okay, a reminder to anyone who is working on something for this (just Diamond? :confused:), the deadline is in two days. Get those tunes in! Please?
The Bunker


Yikes! Sorry for the delay, moving house so my head is in a million and one places.

Here is my entry for the contest

Spiders Bungee Jumping



Thanks! I shall listen later on today or maybe tomorrow and try to determine whether or not you are the winner. :wink:
The Bunker



Aha! Since Diamond's entry was a little late, I will accept yours as well. We have a real contest now! :grin:

Officially, I'll extend the deadline to include today, so if anyone else gets an entry in today, I will accept it, but after today, no dice, sorry. :wink:
The Bunker


Two wonderful entries this month, but there can be only one winner. So after listening to both pieces several times, I have come to a decision. The winner this month is...


I really enjoyed the mental image of drunken spiders rocking out on guitars, but as much fun as that was, I felt that the playful harpsichord sound and the playful circus melody were especially good choices for depicting spiders performing bungee jumps, and so I declare Diamond16 the winner.

The Bunker

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