Winner: Background Blitz - Post Mortem - 21 August to 16 September

Started by Misj', Tue 21/08/2012 15:32:15

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Topic: Post Mortem
It may be argued that at some point in your life your are going to take your last breath and die...and then what?

Anything goes, be creative...But remember that this scene takes place after a character has died. If you like dreamy cloudy scenes and want to depict Saint Peter at the gate of heaven...perfect. Prefer three-headed dogs, go for Hades. But why stop there? - Rimmer from Red Dwarf, the zombies from Shaun of the dead, even Murphy from Robocop...they're all dead.

- AGS compatible.
- You must use at least 1 color (or go pure black-and-white (with shades of gray)).
- Must have at least 1 element that is/can be in front of the character.
- Image file-name must start with the letter B.

Voting starts September the 17th (standard Dutch time).

Ps. I might actually join this one myself...I know it's not customary.


If I have time, I'm in for this one. Are corpses OK too?


Quote from: Eric on Tue 21/08/2012 19:06:41If I have time, I'm in for this one. Are corpses OK too?
As long as they've been dead at some point in their lives :)

Daniel Thomas

So just to be clear on this, the rules are just a joke?
Check out The Journey of Iesir Demo | Freelance artist, check out my Portfolio


- AGS compatible.
- You must use at least 1 color (or go pure black-and-white (with shades of gray)).
- Must have at least 1 element that is/can be in front of the character.
- Image file-name must start with the letter B.

Quote from: Daniel Thomas on Wed 22/08/2012 10:04:08So just to be clear on this, the rules are just a joke?
AGS compatibility would be nice (although I won't disqualify you if you decide to make a Nintendo DS background). Everything else was...well, I kinda thought the requirement of the filename gave it away (although your welcome to obey that rule) ;)


Well, hell. I already planned mine according to the rules!

Daniel Thomas

So not everyone could die a brave and honorable death, which usually meant that they got a free ticket into Valhalla.
But there was a way for even the cowards. There is a back gate where you could have one last chance to get in. The test? According to the rune stone you would voluntarily put you head on the piece of wood, and depending on the mood of the The Gate keeper you could either walk in with or without your head.
Check out The Journey of Iesir Demo | Freelance artist, check out my Portfolio


Can't say anything but: Nice!
It's a joy to explore this image. :)

EDIT: and I see you actually followed the rules ;)


Daniel - Hmm... that could be a fake Game Over screen for JoI?!  (laugh)



Only a two days left to work on your entry (I know I am ;) ).
You wouldn't want Daniel to win by default now would you (I know I don't :D )?

If anyone needs an extension please tell me.


I unfortunately have no time to finish now that the semester has started and never got beyond a paper sketch. Plus, it's hard to get motivated knowing that Daniel's background would destroy mine in competition!


Due to the server transition a second entry to this Blitz has been lost.
I will wait until it's re-uploaded...and if anyone else still wants to have their entries included, there's still time :)



Nice entry Fed!

I'll start the voting tomorrow, since we lost some time due to the server.

In case no one but Daniel would enter, I created an image myself. But I guess I can now exclude it from the competition (which is a good thing because it's clearly the worst of the entries so far) :)

-- click image to enlarge --

Background Story: The lives of all living things are recorded by the Archevist. In the end, when anything dies, it lives on as a few lines in his scrolls.


I've extended this blitz a bit because of the server migration (actually, I started the voting several days ago for the first time, but we lost that post). But now the time has come to start voting...again...:)

(voting is open to anyone).

We have the usual categories:
Idea: Was it an original/creative interpretation of the theme?
Atmosphere: Was an interesting world created? - Did the scene evoke a feeling?
Design: How well the individual elements are designed, from clouds to doorknobs.
Composition: How well the elements are combined to create a pleasing whole, and lead the viewer to the points of interest.
Functionality: How well it would work as a game background, with clearly defined entries and walkable areas, as well as a good viewing angle (this also includes introductionary shots of an area as long as a player character can be present in the scene).
Technique: How well it's rendered (within the chosen style!), in no way meaning the more elaborate the better.

You may elaborate on your choices, but that's optional.
I won't vote unless we have a tie.

Scaled down versions of the entries:


Since I think this Blitz has taken long enough, I'll count the votes this Sunday (Dutch time).


Functionality: Misj'  :grin: while Daniel's work is ok as well, Misj' has a lot of options for and adventure game
Technique: Fed27, because it sort of reminds me of Josh Kirby's work, which I like

Everything else, I'd have to go with Daniel.
I don't want the world, I just want your half

Crimson Wizard

While I admire both artists' skills, I must be frank in telling that I vote for Daniel Thomas's background at every position. It has original concept (not of Valhalla on its own, but rather on how the entrance looks like), varied landscape and lots of eye-catchy details.


It's time to declare the winner...and it's Daniel!
I would have loved to have seen more entries and interpretations of the theme. But the two pieces we got are both excellent. And considering that this is Fed's maiden voyage in this Blitz, I expect a lot of great things in the future :)

Thank you both, and take it away Daniel!


it's been a week, and Daniel hasn't claimed his prize yet (I know he's busy).

To keep the Blitz moving I've created the following timeline :)

  • I'll give Daniel another day to come up with a new Blitz.
  • If he hasn't by Monday (Oct 1st), Fed27 can host the next Blitz.
  • If he hasn't by Thursday (Oct 4th), anyone who wants to can start a new blitz (and declare themselves the winner in this thread ;) ).
  • If that hasn't happened by Sunday (Oct 7th), I'll start a new one myself to keep the ball running.

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