[Open Source] AeroNuts v1.2 - now in español!

Started by abstauber, Thu 26/11/2009 08:26:41

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As every Friday, Elfie Mc Millen wants to visit her dad at the military base where he is working as a scientist on a covert mission.
Unfortunately, the Army is not the only one interested in Mc Millen's brain power. Baron Borisov, always mean and greeding for power, doesn't hesitate to get him under his thumb. So he and his henchmen hijacked Elfie's father and brought him to his secret sea fortress.
But Elfie sticks to her guns and tries to find her dad... with your help!


Abstauber: Graphics, Story, Scripting and most of the sound effects
DrewCCU: Music

50% classic low-res adventure
* tricky objectives
* classic LEC-style GUI and still no push'n pull puzzles

50% Retro Arcade
* Insane boss fights
* Cutscenes like it's 1995 again!

Special thanks
DrewCCU, for creating such a cool soundtrack in such a short amount of time.
Rocco, for writing AGS-Invaders and making the code public. Without your module I'd never made it in time.
Christina, for supporting me through the last weeks and all of your advices.
cireja - Spanish Translation


Source Code (AGS 3.3.3)

Have fun :D

(and post your highscore!)

* v1.01 - bugfixes and adjustable difficulty (slider in the options panel)
* v1.02 - fixed nasty Vista and Win7 bug and the easy mode got easier
* v1.1 New features:
- unlockable, extra tough "arcade-only" mode to make highscore hunting  fun.
- bombs
- alternative controls (wsad-keys)
- extra lives and shields
- pixel perfect collision detection for you bullet dodgers :)
- no more position reset
+ fixed all reported bugs

* v.1.2
- Spanish Translation available
- Updated the GUI

The game's also now proof read, thanks to Ben304!
(if you still find mistakes, I've been too careless to include Ben's edits)

Highscores Arcade Mode
Dr. White - 505200
Danman - 299200
Discordance - 259000

Highscores Story Mode
Danman - 157600
Crimson Wizard - 153600
Cuiki - 149800
Dr. White - 141050
Mordalles - 133900
SteveMcCrea  - 123900
Travis Anthony - 110850
Nissan123 - 110620
Ben304 - 100650
OneDollar  - 99500


Impressive! You've turned out into a scripting machine there!
Worked on Strangeland, Primordia, Hob's Barrow, The Cat Lady, Mage's Initiation, Until I Have You, Downfall, Hunie Pop, and every game in the Wadjet Eye Games catalogue (porting)


Haha, thanks. Although I felt more like a zombie, sitting in front of the screen almost every day ;)

By the way, I should have mentioned, that the arcade parts are not totally from scratch. I've used Rocco's AGS-Invaders as a base. Better I'll update the first post before he notices that I've forgotten him ;D


I think it's your first non-dosbox AGS game released! Congrats for that!
Worked on Strangeland, Primordia, Hob's Barrow, The Cat Lady, Mage's Initiation, Until I Have You, Downfall, Hunie Pop, and every game in the Wadjet Eye Games catalogue (porting)


Quote* classic LEC-style GUI and still no push'n pull puzzles
Double yay!

And the main character adds much to the game, I mean:
a girl who'd carry around a dead squirrel in a plastic bag or mix her mascara with water and be all happy and proud of herself... I love this gal  ;D


Okay, as the difficulty seems to be an issue for some of you, I've added a slider to the options, where you can set the arcade sequences to easy-peasy ;D
Of course, that will affect your highscore, but at least you can finish the game without cursing me :)

Triple yay for playing :) Have you already finished the game?

Yeah, it was about time to do something more recent :)


Quote* tricky objectives
, so still working on it :)


This looks and sounds cool, Abstauber. Gonna try it out within the next days and report back.


I've seen, you're making some 2D action yourself,  I can't wait for you opinion!

Stuck in the adventure part?
I hope you're still enjoy it, so I can make it up for disregarding your efforts on ShattenReyze :).
But I promise, I'll check it tomorrow :)

Btw. Highscores anyone ;D ?


Congratulations on that! I have yet to play it, though (I have only just flattered Stanley...), and I am trapped in a time vortex of considerable proportions right now...But you might have noticed already.

I, object.


Started to play it. Very very lovely. I really like the different face-expressions of the speech-views. 


QuoteStuck in the adventure part?
Yes. My inferior brain doesn't handle intellectually challenging experiences well. I still enjoy the game though :)

Crimson Wizard

What's the full name for Elfie, by the way?


Man, these graphics really give me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. Fantastic. It's how I wish I could draw.

The facial expressions are a great touch too.

I dig this very much.


Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Thu 26/11/2009 22:38:09
What's the full name for Elfie, by the way?

@Crimson Wizard
Elfie is her full name. I couldn't bring me to name her Elfriede or something similiar :)

That how I felt, when I played Bulbapucks entry :)

I think I've learned something from this MAGS: thinking in difficulty is wrong. I thought, you will all beat this game in about 10 minutes. But apparently, as a creator, I have missjudged its length and difficulty :) So I'm really glad, that it's a bit challenging.

You would love Phoenix Wright!

I hope I don't see any AeroNuts Speedfails on youtube ;D


Sorry for the double posting:

I've updated the game to v.1.0.2 due to a really ugly bug which actually crashes the game.
So if you have Vista or Win7 and used the installer, you won't be able to get past the first carrier. I didn't know that you don't have file creation permissions in Vista, so when AeroNuts tries to create the highscore file, it crashes.

Anyway, if you have Vista/Win7 and downloaded the installer before I wrote this post, you need to re-download the installer or simply get the highscore file here.
If you've downloaded the hiscore file, you need to place it in the game's folder.

Sorry for the trouble ;)

PS: I should really upgrade my XP someday :)


Slightly strange behavior: when you click on USE followed by the Nail File, you get: I can't use that. But when you click on the Nail File itself, you get the default Use Nail File with... The USE button seems to work ok for other objects.
Ultimate Game Solutions - Because there is a solution for everything


Great game, but I'm far too easliy annoyed to play action games without causing damage to my keyboard and other surroundings...so the second Baron fight has to wait until a calmer day  :)


Hard to believe this was made in a month!
Beautiful sprites and backgrounds, nice characterization.
The collision detection was a little unforgiving though. And I thought I couldn't use the nail file because of the previously mentioned "strange behaviour". Also, too many, commas. :=
High score about 94500.

Still waiting for Purity of the Surf II


I hoped I could silently fix it without you guys noticing it  :=  In 1.02 that bug has been fixed.
Intentionaly I've planned also add "simple" use interactions on inventory items. Something like "Use" nail file = filing nails and click on nail file = use file with. But I removed it again after realising, that it's too distracting. Well and on the file I forgot to remove it :)

Hehe, good thing the easy mode just got easier ;D

Punctation has been tought to me like this: Use less than you are used to and you're fine.
And of course I've been far too lazy to buy a grammar book and learn it propely ;D
As for the creation: after I had the story done, which was on Nov. 11th I've been working on it every day - to be honest, without the deadline extention, you would have misssed credits and soundeffects :D

And wow for the highscore :)
The collision detection is indeed just a plain box model and the player's sprite is quite big. So maybe in the next day I'll try to add pixel perfection and see how it impacts the performance.

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