JP and Cosmo :: Soon to be released ...

Started by Darth Mandarb, Tue 09/12/2003 23:14:12

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Yo Darth!
Your game is looking too freakin good!
I am totally diggin on the art style and the design of your cursors and custom GUI interface. WOW!

Darth Mandarb

AGA - the right click still scrolls through the cursors.  I was going to change it to pop up the GUI but then I realized (after testing) that I just don't like it that way.  Sometimes knowing I have to click 2 times to get back to walk is much faster than selecting it from a GUI.

James Kay - the GUI pops up at mouse.x=5 and none of the graphics (that you need) extend to that edge of the screen!  So it never gets in the way.  Which is one of the reasons I decided to do it!

Pirate - Thanks!  I'm anticipating Razors in the Night as well!!

I have (as usual) added a few more screens/graphics here and there.  This will extend the time until release but trust me ... they make it better!!

Still truckin'!


Darth Mandarb

Well ... it happened.

My hard drive took a crap on me and I lost everything!


Being the intelligent person that I am, I had it backed up!!!!

** breath a collective sigh of relief with me **

I won't be working on it for a few days as I'm going to be getting a new computer set up and getting everything working again.

Darth's Tip for the Day

I can't tell you how relieved I am that I have made a habbit of backin' stuff up.  I have CDs on CDs of backups.  Which I was starting to think was such a waste.  Guess who's happy now??



Quote from: Darth Mandarb on Sun 25/01/2004 20:23:41
Guess who's happy now??

I have absolutely no idea  :P

Good to hear you made a back-up. This is one of the games I'm looking out for.


Whoa Darth,

nice one with the backup's, maybe i should backup my work ... nah

lol l8rz

-a chicken


Man! You gotta love those backups! Close call! See what a few CD-RWs saved you...A lot of work...right?
I would be pretty bummed if you had lost everything  because I think your game is going to be something else.
Nice one

Darth Mandarb

The Story ...

You play as JP, an average everyday kind of guy.  Your best friend is Cosmo McGillicuddy.

You're just making your way through life when one day it's announced that an asteroid is headed towards Earth and the planet is doomed!!  Not knowing what to do you begin to panic!  That's when you remember Cosmo telling you once that he's got an old bomb shelter in his basement.  You try to call him but you can't reach him.  You decide to head over to his place to seek whatever protection his bomb-shelter might offer against an asteroid impact.

Upon arrival to his house you find him not there.  You must located the bomb shelter and find your way into it.

But once you do, you find something more suprising than the incoming asteroid!

What will happen?  What's the suprise?  Will the asteroid destroy the planet?  Where is Cosmo?

Find out in The Adventures of JP and Cosmo: A Friend Indeed.  Coming Soon!!

Screenshots ...

A. B.

C. D.
A - The garage : B - The Upstairs : C - The groundfloor : D - The basement

Features ...
- 15 rooms
- Custom GUIs

- Custom cursors

- Fully animated characters
- Over 200 sprites/objects
- Alternative (hidden) ending
- Time limited play
- Fully interactive environments
- Intuitive/Logical puzzles
- and more?

Characters ...
This is JP and Cosmo

More characters coming soon ...

Game Status ...
Plot/Story: 100%
Graphics/Animations: 95%
Puzzles: 45%
Game Mechanics: 95%
Music/Sound: 0%

I'm going to add some MIDI music and sound effects after all is said an done.  I want to get everything else done first before I start messing around with sounds.

Expected Completion Date?
The best answer I can give is 2004.  It'll be done when I get it done!


This is going to rock... SO HARD...

I can't wait to play the game Darth, it looks amazing.
I make music.


Looks sweet, cool art....

Keep it up man...


OOoh yes, awesome ! It's so... So cute hehe ;D These screenshots are full of details, I'm sure it will be a pleasure walking around in this house.

I'm really looking forward for this game (since I tried your gui eh ;) )



Do you mind if I cream my pants? ::)

This is definately one of the games I'm looking forward to, and I just can't wait to see it completed...

Darth Mandarb

Well ... the game is completed (I think!)  I decided to keep the older character I was using just because the blue shirted fellow was so deeply entrenched in the game (too many animations created and I didn't feel like starting over!)

I'm looking for some Beta Testers before I release it completely to the public.  I've played it through so many times I don't know what does and doesn't, might and might not be working!

Soooooo ....

If anybody is still interested in testing for me either PM me or respond to this message and I'll send you a link!

It looks like it's going to be about a 5MB download total.

* Ended up being about 20 rooms (about 16 playable rooms).
* Too many sprites to count
* Lots of animations
* Some cut scenes

Mr Mushrooms

I'd be more than happy to give your game the once-over, it's looking very promising so far but I'll tell you whether I think it's ready to be unleashed on the public! I can only receive files from a server or on MSN Messenger however, PM me and let me know how I can get my hands on it!

Mushrooms (1st post!)


Hey Darth!
I would be more than happy to give your game a test run.  
Just Pm me with the link!


I would love to beta for you man, and this time I actaully will do it.  I Promise ...


I'd love to Betatest this one, as I've been looking forward to playing it for quite a while!  ;) If you need any more betatesters, please send me a link!


hey darth,

im on half-term and need somthing to do. can i beta test pweeese  ;D




And while you're at it, you can put me on the beta tester list aswell. :P


WOW!!! This game look AMAZING!!!!!!

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