Beyond Reality - Newer, more AWESOME update on Main Page

Started by Meowster, Sun 06/07/2003 02:13:39

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Oh. I feel sort of guilty now.


If you still need a composer, I'll be happy to volunteer. And no boy band songs. Promise.

Seems like a promising project!
There are 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary and those who don't.


WOW! :o

Reminds me of Monkey Island. Which is GREAT! I can't wait until this is finished!!!


Quote from: Yufster on Sun 06/07/2003 23:29:48
So, depending or not on whether everything goes as planned...

I may need somebody to help me sew :D

EDIT: Hey, which reminds me, I have to proof test my puzzles. Would anybody volunteer to read over em and make sure they're not too hard?

I can help if you have any difficulties with scripting and i'll proof read the puzzles for you if you want.

You can either IM them to me or send them to my e-mail address thats in my profile if you want me to check them.

this game should be great. 8)


You email address is hidden and you don't provide an AIM SN ¬_¬

That's the sort of thing I[/i] say


I don't mind proof testing puzzles.

PS i think CJ has hidden all e-mails due to 1337 e-mailers.


Update :) BTW every time I update I'll be updating it on the main page as well, but you know, whatever, so you know when I update... and.... yeah.

I have finished all backgrounds for the "Cliffville" section, and I can tell you right now I hate rocks, I hate everything about them, I hate drawing them in Dpaint and I hate colouring them, and I hate, in fact, everything that surrounds a rock and the space between two rocks. However, I did, during the course of creating Cliffville scenery, get to draw several blades of grass. These blades of grass alone have stopped me from going quite insane. Their little green faces laughed and smiled, and their little voices tinkled in my head like celestial pee, "Don't listen to the evil rocks, they're just trying to scare you".

In other news, did you know that rocks can be various shades of blue and green? And some of them have little trickles of red running through them, like THIS:

I actually researched rocks for this game.

You see? Isn't that amazing? I've had plenty of time to study my little blue, red, green and grey friends over the course of a week. Before our unfortunate differences while colouring the Mountain Top background, we laughed and danced together all day, sharing our sweets and making daisy chains.

Now let me teach you a little something I learned about rocks this week.
We'll start with the above picture.

The red line shows a VEIN. A vein-type deposit is a fairly well defined zone of mineralization, usually inclined and discordant, which is typically narrow compared to its length and depth. Most vein deposits occur in fault or fissure openings or in shear zones within country rock. Of course, my little red friend occured on top of a mountain! How unusual. However, there is no countryside on the edge of a cliff. If there was, the cows would all fall off the edge! Ha ha! Now, let us continue:

A vein deposit is sometimes referred to as a (metalliferous) lode deposit. A great many valuable ore minerals, such as native gold or silver or metal sulphides, are deposited
along with gangue minerals, mainly quartz and/or calcite, in a vein structure.

Now for some news about the game: It's coming along just great.

Yufster Out.


Looks ace, looks like you've put a lot of time and effort into it. If you need music, hollar.

Dave Gilbert

Rats.  When I read your title I thought this was going to be a new "Reality on the Norm" game, but aside from that minor dissappointment the game looks great!  Interesting idea and sweet lookin' graphics.  Looking forward to this one.


I prolly will nee I'm such a moron sometimes, of course I'll need music  ::) My stupidity amazes myself... Uh??? Anyway... bearing in mind I don't know anybody terribly well (Only been here two weeks at most) can you send me samples? (The email is my profile is real, but I never check it as I use it to sign up for services and little more :) ) HOLY SH!T!!!!!! SERIOUSLY!? *has looked as S7E's page*

Dave, is your name a cross between Ron Gilbert and Dave Grossman, and is that a little pic of Dave Grossman in your sig, or is it all just one huge, weird coincedence? Of course it isn't.

What the HELL am I on!?


Excuse the double post
No, wait, don't.
You're a celebrity? ???
The Fatman Website isn't working.
Hm, I can't really think of anything to say
And you run mittens? I didn't know this. I just realized I'm merely a 17-year-old with extremely high hopes. Oh my god. I thought you were all like, 17 too. How old are you people!? I mean, you, I mean, what? I didn't realize there was this WHOLE OTHER THING Going on on here, with the Mittens, and the music, and the whole THING, it's like, oh my god, a real gaming community... with real games! Oh my god. I'm so unbelievably excited.

Dave Gilbert

Nope.  Dave Gilbert is my name.  No relation, although I have a 5 year old second cousin named Ron.

And by "thing" do you mean Reality on the Norm?  If you want to check it out be wary - there are about 40-50 games up there!  :)  But most of em are pretty short.  

And as for how old I am... I recently turned 27.  Most folks around here are younger.


Looks Great Yufster, Excellent art, and it seems to be planned a lot better than most.

Goodluck with it all.

And Dave it's good that there are a few of us 27 year olds around, makes me realise that as you get older you can still enjoy making and playing adventure games.

Dave Gilbert

Yes, we adventure game makers grow finer with age.  Like wine.  Or cheese.


You whippersnappers don't know you're born. I was making Adventure Games before they even INVENTED pointing and clicking. I used Quill on the Spectrum. Being 27 is so last year, anyway.

SSH (28)


Yufster, who the heck are you talking too? :P If you want samples, look at my s7e website. Oh, you did :P And ignore the prices. I still do some peoples soundtracks for free ;)

Oh and yes, of course we're a REAL gaming community! :P We're all good friends ^_^ Even if I did break Magintz' mums deckchair ._'



QuoteYou whippersnappers don't know you're born. I was making Adventure Games before they even INVENTED pointing and clicking. I used Quill on the Spectrum. Being 27 is so last year, anyway.

I used to make games on the Speccy ZX! Omg! I must have been five or six! So I don't understand why I don't  have a 'Programmers Spirit' deeply embedded in my soul. A 5 year old girl making Speccy Games! Okay well I actually copied the code out of magazines... pages and pages... I couldn't even read properly.... but I made Bomberman in Black and White!!! .... and then my mom touched the lead and it crashed :(

So ha! Ha ha ha! I'm 17 and I was writing (Or, copying out of magazines) codes before all of you! And when I was 8, I could make graphics on the Speccy! like, um, a ball. I couldn't make it move though. I could make other stuff too. It was some binary like code for graphics, right? Something like 1 = black and 0= white so 100110001 = Black pixel white pixel white picel black pixel etc.,...

Mods I was talking to you mostly :P I didn't realise this wasn't all an amateur gaming forum. If I had money, which I do, but not enough, I would do Mittens. Maybe when I'm in College :D

Dave Gilbert

Ha!  I got you all licked.  When I was eight, I programmed games in BASIC!  On an Apple IIE!   Wiigii!

I don't remember a damn thing, except that we had to give each line of code a number, and I think the commands "gosub" and "hres" were in there somewhere.  And who can forget that the "$" was the symbol for a string?

Ahh... geek memories...



I'm the youngest geek of all, and also I started youngest... five five five! (possibly going on six) and all I remember about Speccy was.... Oh BTW I could make text adventure games when I was 8 also.... Ummm something like IF a=2 THEN GOTO 5 etc.,etc.,... just lines and lines and lines of that....... Now stop turning my thread into spam... stop ENCOURAGING ME to spam my OWN thread!

By way of an update, I offer thee the following:

Jimi is the new plotproofer, puzzleproofer and proofraeder. Actually, he's not a Proofraeder, I just thought that was amusing. He is also doing the animations for Disk 22 along with Jenny Sward

Thanks to M0ds and ViagraVargrass Vargtass for offering to do music, I love both of you equally, M0ds moreso. ;D I kid you not. No seriously, I kid, kid. You not! Ha ha! Jesus CHRIST somebody spiked my coffee.

I'd rather release a demo before I ask any of you to do music because every musician tears off a little strip of his soul and bottles it inside every song he makes. I wouldn't want you two to run out of soul, especially with what little you have left of it. Releasing a demo would (1) give you a feel for the game and (2) make certain to myself that I'll have it finished. And by way of demo I mean SPECIAL demo, over three thirds of the game, dedicated to whoever is doing the music. Thanks for the offer, both of which I have taken a screenshot off and saved along with the date and time as proof, so that you can't back out. Now get in there and do some slave labour! Ah ha ha ha ha!

No seriously, seriously, I kid you.

EDIT: There is a moth on my screen and it is obstructing the word "left". Does that mean the sentence reads, "What little you have moth of it"?

Because that would just be silly.

Dave Gilbert

QuoteJesus CHRIST somebody spiked my coffee.
Methinks you've had too MUCH coffee.  :-)

Just joshing.  Your enthusiasm is very welcome.  Just don't burn yourself out.

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