It Takes Two to Tangle - A King's Quest Fangame

Started by Akril15, Mon 09/09/2024 17:00:49

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I'm having a lot of fun playing the Linux version ( and I may have found a bug.
When Cassima is a lizard chased by a bird of prey, nothing happens when I click on icons in the top menu. So I can't use the Hole-in-the-wall


Quote from: lanchong on Tue 22/10/2024 10:20:12I'm having a lot of fun playing the Linux version ( and I may have found a bug.
When Cassima is a lizard chased by a bird of prey, nothing happens when I click on icons in the top menu. So I can't use the Hole-in-the-wall

The only icon/cursor that should be available during that sequence is Walk. The other icons should be available after you finish it (you should get a message about the bird going away, then the scene should change).


Got it now, thanks!
I had to walk to the bottom left corner of the screen.

Quote from: Akril15 on Wed 23/10/2024 21:15:11
Quote from: lanchong on Tue 22/10/2024 10:20:12I'm having a lot of fun playing the Linux version ( and I may have found a bug.
When Cassima is a lizard chased by a bird of prey, nothing happens when I click on icons in the top menu. So I can't use the Hole-in-the-wall

The only icon/cursor that should be available during that sequence is Walk. The other icons should be available after you finish it (you should get a message about the bird going away, then the scene should change).


I wonder if I've hit a dead-end.
Edgar is trying to guess the wizard's name. But I'm missing a trinket to complete the circle.
I suspect I'll need to restore a saved game. Any idea in which part of the game the missing trinket would be?



Quote from: lanchong on Sat 09/11/2024 02:16:05I wonder if I've hit a dead-end.
Edgar is trying to guess the wizard's name. But I'm missing a trinket to complete the circle.
I suspect I'll need to restore a saved game. Any idea in which part of the game the missing trinket would be?

Wow, that's definitely not supposed to happen. You're supposed to have all the trinkets at that point. One of them must have disappeared at some point during that sequence. I'll try to replicate the problem. I couldn't get that piece to disappear no matter how I interacted with it or used it on something else. Do you recall what you might have done?


I don't know which trinket I'm missing. Do you remember in which scene we're supposed to find it?
I could restore a saved game but I need to know roughly when.


Quote from: lanchong on Sun 10/11/2024 02:00:42
I don't know which trinket I'm missing. Do you remember in which scene we're supposed to find it?
I could restore a saved game but I need to know roughly when.
You get it from the aardvark, and there's also some script at the start of Chapter 4 that automatically adds all the trinkets you're supposed to have at that point to your inventory, which makes me think that a bug in the puzzle closeup made it disappear.


Well, I complete trinket puzzle and no bug.

Is it possible missing one could be hidden behind one of them?

Quote from: Akril15 on Mon 11/11/2024 00:04:49
Quote from: lanchong on Sun 10/11/2024 02:00:42
I don't know which trinket I'm missing. Do you remember in which scene we're supposed to find it?
I could restore a saved game but I need to know roughly when.
You get it from the aardvark, and there's also some script at the start of Chapter 4 that automatically adds all the trinkets you're supposed to have at that point to your inventory, which makes me think that a bug in the puzzle closeup made it disappear.


Quote from: Akril15 on Mon 11/11/2024 00:04:49
Quote from: lanchong on Sun 10/11/2024 02:00:42
I don't know which trinket I'm missing. Do you remember in which scene we're supposed to find it?
I could restore a saved game but I need to know roughly when.
You get it from the aardvark, and there's also some script at the start of Chapter 4 that automatically adds all the trinkets you're supposed to have at that point to your inventory, which makes me think that a bug in the puzzle closeup made it disappear.

Problem fixed. I've found a saved game
where I had all the 12 trinkets
and then managed to finish the puzzle.
Splat44 might right. I now think that one of them became invisible at some stage during the puzzle but I was not able to reproduce the issue.


Quote from: splat44 on Tue 12/11/2024 00:04:54Well, I complete trinket puzzle and no bug.

Is it possible missing one could be hidden behind one of them?

No -- All the trinkets are displayed as one of two objects, all with their own unique assigned place on the screen, none of them overlapping.

QuoteSplat44 might right. I now think that one of them became invisible at some stage during the puzzle but I was not able to reproduce the issue.
I'm still not sure what's wrong here. I may have to post the code on the forms, since I'm unsure what exactly happened to make that trinket disappear.


I am re-replaying to reproduce that bug.

I just thought of a way to reproduce bug:
It's possible bug trigger when using left, and or right clicking while holding a trinket.

Trying one of Trinket on one already in placed, you probably will get a dialog already place and we use left or right clicking, it's possible that piece might disappear.

I came through same bug with box and colored triangles, when using one of them on box(left side) without placing inside slot, using left or right-clicking, that piece disappeared

Quote from: Akril15 on Tue 12/11/2024 06:29:39
Quote from: splat44 on Tue 12/11/2024 00:04:54Well, I complete trinket puzzle and no bug.

Is it possible missing one could be hidden behind one of them?

No -- All the trinkets are displayed as one of two objects, all with their own unique assigned place on the screen, none of them overlapping.

QuoteSplat44 might right. I now think that one of them became invisible at some stage during the puzzle but I was not able to reproduce the issue.
I'm still not sure what's wrong here. I may have to post the code on the forms, since I'm unsure what exactly happened to make that trinket disappear.


A streamer encountered a similar bug to what you described, and after attempting to fix it, I think I was successful.


I ended up finding couple interesting bugs (unless they are intentional like in old sierra games)

At the start of chapter two when Cassima first arrive Isle of the Sacred Mountain, if player "use" (hand icon) hole in rock, you automatically enter in lizard mode, and never get Hole-in-the-Wall.

Second one is after meeting with Edgar in Oasis. I never pick silver in island of wonders so i went back there but ones i return Oasis, this causes Cassima to pop in and out of existence   and eventually crashing the game.


Sorry for not responding sooner! Those bugs you described are indeed bugs. I'll fix them when I can.

EDIT: Could you describe exactly what happened with the second bug, please? I wasn't able to replicate the issue you described. What error message did you get?


Hi Sorry that it took me so long.

So in detail after meeting with edgag at Oasis, he leaves somewhere and cassima stay, i use her amulet to transfer myself back to Island of wonder and pick up silver that i never did originally. Sometimes game would crash if i stay on text box there for too long. If i then transfer myself back to Oasis, mouse dissapear and when i move, Cassima pops in and out (like constantly try's to teleport), and game will eventually crash if trying to talk to shopkeeper. I try to recreate it myself if i can. I do have video footage of popping but i think i deleted error message.

Edit: I manage to recreate it using my old save files. Together with the error message (Character.Animated: invalid loop number 83 for view 115 (range is 0...7).))



The bug that Stan101 mentioned should now be fixed.

However, I'm ashamed to report that a "fix" I implemented in version accidentally broke the game's cursor-cycling. :tongue: I'm currently uploading a version where this correction is corrected.


I'm trying out the games in the FYC thread, and now the turn had come to this one. I downloaded quite some time ago, started up the intro and then quit, thinking I really ought to check out the old KQ games a bit before having them spoiled. But alas, I've been busy.

So, full disclaimer: I've barely played King's Quest games, except for a bit of Dr. Slash's KQ IV: Perils of Rosella retold. I think this is important, because it will directly influence how to view this game. I've played a few hours into the story, but not finished it yet.

First of all, the visuals and the music create an excellent atmosphere. The animations are very high quality, and an obvious candidate for AGS awards. There are a lot of them, too! I felt a bit like playing a Disney cartoon at times. The interface looks very much like Sierra, with some additions. The game is easily controlled, but there are clear limits to what the player character can do. Most of my attempted actions result in some generic response.

Playing the game, it is quite linear, despite the option to "choose your path", which seems to simply be choosing the order of the chapters. The puzzles I've encountered so far, are logical and easy, with the possible exception of the "lock of the forest" puzzle, which requires a bit more work. Nothing of this bothers me.

What does bother me, is that I'm playing for quite some time and don't really feel my characters are making any progress - they're still pretty clueless. And I'm thinking to myself that the pacing seems off - why is this part of the story there? Then I realized that I am playing only the new story.

For the players who have experienced the former KQ games, they aren't playing a standalone story, but a small part in a really long one that's been on their minds for years. When they play, the characters enter a realm that is known to them, and those story bits seem to be there to tie up loose ends from the long series. What I perceive as a chapter with no progress, may be exactly the answer to something left hanging from an earlier game. The writing is quite verbose, and you get to know a lot about the npcs that may not be important for the story in this game, but is exactly what the long time fan wants.

I am clearly not the target audience for this game...yet, anyway. I will return to it and finish it later on. It is clearly excellently made, but it's a fan game in the double sense - by a fan, for other fans. I've enjoyed playing, too, but not as much as I bet KQ veterans have.

A bug report in spoiler tags:
As I said, I downloaded some time ago, so much of this may already be fixed.

In the very first room after the intro, I walked left instead of right. I was stuck without being able to move. I don't know if the other character blocked my way or if I somehow exited the walkable area.

In the small town with the boys in the alley - after having the exit downwards from the town square opened, I went there to the crossroad in the forest, then immediately went back to the town. I'm not sure if I also went back to the forest a second time or not, but then the screen turned all black and no interaction was possible.

Trying to use the knife on the guard boy in the alley crashed the game.

And I left the game to watch tv with my family, and returning an hour+ later, the game had crashed because it had run some hundred thousands of loops, the error message said. I was playing Edgar in the top of a tree, behind the robbers' tree hut when this occurred, in case that is significant.

Also, after using the wolf totem, the inventory cycling is a bit off. Instead of the rightmost finger, used for feeling items in my inventory, the mouse cursor looks like the wolf eye. It still works like the finger, though.

There was also a game crash with my interaction with the ghost child in the underworld, but unfortunately, I cannot remember exactly what I did.


Thank you for the feedback, heltenjon!

The majority of bugs you mentioned were fixed a few versions back (unfortunately, any saves you made in that version won't work with the latest  one).


If anyone's tried to download the Windows version recently, you may have gotten a warning from MediaFire about the zip being a "dangerous file". Apparently the game's winsetup file keeps getting flagged as dangerous no matter how many times I reupload it (my other MediaFire zips containing AGS games are perfectly fine, though), so I've uploaded the game to Google Drive in case this issue can't be fixed.

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