MAGS February “Make a Demo” (Result)

Started by Stupot, Wed 01/02/2023 09:21:14

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What is your favourite game of MAGS February?

Police Quest 4 SCI(ish) Demo by GOC Games
0 (0%)
Splendor Solis (demo) by tbook
7 (100%)

Total Members Voted: 7

Voting closed: Fri 17/03/2023 06:40:21


Theme: Make a Demo
Chosen by: Bulbapuck and ddavey1983

The Winner was Splendor Solis by tbook.

Police Quest 4 SCI(ish) Demo
by GOC Games
Splendor Solis (demo)
by tbook

For this month's MAGS competition we want you to make a small demo for a large-scale game that doesn't exist (at least not yet :) ). Been looking for an excuse to start up that great project in your mind? Or maybe you have a great idea for a small section you haven't found the game for? Now's your chance!

What is MAGS?
Started in 2001, MAGS is a competition for amateur adventure game makers. The idea is to create a game in under a month, following the guidelines set by the previous winner. It aims to help you work to a deadline, improve your skills, and provide a kick-start into making adventure games. Regardless of skill, MAGS is for everyone. Voting is based on "favourite" games, and not the most artistic, or the best coded. If you have bad art skills, use it as a chance to do some graphic work. If you're sub-standard at coding, use it as a chance to give scripting a go. Ultimately, people will vote for the most enjoyable entry.

Entering MAGS is simple. First, conceptualize your game following the month's criteria (see above). Second, create your game fuelled only by coffee. Finally, post your game in this thread, including:

* A working download link
* The title of your game
* A suitable in-game screenshot

At the end of the month, voting will begin, usually lasting for fourteen days, and the winner chooses the next month's theme.

Remember that this is a challenge to see what you can do in a month, so any tinkering you do after that, including fixing minor glitches, is against the spirit of the competition. The exception to this is that you may go in and fix major, game-breaking bugs only during voting. We want you to have a game that voters can actually play and that runs on their machines.

So to reiterate, during the voting period fixing major, game-breaking bugs is okay, fixing minor glitches or making cosmetic changes is cheating.

Here are some ways to make sure you have a game to submit at the end of the month:
* Make a tiny game. Plan small, then cut it in half. Find shortcuts (e.g. if making walkcycles is time-consuming, make the characters static or have it in the first person).
* Plan to have your game playable and submittable with a week to spare. This way you have a week to fix bugs, add some flourishes and maybe even get someone to test it.
* Plan to submit it a day or so early. This way, if there are any technical issues with uploading, they can be sorted out in time.

Need a little help with graphics? Perhaps The AGS Trove has something you can use.
Don't want to go it alone? Try the Recruitment board.
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Waddup, y'all? Anyone working on anything?
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


I should have something ready in the next couple of days.


BowsetteGamer released a game in february. MAGS is selected.

I don't know why the user didn't post it here.


Quote from: Volcan on Thu 23/02/2023 22:57:32BowsetteGamer released a game in february. MAGS is selected.

I don't know why the user didn't post it here.

I doubt @BowsetteGamer knew about the contest. However, her demo fits the rules this month, so why not? It's in Spanish, though.

I was considering making something small this time, but got an eye infection and haven't been doing much of anything, neither AGS nor IRL.


As well as not being posted in this thread (yet - there's still time), it seems as though Bowsette's demo was also started considerably before this topic was announced.

I'm inclined not to allow it this time but am open to change my mind if others think that is too harsh.
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


@heltenjon hope you get well soon, our eyes are super precious things. :(


I'm working on a demo for a game that was on my mind for about a year. I will try to get it done by Sunday  :)


Quote from: Stupot on Fri 24/02/2023 01:01:56As well as not being posted in this thread (yet - there's still time), it seems as though Bowsette's demo was also started considerably before this topic was announced.

I'm inclined not to allow it this time but am open to change my mind if others think that is too harsh.
Quote from: Stupot on Fri 24/02/2023 01:01:56As well as not being posted in this thread (yet - there's still time), it seems as though Bowsette's demo was also started considerably before this topic was announced.

I'm inclined not to allow it this time but am open to change my mind if others think that is too harsh.

MAGS case is selected. Was it for previous MAGS contests?


Quote from: Stupot on Fri 24/02/2023 01:01:56As well as not being posted in this thread (yet - there's still time), it seems as though Bowsette's demo was also started considerably before this topic was announced.

I'm inclined not to allow it this time but am open to change my mind if others think that is too harsh.

You are totally right, I posted without thinking. Sorry.

Quote from: eri0o on Fri 24/02/2023 01:33:26@heltenjon hope you get well soon, our eyes are super precious things. :(
Thanks! I'm on medication and getting better. Not really a hardcore gamer/coder right now, though.


Quote from: Stupot on Thu 23/02/2023 20:42:58Waddup, y'all? Anyone working on anything?

So I was working on something but I got too busy with irl stuff as it often goes  :cry:
This map isn't even finished and I haven't even started re-learning coding.

Alas it seemed a shame to not share what I managed so far, who knows? I might pick it up when my schedule clears up and release it as a short game one day.

I thought it would be fun to do a "demo" of a game that "released" in 1995 or something. It would have been about some fantasy knight who investigates a possible dragon that people have been hearing in some old ruins, only to discover a rebooting futuristic machine and a cryogenically frozen scientist thawing.

Not the most original but I love those kinda stories  :smiley:

Maybe one day it'll meet it's "1995 Christmas release" goal  :tongue:


Quote from: Stupot on Fri 24/02/2023 01:01:56As well as not being posted in this thread (yet - there's still time), it seems as though Bowsette's demo was also started considerably before this topic was announced.

I'm inclined not to allow it this time but am open to change my mind if others think that is too harsh.

I don't mind it being included if no one else does. Nice to have a few entries.


Quote from: heltenjon on Thu 23/02/2023 23:55:23
Quote from: Volcan on Thu 23/02/2023 22:57:32BowsetteGamer released a game in february. MAGS is selected.

I don't know why the user didn't post it here.

I doubt @BowsetteGamer knew about the contest. However, her demo fits the rules this month, so why not? It's in Spanish, though.

I was considering making something small this time, but got an eye infection and haven't been doing much of anything, neither AGS nor IRL.
Hello guys, how are you? Yes, I want to participate in the contest. I didn't know I had to post my contest entry in this thread. When I published my DEMO, I did it when the registration for the contest was open, I have been working on this project for 1 year. Personally, guys, if it's not too much trouble, can you explain to me what the rules and requirements of the contest are like? I saw a publication that said about its rules and that and well... I didn't understand much. But I want to participate in the contest

It would actually be the first time I entered an AGS contest
Maybe my game is not the best in the world, but I would like to present my game to see the opinion of the jury and the public


Welcome @BowsetteGamer.

MAGS is a monthly contest in which entrants can make a game based on a theme or topic for that month. This month the Topic was "make a demo".

The idea is that members wait for the announcement of the theme on the 1st of each month and then get to work making their game. While it is considered okay to use pre-existing assets, the project itself should be original and intended as a MAGS entry.

We're not super strict on all the rules but I do think if you've been working on it for a whole year, it can't qualify as an entry for the contest this time.

Please feel free to look out for a future theme. You're more than welcome to join in anytime.
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Quote from: Stupot on Sat 25/02/2023 05:18:56Welcome @BowsetteGamer.

MAGS is a monthly contest in which entrants can make a game based on a theme or topic for that month. This month the Topic was "make a demo".

The idea is that members wait for the announcement of the theme on the 1st of each month and then get to work making their game. While it is considered okay to use pre-existing assets, the project itself should be original and intended as a MAGS entry.

We're not super strict on all the rules but I do think if you've been working on it for a whole year, it can't qualify as an entry for the contest this time.

Please feel free to look out for a future theme. You're more than welcome to join in anytime.
Hi thanks. Well, my project is original, I have added things that differ from other games, regarding the Graphics, it can be said that 47% were pre-existing assets. The rest was designed by me, and even in the next update of the game I will add more of my own content, The story of my demo is Original, it is not linked to anything pre-existing. The scenery design is also original because I spend a lot of time placing the elements. This may sound silly but in fact, I have the drawing of the game map on a piece of paper in real life, it is a very different map from other RPG games, In order not to get lost in the design of scenarios and place cities and others, most of the buildings were my creation. what is not Original are the pre-existing assets and the music of the game
It also took me a long time to create the game, because I was designing a script that would not crash and be as faithful as possible to the combat system of an RPG game, obviously it has limitations but I have made a lot of progress on the code. Because imagine how frustrating it would be, if you test the game and find some bug. Even so, I put in the description of the game, "That any code error or bug that they notify me". But I can say that the game runs smoothly, since I have not received any errors in a scenario, enemy that does not die or character trapped in a room. And it should be noted that the programming code of the combat system is original and the most important thing is functional because it does not give errors.


Sorry, @BowsetteGamer, I didn't mean to suggest your game was not original. I can see that you've put a lot of your own time and creativity into the project, and it looks like a lot of fun. My main point was that a game that has been in development for a year cannot be entered into MAGS, because it is a contest about making a game in a month.
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


@vertigoaddict Love the art style of your map! I would definitely play such a demo.
They/them. Here are some of my games:


Police Quest IV SCI(ish)
The controversial Sierra classic reinterpreted by GOC Games.

A playable demo of Police Quest 4: Open Season re-made in the style of PQ2. Made in one month for the February 2023 MAGS competition.

Someone's on a killing spree and it's up to you to solve a string of seemingly random murders. Some clues may lead you to the killer. Some lead down blind alleys. You must find the killer before he strikes again. Play it by the book and you might just stay alive. Make a mistake and you could be the next victim.


Quote from: Stupot on Sat 25/02/2023 06:07:53Sorry, @BowsetteGamer, I didn't mean to suggest your game was not original. I can see that you've put a lot of your own time and creativity into the project, and it looks like a lot of fun. My main point was that a game that has been in development for a year cannot be entered into MAGS, because it is a contest about making a game in a month.
Oh. so the contest is to make a game in a month. I thought it was something like how you make the game and when the contest announcement comes out you register it and that's it you wait for the votes, ok thanks for the help


Damn, just got an idea... but only 1 day left. :/
Although I've made a game in 24 hours before, it won't do this time cause I have to go to work tomorrow, and have a headache today.

Maybe I'll use the "demo" idea into a future theme MAGS entry instead... it'll though still be a "demo". ;D
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