MAGS April "Globetrotting" (CLOSED)

Started by Stupot, Fri 01/04/2022 03:13:33

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Theme: Globetrotting
Chosen by: newwaveburritos
Deadline: April 30th

Could it be that we are coming out of the back-end of the pandemic. What better way to celebrate than to set off on a round the world adventure before the next wave of lockdowns. So pack your suitcases, grab your passport and explore the world, MAGS-style.

The beauty of this month's theme is that it's potentially a big and epic concept, but you're going to have to travel light, as you only have 30 days to make the game. The topic can be interpreted in any way, so ‘globetrotting’ could just be set in one location but a globetrotter comes to visit, for example. Also, there’s no rule saying the player character has to even leave their bed, let alone the country. So get creative.

What is MAGS?
Started in 2001, MAGS is a competition for amateur adventure game makers. The idea is to create a game in under a month, following the guidelines set by the previous winner. It aims to help you work to a deadline, improve your skills, and provide a kick-start into making adventure games. Regardless of skill, MAGS is for everyone. Voting is based on "favourite" games, and not the most artistic, or the best coded. If you have bad art skills, use it as a chance to do some graphic work. If you're sub-standard at coding, use it as a chance to give scripting a go. Ultimately, people will vote for the most enjoyable entry.

Entering MAGS is simple. First, conceptualize your game following the month's criteria (see above). Second, create your game fuelled only by coffee. Finally, post your game in this thread, including:

* A working download link
* The title of your game
* A suitable in-game screenshot

At the end of the month, voting will begin, usually lasting for fourteen days, and the winner chooses the next month's theme.

Remember that this is a challenge to see what you can do in a month, so any tinkering you do after that, including fixing minor glitches, is against the spirit of the competition. The exception to this is that you may go in and fix major, game-breaking bugs only during voting. We want you to have a game that voters can actually play and that runs on their machines.

So to reiterate, during the voting period fixing major, game-breaking bugs is okay, fixing minor glitches or making cosmetic changes is cheating.

Here are some ways to make sure you have a game to submit at the end of the month:
* Make a tiny game. Plan small, then cut it in half. Find shortcuts (e.g. if making walkcycles is time-consuming, make the characters static or have it in the first person).
* Plan to have your game playable and submittable with a week to spare. This way you have a week to fix bugs, add some flourishes and maybe even get someone to test it.
* Plan to submit it a day or so early. This way, if there are any technical issues with uploading, they can be sorted out in time.

Need a little help with graphics? Perhaps The AGS Trove has something you can use.
Don't want to go it alone? Try the Recruitment board.

Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


I hope everybody has fun with this one!  I (obviously) like it.


Great topic. I've been working on something for the past week. Should be ready for release in the next couple of days.


Quote from: ddavey1983 on Mon 11/04/2022 22:37:50
Great topic. I've been working on something for the past week. Should be ready for release in the next couple of days.
Great to hear, Davey. I look forward to seeing it.
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Quote from: ddavey1983 on Mon 11/04/2022 22:37:50
Great topic. I've been working on something for the past week. Should be ready for release in the next couple of days.
;-D Excited!


This theme reminds me of the video game series Carmen Sandiego.


I won't have the time to participate this month, but I have an idea for a two-room game if someone wants to take part but needs a starter. Feel free to PM me if you want it.


Quote from: ddavey1983 on Tue 12/04/2022 12:03:56
It's done!

This looks like a lot of fun. Thanks for entering.

Is anyone else working on anything? Davey’s game was made in just over a week, so it’s not too late to enter.
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Thanks for all the entries guys. Unfortunately there can only be one winner. It was a tough choice but….. (drumroll)….

Well done ddavey1983. Your game Unlicensed to Kill is the winner.

(It was the only entry but still looks like a lot of fun to play. Thanks for participating, mate.)

Now everyone, head on over to MAGS May where the there theme is Museums
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Thanks very much! I'm pleased even if I was the only entrant!


As it's no fun winning by default when it results in noone telling you what they thought of the game: This was a funny, very tongue-in-cheek parody of a Bond plot. I especially liked
the same henchman turning up everywhere and the small hints that Bond and the henchman had other stuff to do in the cities.
Nice work on the riddles, too. For this player, the European cities were easiest, while I'm not that up to speed on the rest of the world, apparently. Well, at least I got to see what happened if I got it wrong.  :-[  I didn't actually think that you would
make us visit all the cities on the map.
Big kudos for that!

So, could the game be improved in a later version out of the MAGS scopes? Adding more cities to choose from would make it harder (especially if they were close to the correct ones), and I guess one could also make the selection of the next city random in order to increase the replayability.

All in all: Good job! And congratulations on being a worthy winner!  (nod)


Congrats on the entry. It was fun to play even if it was the only entry. My only disappointment was :

That Toronto was the only city with no riddle!



Thanks heltenjohn! I'm really glad you enjoyed it.

And sorry about that was nothing personal, I just thought of the joke and had to pick somewhere! Looks really nice in the picture actually.


Quote from: ddavey1983 on Tue 03/05/2022 19:23:53

And sorry about that was nothing personal, I just thought of the joke and had to pick somewhere! Looks really nice in the picture actually.

Oh, I didn't take it personally :) There's definitely more to Toronto than that one skyline picture! Anyway, I had a good time playing and lots of laughs. Cheers

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