MAGS December “Create Your Own Christmas” (RESULT)

Started by Stupot, Sun 01/12/2019 00:26:43

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What was your favourite game of MAGS December?

Create your own game: Your dreamy Christmas by Slasher
1 (12.5%)
A Christmas Ghost by Racoon
1 (12.5%)
A Christmas Nightmare by Alan v.Drake
6 (75%)

Total Members Voted: 8

Voting closed: Mon 20/01/2020 04:03:28


The voting is over and the winner is: A Christmas Nightmare by Alan v.Drake . Well done Alan.

Topic: Create Your Own Christmas Adventure
Chosen by: Slasher

Create your own game: Your dreamy Christmas
by Slasher
A Christmas Ghost
by Racoon
A Christmas Nightmare
by Alan v.Drake

You must make a 'Create your own Christmas adventure' game. It  must have elements that will change the way your Christmas adventure plays out. Your adventure will differ depending on the choices/actions you make. You MUST have a minimum of 5 sets of choices/actions that will differ the game. You may use previous assets to create your game and you may have a text based or book style game as well as the usual adventure game style.

Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Quite a while ago since I was here last time.
Maybe I'll try it a second time, I'm feeling like making a christmas game.
When I think about "choose your own adventure", I can just think about those selectable answer type of games. Hmm...



I think it was VampireWombat who mentioned the topic idea some time ago..

Anyhow, If I can find enough time I'll enter..

Interesting topic (nod)


I don't think I was the one who actually brought up a choose your own adventure, but I was going to attempt it in October.

If I do make a game, I'm not going to let happened then happen...

It will be another attempt at a decent Massimo and Twitch game. But I need to come up with an idea of who/what the problem is. Santa being kidnapped is out since that's what I attempted last year. I also tried and failed with aliens. And sapient snowmen would be too similar to the pink slime from the last failed game... But there are 2 or 3 other possibilities.


VampireWombat.. It does not need to be complicated and maybe just something associated with Christmas...

I have an idea or two that could work..


Well, during the night I made a start with a zillion ideas and implemented seven story lines... But then that would have been far too much to complete in a month..

So I chose one story line and went with that one.... It's in the form of a book type that is also interactive...

   player.SayAt(26, 195,264,"It's Christmas morning and you have already opened your presents.");
   player.SayAt(26, 195,264,"You did not get what you wanted and they are cheap. You are very disappointed.");
   player.SayAt(26, 195,264,"You are really bored, so you decide to talk with your grandad.");
   player.SayAt(26, 195,264,"Grandad is sitting in his chair cracking his nuts. You love listening to his stories.");
   player.SayAt(26, 195,264,  "You ask your grandad to tell you one of his stories of adventure and excitement.");
   player.SayAt(26, 195,264,  "You grandad says he would love to tell you one of his stories.");
   cGrandad.SayAt(26, 185,264, "\"What story would you like to hear, Peter?\"");
   player.SayAt(26, 195,264,"You look around to see what exciting story you would like to hear about.");
   player.SayAt(26, 195,264,  "\"Tell me about that sword, grandad. I bet it has seen many adventures.\"");
   cGrandad.SayAt(26, 195,264,  "\"It sure has. It belonged to Sinbad the sailor: Prince of Persia.\"");
   cGrandad.SayAt(26, 195,264,  "\"Persia that year did not have a tree for Christmas. The King was sad.\"");
   cGrandad.SayAt(26, 195,264,  "\"So, the King asked Sinbad if he could help. Sinbad said he would be honored.\"");
   cGrandad.SayAt(26, 195,264,  "\"The King held a feast and gave Sinbad his fastest ship.\"");
   cGrandad.SayAt(26, 195,264,  "\"Sinbad began sailing the Seven Seas in search of the greenest Christmas tree.\"");
   player.SayAt(26, 195,264,  "Peter becomes really immersed in grandad's story of Sinbad.");


I'm willing to help with proofreading things, if anyone wants my assistance.



I've made an outlay plan for my entry...

Peter's dreamy Christmas

Peter becomes Sinbad the sailor... He is searching the Seven Seas for the greenest tree for Christmas after the King of Persia confesses that Persia does not have a tree for Christmas that year and the King is very sad, so he asks Sinbad for his help.

Looks as if there will be more rooms than anticipated: 40+.


  • Message in a bottle
  • Cannibals
  • Cooking pot
  • Sharks
  • Octopus
  • Raft
  • Skeleton warrior
  • Genie
  • And much, much more...........
How will you create your game play?

Game progress: 15%

Working super hard to get it done by the 23rd December..


40+ rooms? Wow.
Other than writing out some options for the beginning and brainstorming the general idea, I haven't done anything with my game yet. The last week has been very stressful for me. Hopefully once the stress dies down, I can work on it.


40 rooms is ambitious. The thing is, 5 choices sounds quite small but if you have a different result for each choice that's a minimum of 32 different paths. The best way to make that manageable in a month, I think, is to keep them dialogue- or item-based rather than room-based. Change things around in other meaningful ways rather than necessarily creating a whole new scene for each choice.

Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Quote from: Stupot on Thu 05/12/2019 20:58:18
if you have a different result for each choice that's a minimum of 32 different paths.

Perhaps it would be still within the rules to treat some of the choices as a 0-or-1 option and provide paths that are dependent on the sum of them. If the player has 0 for all the options, they'd make for a deplorable Christmas, having them all 1 would get the player a perfect Christmas, and having any three of them a middling Christmas -- no matter which particular three the player chooses "right".

After all, each option would still influence the end result, just not individually but as part of a "team".

That would make for only six different end results instead of 32 different end results.

Also, not every option needs to result in a different "room". For instance, some of the options might be the presents for the siblings, and the christmas party would only differ in the reaction of the respective sibling to the respective present -- all the other aspects would be the same.

Then all the options differentiate the end result, but you don't need 2^5 different rooms for that; you could basically handle all the siblings' reactions in the same christmas party room, one after the other.

So even with (at least) five different choices with (at least) two possibilities per choice, there are ways to whittle down the differentiation to an extent that makes the task manageable.



Dealing with options/actions may or may not affect the next room or indeed change the next destination room, some could be just side events...

But having to choose one pathway or another will change players' destination room....

All roads lead to Rome, as they say.. There are no roads to failure but they may lead to danger... it's about how your adventure plays out by your decisions/actions...

I probably have about 10 main options/actions and a few minor ones..

Whilst my game is mainly pure adventure as a type of interactive story book there are times when you need to think before deciding/acting...

As far as 40+ rooms go I don't think it is too ambitious if it's tackled right... I love a challenge and pushing myself.... He who dares.

Of course, I wish I was a great artist and scripter... but such is life ;)

Game progress 40%


During Peter's dreamy Christmas adventure Sinbad may face a deadly armed skeleton!

Game progress 50%


(Your name)'s dreamy Christmas

Do you remember as a kid how you used to fantasies and role play as an adventurer, like Sinbad the sailor: Prince of Persia?

Well, now you can go back to those days of dreamy times of swashbuckling, monsters and genies.

Become Sinbad again and become an adventurer and sail the Seven Seas.

This time Sinbad must search an island to find the greenest Christmas tree for the King of Persia.

Of course it is not all plain sailing.

You will need to make choices from options, interact with items... Multiple paths...

This game is in the form of an interactive story book.

There is only one cursor (arrow) and there is no conventional Inventory, though you always have your trusted Shamshir sword.

As I said, this is pure adventure and there are times where you will need to have a think, or just chance it ;)

Yes, you could once again become Sinbad, hero of the Seven Seas along with his crew: Pegleg Bill and Shorty Sam  (laugh)

How long can one dream for? ;)

34 Rooms so far...

Game Progress 70%


Has anybody else got something to show?

Come on, it's nearly Christmas ;)


Nope. And it's looking doubtful I will be able to make something. But we'll see how things go the rest of the week.


Hey Slasher,

I am also trying to get a game done. But since december is a very busy month, I worry a bit if I get it done in time.

Here is a first look:

It will be a very short visual novel (since I am not good with scripting yet), about a ghost and his adventures one christmas night.

I would say I'm about 20% done.

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