MAGS August “Huts or Hats” (RESULT)

Started by Stupot, Thu 01/08/2019 00:59:02

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What is your favourite game of MAGS September?

Mr Bear Teaches English
6 (60%)
Mystery Meat Mayhem
4 (40%)

Total Members Voted: 10

Voting closed: Tue 17/09/2019 01:27:55


Voting is now open. Please vote using the poll above.

Mr Bear Teaches English
by cat, Marcin K and CaptainD

Mystery Meat Mayhem
by VampireWombat

Title: Huts or Hats
Chosen by: Fernewelten.

This month, your game must feature at least 6 huts. Or at least 6 hats. Or a motley mixture of huts and hats; that's fine as long as there are at least 6 of them in all. The huts or hats needn't be all different and they needn't be all identical, but they can if you want them to be.

Don't take the words too literally: If some or all of the huts turn out to be doggy shacks or some of the hats to be oriental turbans, that's perfectly okay.

Happy game writing.
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Are u a tuna?


Yes it is. Damn.
Hopefully a kind moderator can move it to its correct location.
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play



Quote from: VampireWombat on Thu 01/08/2019 14:32:03
But what about Hutts?

If you mean the Australian river, that might be the ideal place to place fisherman's huts next to!  8-)
Or perhaps organize a rubber duck race, only with hats instead of ducks floating down the water.

A hatted fisherman before a fisherman's hut

Here's yet another Hutt I found in the Urban Dictionary. Don't know, perhaps have the “skanky, trashy girls” partying in huts and don cowboy hats as the newest fashion accessory?


Quote from: fernewelten on Thu 01/08/2019 18:28:01
If you mean the Australian rivers, that might be the ideal place to place fisherman's huts next to!  8-)
Or perhaps organize a rubber duck race, only with hats instead of ducks floating down the water.
No, I meant the large slug like aliens from Star Wars, like Jabba the Hutt. But I was mostly joking. The closest I'd come to anything like Hutts would be parody like in Spaceballs with Pizza The Hut.


Well, a hut is a hut, and that comprises Pizza Huts and Pizza The Huts. (Those specifically and exactly might raise trademark concerns, but never mind that.)

What about a hatted hut?


Here are some proverbs concerning huts
and here are some about hats.
And also there is, of course, the Texan idiom “all hat, no cattle” about braggards.


Huh, I've lived in Texas all but 1 year of my life and never heard that idiom. I wonder if that's an actual thing or if it's like when the movie Diary of the Dead tried to use the phrase "Don't Mess With Texas" to mean something other than a anti-littering slogan, similar to "Give a hoot, don't pollute."

Someone could make a "Where's Waldo/Wally" type game with randomization of where he's hidden and using hats and huts at different locations.


Hello, readers of “Completed Game Announcements”,

we're temporarily here due to an unfortunate mistake and awaiting our relocation, but since you're reading this anyway, why not join the fun?  ;-D
Come on, you've always wanted to do this, haven't you?

To quote the Contest Rules:
“Entering MAGS is simple. First, conceptualise your game following the month's criteria. Second, create your game fuelled only by coffee. Finally, post your game in this thread, including:

  • A working download link
  • The title of your game
  • A suitable in-game screenshot.”
Using prior artwork is allowed!

You've still got the whole month to attain your immortality as a game author!


Quote from: VampireWombat on Thu 01/08/2019 20:44:37
Huh, I've lived in Texas all but 1 year of my life and never heard that idiom.
You've never heard "all hat, no cattle"? I don't think it's specifically a Texan idiom. US politicians love it for some reason.
Is perchance this theme inspired by "Mein Hut, der hat drei Ecken"...?
Still waiting for Purity of the Surf II


Quote from: Kweepa on Thu 01/08/2019 22:33:43
Is perchance this theme inspired by "Mein Hut, der hat drei Ecken"...?

Feel free to make a game with 6 hats having a total of 18 corners, even though, you know, roundish hats might be easier to draw! ;)

Three important-looking pirates having hats with three corners (more or less) each.


Might be lumberjack's huts so the lumberjacks could wear lumberjack's hats, so that would take care of huts and hats at the same time.

“Oh Bevis! I thought you were so rugged!”


Quote from: imsomnia212 on Thu 01/08/2019 04:49:56
I think it's in the wrong board   (laugh)

Now it's in the right one! Welcome, readers of “Competitions & Activities”: Come in droves and join this month's game writing jam!


So, no one's actually interested in the theme this month?

I'll be starting work on my game tomorrow (have to finish my entry for July first). It looks like I'll be making a Massimo and Twitch game that starts in Media Res. If only had a clue who/what they're running from and why...


I have some spare time and an interesting idea for a game concept that I would like to explore.

I need help with writing/creative thinking and art.

For art, I need:

  • 6 different hats.
  • 6 characters, the characters can, but don't have to, be face only drawings.
  • A single background.

For writing, I need 6 short stories each having the length of 5-10 sentences .

  • I will code the game mechanic.

If you are interested, send me a private message and I will reply with full details of the concept. Don't want to publish spoilers for a non existing game yet  :-D


I was thinking about making an English learning game for my toddler. But I will need the help of an English native speaker (preferably British, think Peppa Pig) to record a few lines for it. It won't be a lot and I'd do all the post processing.


Aww, guess I can't help then. Sure, I don't have a "Texas accent", but most definitely not British. But if you ever need video/still images of a Hunchback puppet that looks like a cross between Igor from Young Frankenstein and the Toxic Crusader, let me know...
(I blame watching UHF last week for me thinking that Eyegore Hunchback would be a good children's learning host.)


Thanks for the offer, but I want kids to learn something, not scare them with hunchbacks  :-D


Are kids scared by the monsters and the Count from Sesame Street?
When I last had a booth at the local Con a couple of years ago, I took Eyegore with me on the second day and not a single kid seemed scared. The closest was being shy.

But back on topic... Yesterday I figured out what Massimo and Twitch will be hiding from, and hopefully it'll be an interesting surprise. Now to figure out an overall plot for the game...

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