MAGS March “Glass of Water” (RESULT)

Started by Stupot, Fri 01/03/2019 07:09:26

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What was your favourite game of MAGS March?

Hydrate by Retro Wolf
10 (83.3%)
Flukie by VampireWombat
0 (0%)
Suspicious Mind by Creamy and Kastchey
2 (16.7%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Voting closed: Wed 17/04/2019 04:15:34


The voting is over and we have a runaway winner:

Hydrate by Retro Wolf!

Well done, sir. You'll be contacted soon about coming up with a topic for May.

Thanks a lot to all participants and voters.

by Retro Wolf

by VampireWombat

Suspicious Mind
by Creamy and Kastchey

Topic: Glass of water
Suggested by: Cassiebsg and morganw

The theme for this month is "glass of water".
Specifically the game must display the text "glass of water" during a complete playthrough.
Use of any pre-existing assets is permitted.


  • the case of the text may be modified
    e.g. "GLASS OF WATER" or "Glass of water"

  • the text can be part of a longer phrase
    e.g. "I'd like a glass of water"

  • the game name must not reference a glass of water
    (this is to help ensure that game names are not duplicated and that the text displaying requirement is not met by the title screen)

Deadline March 31st


What is MAGS?

Started in 2001, MAGS is a competition for amateur adventure game makers. The idea is to create a game in under a month, following the rules set by the previous winner. It aims to help you work to a deadline, improve your skills, and provide a kick-start into making adventure games. Regardless of skill, MAGS is for everyone. Voting is based on "favourite" games, and not the most artistic, or the best coded. If you have bad art skills, use it as a chance to do some graphic work. If you're sub-standard at coding, use it as a chance to give scripting a go. Ultimately, people will vote for the most enjoyable entry.


Entering MAGS is simple. First, conceptualise your game following the month's criteria (see above). Second, create your game fuelled only by coffee. Finally, post your game in this thread, including:

* A working download link
* The title of your game
* A suitable in-game screenshot

At the end of the month, voting will begin, usually lasting for fourteen days and the winner chooses the next month's theme.
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play



Hmm. I have to wonder if using the alien that was going to be in last month's game and exploring a different area would be going against the spirit of MAGs. I'd still have the alien crash to Earth, but it would be exploring a house.



QuoteUse of any pre-existing assets is permitted.

;) :-D
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Alright, I think the ideas I've had in the last hour are enough to take things enough in a different direction to not need to fear upsetting the spirit. Subverting, parodying, and otherwise ruining scifi tropes is a go.


I love this place. You guys crack me up.  (laugh)


So, umm... Am I going to be competing against myself this month?
Someone could make a Maniac Mansion Mania game where weird Ed's latest hobby is ventriloquism and you offer him a glass of water, for example.
Or a game somewhat influenced by Jurassic Park and vibrations from some creature cause ripples in a glass of water.
Perhaps your character is stranded in a desert and hallucinates a glass of water.
Maybe characters are forming a band and one of the people rubs their finger over a glass of water.
Have a game that you want to make, but have no idea how to use a glass of water? Use a glass of water as a MacGuffin or red herring item.

Perhaps this might inspire someone?




Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Quote from: Stupot on Fri 08/03/2019 23:24:30
Quote from: Slasher on Fri 08/03/2019 19:51:45
You never know  (laugh)

Oh, hello. Is there something we should know, Slasher?
I have not decided... So who knows?  (laugh)


So... Still no one else officially participating?

I've been struggling a bit with mine, so it looks like it's going to go in a very different direction than was originally planned. The beginning is going to be more or less the same, but the core game will be quite different.


Quote from: VampireWombat on Wed 13/03/2019 11:47:39
So... Still no one else officially participating?
Wait, what? Slasher isn't making a MAGS entry?!  8-0
Slasher, are you alright?


Well, if i get a couple of free days   (laugh)


I'm wondering why the lack of interest this month. Is the theme not inspiring? Is everyone on vacation or something? Is everyone burnt out on making MAGs games?
I can understand the feeling burnt out option, since that's how I'm feeling. Especially with no one officially making a game and Slasher only being a maybe. There's a certain energy seeing other people posting progress on their games.

I see 4 possible ways for me to continue with my game. I could just make it more or less how I planned at the beginning of the month. I could convert it into a Maniac Mansion Mania game. I could use the newer ideas I've had the last week or so make it a longer and possibly more fun game. Or I could just put in the least effort possible. Each option has its own merits.


Quote from: VampireWombat on Sat 16/03/2019 14:19:28
I'm wondering why the lack of interest this month. Is the theme not inspiring? Is everyone on vacation or something? Is everyone burnt out on making MAGs games?
I can understand the feeling burnt out option, since that's how I'm feeling. Especially with no one officially making a game and Slasher only being a maybe. There's a certain energy seeing other people posting progress on their games.

I see 4 possible ways for me to continue with my game. I could just make it more or less how I planned at the beginning of the month. I could convert it into a Maniac Mansion Mania game. I could use the newer ideas I've had the last week or so make it a longer and possibly more fun game. Or I could just put in the least effort possible. Each option has its own merits.

I think the theme is fine. I had a slight case of burnout from entering MAGS two months in a row. How far along is your game?


It matters not if you are the only horse in the race....

It's happened to me a couple of times   (nod)

Burnt out is a loss of inspirations.....I'm far from that... (laugh)


Quote from: Durq on Sat 16/03/2019 14:33:32
I think the theme is fine. I had a slight case of burnout from entering MAGS two months in a row. How far along is your game?
Yeah. And working on 3 last month didn't do me any favors.
I have the 2 space scenes and the alien design. If I do the longer game, then I have the background for one area maybe 1/8th done. And I have base code for minigames if I go with the longer game.

Quote from: Slasher on Sat 16/03/2019 17:43:56

Burnt out is a loss of inspirations.....I'm far from that... (laugh)
I don't quite agree. Burnout can also be from expending too much creative energy, loss of motivation, or loss of purpose.


The theme is fun and I'd love to join but I won't have enough time to put a game together this month.

Though if someone's thinking of submitting a short entry and could use a little help with sprites and backgrounds to meet the deadline, let me know.


VW, put up a start, then an end... then fill in the middle as time allows.
If you can fill little "meat" in, we get a shorter game. If you can fill half of your planned, then we get a medium game. And if you manage to get everything in, we get a complete game. But in any of these scenarios we get a game!  ;)

I would hate for it to end in nothing again.  :(
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Actually, I've thought of some ideas this afternoon and think I've come up with another option. A game set mostly in a single room and mostly dialog driven. It would have at least 2 possible endings depending on dialog options chosen.

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