MAGS July “Shocking” (RESULT)

Started by Stupot, Sun 01/07/2018 00:02:16

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What is your favourite game of MAGS July?

Stories of the unexpected: 'Until further notice'
1 (5.6%)
The Lightning Spell
4 (22.2%)
Welcome to Nod River
2 (11.1%)
The Shaft
10 (55.6%)
Pizza Calls
1 (5.6%)

Total Members Voted: 18

Voting closed: Thu 16/08/2018 00:10:17


The voting is over!

Well done to The Shaft by Kastchey, the person with the most difficult to remember consonant cluster in their name.

You will be contacted soon about choosing a topic for September :-)

Thanks everyone who participated.

Stories of the unexpected: 'Until further notice' by Slasher
The Lightning Spell by Buckethead
The Shaft by Kastchey
Pizza Calls by VampireWombat

Topic: Shocking
Deadline: July 31st

Topic suggested by fernewelten.

Make a game in which energy or electricity must play an important role. (Might mean power stations, might be in Paris, France (town of the light) or Vegas, USA, might mean cops with tasers chasing thugs, might be a quest for energy in a distopian world...)

Pre-made assets are allowed.

Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Hmmmmmm... Gives me an idea for a version of the game "Iraira Bou", except designed by someone like Jigsaw: If you touch the sides you die from a massive electric shock!!!



I have a little number in mind...All I have to do is develop it (laugh)

Stories of the Unexpected
  'Until further notice'


I'm almost disappointed. When I saw your name listed as the last post, I half expected you to say you already had your game finished.

I can say I have no ideas in mind at all yet. The theme did make me think of Arcanum a bit.
Hopefully something will trigger an actual idea for me sometime this week.

Edit: While trying and failing to take a nap, something in a video I had on in the background triggered an idea. It's not in any way an original idea, but it is at least an idea.
An underground world that's running low on supplies, especially energy. The player character(s) will of course be finding a solution. No idea on anything more specific, but it's at least a starting point.


Quote from: VampireWombat on Sun 01/07/2018 12:59:07

Edit: While trying and failing to take a nap, something in a video I had on in the background triggered an idea. It's not in any way an original idea, but it is at least an idea.
An underground world that's running low on supplies, especially energy. The player character(s) will of course be finding a solution. No idea on anything more specific, but it's at least a starting point.
You saw an idea after seeing something that triggered that idea... Now, that's my style of thinking (laugh)

Sorry to disappoint you VampireWombat :-[. However, I am working on the 5th Room ;)


Ideas being triggered by something is usually how my best ideas come. Intentionally trying to think of something rarely works out well.

And it's alright. I was just joking. I wouldn't expect even you to have something finished within 13 hours of the theme being announced.
But 5 rooms is impressive. I'll probably have to watch a movie or anime series to even have an idea to start my first room.


Slasher, you're shocking fast! (laugh)


(Hey, are you still working on Ghost Man?)



TheFrighther: Ghost Man is on the back burner for another day (nod)


My story-line:

player.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "Thought I'd find you in here!");
player.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "What's the meaning of this, George?!");
player.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "\"Dear Mr Filkins,...\"");
player.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "Since when have I been MR FILKINS to you?");
player.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "\"...unless you settle your account by the 28th of October I will be taking action.\"");
player.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "\"I shall be compelled to...\"");
player.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "Need I go on?");
player.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "I'v been a good customer of yours for twenty years! I'v known you for thirty!");
player.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "I'm just going through a rough. economic time! It's the recession!");
cPonsonby.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "We are all feeling the pinch, Bert.");
cPonsonby.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "I'm sorry.");
cPonsonby.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "You are three months behind on your loan repayments to Ponsonby Metals.");
player.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "What's a bill like this to a firm like yours?");
cPonsonby.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "I'v just returned from the bank trying to negotiate a new loan.");
cPonsonby.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "They turned me down. I never got what I wanted.");
cPonsonby.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "Bert...");
cPonsonby.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "...haven't even told this to my wife.");
cPonsonby.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "Ponsonby Metals is on the verge of bankruptcy.");
cPonsonby.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "When I came out of the bank I was thinking, if I had a gun.");
player.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "If you had a gun?...");
cPonsonby.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "Silly really. But I would have been tempted to hold up the bank.");
cPonsonby.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "A plan formed in my mind.");
player.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "Have you got a gun?");
cPonsonby.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "Me, a gun?");
cPonsonby.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "Why would I have a gun?");
player.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "I have some guns. I used to collect them.");
cPonsonby.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "You'r not being serious, are you?");
player.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "With what's going on, I'v nothing to lose.");
player.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "It was your idea.");
cPonsonby.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "But Bert, I can't do prison. I'm a justice of the peace.");
player.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "You'r about to go bankrupt...");
player.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "...and I still know about robbery.");
cPonsonby.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "You mean from your criminal days?");
player.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "Precisely.");
cPonsonby.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "But you'r straight now, Bert.");
player.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "Drastic times call for drastic measures!");
player.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "I still have some tools from the old days.");
cPonsonby.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "I don't know, Bert.");
player.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "Fine. You go bankrupt then.");
cPonsonby.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "OK, OK.");
cPonsonby.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "There is an empty, decrepit house right next door to the Provisional City Bank.");
player.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "We can tunnel into the bank from there.");
cPonsonby.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "The wife's away visiting her mother.");
cPonsonby.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "We'll have to do it late. The less people around the better.");
cPonsonby.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "Meet me outside the old empty house next to the bank at twelve o'clock tonight.");
cPonsonby.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "I'm sure you can get us inside.");
player.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "I'll go and get my tools.");
player.SayAt(90, 64, 900, "I'll see you at midnight.");


Ohhhh SLasher... That storyline sounds awesome. If I turned on the TV and a movie was opening with that premise, I would watch it for sure!


Quote from: Mandle on Tue 03/07/2018 11:08:10
Ohhhh SLasher... That storyline sounds awesome. If I turned on the TV and a movie was opening with that premise, I would watch it for sure!
Just for you ;)


The story makes me think of the Heist episode of The White Rabbit Project.
Or Short Circuit 2. Maybe even a bit of Robot & Frank.
Now I want to see a movie or game with a group of men in their 70s befriending a robot and spending the weekend drilling into the basement of a bank.


Just one thing Slasher:

"I'v" should be "I've" and "You'r" should be "You're". Apart from those I didn't see other typos.




I'm off this week having been hoodwinked into going on holiday with my brother and dad, so you can all rest in peace to get on with your entries (laugh)


Have fun on your vacation.

I haven't even figured out the setting or species of characters yet. All I have is some vague ideas. I'm hoping to read or watch something soon to trigger better ideas.

Edit: After a couple of hours looking on Pinterest, I have at least figured out the setting. So I can at least work on backgrounds some.


Quote from: VampireWombat on Sun 08/07/2018 13:23:17
After a couple of hours looking on Pinterest, I have at least figured out the setting.

I know every creative person has a different way of getting inspiration but, for me, searching for it in such a deliberate way has never worked.

I would start with something I'm already interested in and see where my imagination takes me from there to attempt to make it into something playable and hopefully fun.

And most of all: I always try to make a game that I think I will have fun playing, which is why I mostly don't make adventure games. I want to play my own games and adventure games don't lend themselves to that option much: by the time you're finished making one you're probably so fed up with looking at it that you never want to see it again... (laugh)


It varies for me. And the thing about Pinterest is that spending more than 30 minutes usually means having strayed from what originally was looked up.

Usually my best ideas come to me when I'm trying to get to sleep. But often they wouldn't have come if I hadn't been actively searching beforehand.

For me it's a combination of what I'd like to play and trying to tell a story that I want to tell. Or at least that's my goal.
Of course it might not be something I'd want to play for a year or two after making it...


Quote from: VampireWombat on Mon 09/07/2018 15:16:00
Usually my best ideas come to me when I'm trying to get to sleep. But often they wouldn't have come if I hadn't been actively searching beforehand.

Ahhh, that makes a lot of sense actually! I often think about my games when sleep eludes me and inspiration strikes often at such times as well.

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