MAGS February "As Time Goes By" (RESULT)

Started by Stupot, Wed 01/02/2017 01:19:37

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What is your favourite game of MAGS February?

The Adventure of the Hero by Danvzare
4 (30.8%)
Memories Fade by Riaise
9 (69.2%)

Total Members Voted: 13

Voting closed: Wed 15/03/2017 00:06:43


Thank you for the lovely comments, Mandle! I understand why you chose The Adventure of the Hero, it is much more lighthearted than my game and the gameplay fits much better with the theme. (nod)

I did waver a bit myself partway through making Memories Fade, as I wondered if it was right to use a subject that is so emotional for so many people. I didn't want to trivialise the issue, or offend anyone by making it into a game. I'm glad I stuck with it, though. I've only had good comments so far, so it seems to have worked out as I hoped it would.


Quote from: Riaise on Sat 04/03/2017 20:36:36
I did waver a bit myself partway through making Memories Fade, as I wondered if it was right to use a subject that is so emotional for so many people. I didn't want to trivialise the issue, or offend anyone by making it into a game. I'm glad I stuck with it, though. I've only had good comments so far, so it seems to have worked out as I hoped it would.

You handled the subject with honesty and compassion. I loved it how you didn't shy away from showing the exasperation of the son from time to time. Like I said, I've been in his shoes, and it's hard sometimes to not feel some blame towards the afflicted parent. I guess it's just natural to feel that your parents will always be there to take care of you, so when that's gone we can feel cheated at times.


Finished playing both, great games you two managed to pull here! (nod)

The Adventure of the Hero by Danvzare

What a great fun! loved the puzzles, and realizing how to get that "last" items was awesome! Well done! (nod)
And the voice acting helps a lot. Had some great solving this and "Wooshing" around! (laugh)

Memories Fade by Riaise

Very well done, good puzzles great story telling. All the puzzles made sense (almost, as some cables weren't doing anything ;) ). Really lovely way to tell the story. BTW, my parents have such a vacuum too. (laugh)

I voted for "the Hero" has it was heaps fun to play, but then again Memories wasn't meant as a funny entry, and in that it has succeed brilliantly. 
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Quote from: Riaise on Sat 04/03/2017 20:36:36
I'm glad I stuck with it, though. I've only had good comments so far, so it seems to have worked out as I hoped it would.
I'm glad you stuck with it too. You handled this sensitive concept with a brilliant finesse. (nod)


Thank you, everyone, it  means a lot. :-*

I've just fixed a bug in one of the puzzles and altered the puzzle itself slightly so that it works a bit better. Can I upload the fix now, or should I wait until voting is over?


Quote from: Riaise on Wed 08/03/2017 15:51:58
Thank you, everyone, it  means a lot. :-*

I've just fixed a bug in one of the puzzles and altered the puzzle itself slightly so that it works a bit better. Can I upload the fix now, or should I wait until voting is over?
I usually say that fixing a game-breaking bug shortly after the deadline is okay (in order to make one's entry somewhat playable). But minor tweaks and alterations should wait until after the voting.
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


OK, I'll wait until after voting is closed, then. :)


The Adventure of the Hero by Danvzare
Charming and very whimsical. I had a great time with this game and it was much longer than I expected. Most of the puzzles are common sense and most of the outcomes are very silly. Good use of alternate endings! This was a blast to play.

Memories Fade
I actually quite liked the various puzzles in this. They seemed like a conscious decision to move away from simple item combining (which was good). I even liked the wire untangling puzzle. I thought it was a great way to communicate that sort of problem in the context of a puzzle. This story had a good amount of depth and emotional resonance. Fred's gruff attitude made it very believable. Parts of the photo fading in, and the photo being used as a central anchor for the story were very nice touches! A fantastic game with a great ending!

I voted for Memories Fade. Great job, both entrants!


They were both very nice and fun games, but it was hard to decide between two such different games,
whereas The Adventure of the Hero by Danvzare was a fun fantasy adventure with hilarious voice acting,
Memories Fade by Riaise was a poignant and emotional story about a man's relationship with his father.

Both had good stories and well balanced puzzles, but I voted for Memories Fade since it was just so heartwarming.
Still, I got a few chuckles out of The Adventure of the Hero as well.


Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Thanks so much, Gurok and Blondbraid! :D


Voting has finished and the winner is:

'Memories Fade' by Riaise

Well done Riaise. You will be contacted soon about choosing a topic for April.
Thanks to all the participants and voters.
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play



Congratulations Riaise, you deserve it! :-D
You made an incredible game.


Two of the best MAGS entries I have even seen:

One a ton of fun, the other deep and bittersweet.

Congratz to Riaise, but both are winners in my book.

Thanks guys for making my chosen theme a great round with only the highest of quality!


Congratulations, Riaise. Well done...looking forward to your choice for the next competition.


There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Thank you so much everyone! :-D Very well done to Danvzare, your game was fantastic and I think the competition was probably a lot closer than the poll makes it look.

I'll have a think and see what theme I can come up with for next month. ;-D

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