MAGS January - "Transformation" (RESULTS)

Started by Stupot, Sun 01/01/2017 01:23:06

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What is the best game of MAGS JANUARY?

'Hyde and Seek' by Slasher
2 (10.5%)
'Black Morph' by Selmiak, Emont and Creamy
15 (78.9%)
'Shunday' by Mandle
2 (10.5%)

Total Members Voted: 19

Voting closed: Thu 16/02/2017 01:10:08


Quote from: Stupot+ on Mon 13/02/2017 03:52:51
I must say we got a few more votes than normal this month.

I would say that's the bottom line then. If the system appeals to more people, as I guess it would, being more modern and all, then it's a better system.

I think the problem before was that really only MAGS vets knew to click the link in the specific post by the MAGS host to get to the link to the PM, and even then there was no structure to follow unless they had read how to vote.

People like to just click on boxes and have it all automated. Nothing wrong with that of course. And if it gets more voters then go for it I say.


Quote from: Creamy on Sat 11/02/2017 11:44:46
@ Blondbraid : I'll be glad to come back to Stalingrad - so to speak - no matter if we play sniper, spotter or a commissar.
When this MAGS competition is over, there'll be an update of Black Morph to fix the problems that have been reported. I'll probably stop working on the game afterwards because Selmiak wants a complete overhaul of the game that I disagree with.
Happy that you liked my concept!
Also, Black Morph had some great ideas, it wold be fun to see them expanded upon in the future.

I also think that the poll in this competition felt fast and easy to use, I like it.


I agree about the poll, I prefer it to PM'ing. (nod)


There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Voting has finished and the winner is:

'Black Morph' by Selmiak, Emont and Creamy

Well done team Black Morph. You will be contacted soon about choosing a topic for March.
Thanks to all the participants and voters.

19 voters this month. That's a much better turn out than usual. So, I think we'll keep usibg the poll for a while and see how it goes.

One more thing. If you get a chance and haven't already done so, please take a moment to rate and comment this monthscentries in the game database. Thanks muchly.
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Well done Selmiak, Emont, Creamy...

Nice game and graphic/effects (nod)


Congrats for Black Morph: A game with a huge potential!


Congratulations Selmiak, Emont and Creamy.
You made a wonderful game. :-D


Congrats! It really was a great game and I hope you continue it into a full-lengther...



Congratulations to Selmiak, Emont and Creamy! :-D

Using the poll seems to work better, too. Especially as everyone can see the result once the poll has been closed. (nod)


Oh... congrats on the win! :) Great game.

Uhm... think I sometimes have a dirty mind... :-[ (laugh)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Quote from: Cassiebsg on Thu 16/02/2017 21:58:42
Uhm... think I sometimes have a dirty mind... :-[ (laugh)

Referring to the shape of the poll I'm assuming? (laugh)


Okay you bunch of preschoolers lol. I like the poll(not pole) as well.

It reminds me of how voting used to be with the site that had all the previous mags entries listed and you simply clicked to select a winner for the current month. Can someone tell me when and why that ended? I'm curious as I have spurts of absence from the AGS website, but definitely noticed that change upon return.
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!


@Riaise - To be fair I pretty much always post the results pretty shortly after the deadline closes.

@Twirlly - We stopped using the MAGS site because of an incident that highlighted the fact that non-forum members could vote and I wanted to keep it members only. Using the forum poll kind of bridges that gap; I still can't see who is voting (which would be ideal, personslly) but at least they have to be signed up members.
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!


Quote from: Stupot+ on Fri 17/02/2017 02:13:34
@Riaise - To be fair I pretty much always post the results pretty shortly after the deadline closes.

Oh, I didn't mean it in that sense, you do a great job with running the MAGS. :) I wasn't sure if the poll would show the result after it was closed, or if it would still be hidden and you would post it as usual. I just meant that it was nice to be able to see the result visually (Cassie and Mandle are clearly enjoying it :P). Sorry about that, I should have worded it better.


*Step in late*
Yay! Thanks to our voters  :-D
As blackudder would put it, we'll try to come up with a cunning theme that's cunning.

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