MAGS February "As Time Goes By" (RESULT)

Started by Stupot, Wed 01/02/2017 01:19:37

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What is your favourite game of MAGS February?

The Adventure of the Hero by Danvzare
4 (30.8%)
Memories Fade by Riaise
9 (69.2%)

Total Members Voted: 13

Voting closed: Wed 15/03/2017 00:06:43


Voting has finished and the winner is:

'Memories Fade' by Riaise

Well done Riaise. You will be contacted soon about choosing a topic for April.
Thanks to all the participants and voters.

The Adventure of the Hero by Danvzare
Memories Fade by Riaise

Click on the game title to download.


Please see the poll at the top of this thread.

* try all the games before you vote
* vote only once
* vote for your favourite
* don't forget to leave a comment and rating on the AGS games database

Voting Ends: March 14th


Topic: As Time Goes By
This month's guidelines were set by Mandle

The only rule is that the games must feature the same location in at least two distinct time periods.

This theme lends itself to a time-travel story, but it doesn't have to be: The character(s) could be completely different people in each era, or it could be a reincarnation story, or the main character could be an immortal, or...

Well, anyway, lets just see what you good folk come up with...

Ending:  February 28th


What is MAGS?

Started in 2001, MAGS is a competition for amateur adventure game makers. The idea is to create a game in under a month, following the rules set by the previous winner. It aims to help you work to a deadline, improve your skills, and provide a kick-start into making adventure games. Regardless of skill, MAGS is for everyone. Voting is based on "favorite" games, and not the most artistic, or the best coded. If you have bad art skills, use it as a chance to do some graphic work. If you're sub-standard at coding, use it as a chance to give scripting a go. Ultimately, people will vote for the most enjoyable entry.


• You may work in a team to produce an entry.
• You are not allowed to use any material created before the competition. Your game must be completely new! An exception is music and sound; you can use any audio that is freely available to the public.
• Any modules and templates featured in this board are also allowed.

Entering MAGS is simple. First, conceptualise your game following the month's criteria (see top). Second, create your game fueled only by coffee. Finally, post your game in this thread, including:

âÅ"“ A working download link
âÅ"“ The title of your game
âÅ"“ A suitable in-game screenshot

At the end of the month, voting will begin, usually lasting for fifteen days. The winner chooses the next month's theme, and their name and game is immortalised in the MAGS Archive. For more information, please visit the Official MAGS website.

Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Mandle must be a mindreader, this is a theme I was considering for last months MAGs! :-D



This reminds me I once made a MAGS game for a completely different theme that would fit this theme perfectly. Also it has pink socks! ;-D


Quote from: Riaise on Thu 02/02/2017 19:02:44
Mandle must be a mindreader, this is a theme I was considering for last months MAGs! :-D

I suspect you didn't read my recent entry for the Fortnightly Writing Contest...

It's a bit weird sometimes being a time-traveller as sometimes things are slightly out of whack... Something to do with fuzzy physics at the quantum level I expect...

In the timeline I remembered you did choose that theme for last month's MAGS...I stole it from you as I remembered it producing one of the most amazing games ever made!

So yeah.... YOINK!!!

Oh and:

Trump dies in May.


Great theme! Remembers me to Day of the Tentacle.  :-D
I'm excited what games will achieve out of this theme. Although it's very interesting, I'm sorry to say that I probably won't have the time to participate.


Quote from: Cmdr on Fri 03/02/2017 14:41:10
Great theme! Remembers me to Day of the Tentacle.  :-D

Oh shit! You jogged my memory...

Riaise did use a montage of the three different time period "cherry" trees from DOTT for the theme image for his last month theme that never happened in this timeline...

That MAGS produced one of the greatest games ever made IMO...

I can't say of course if that theme image influenced the author to create said game...

But it's possible so, maybe if Riaise recreated that montage and posted it we could get back on track to someone coming up with the inspiration for that amazing game...


Quote from: Mandle on Fri 03/02/2017 15:03:35Riaise did use a montage of the three different time period "cherry" trees from DOTT for the theme image for his last month theme that never happened in this timeline...

That MAGS produced one of the greatest games ever made IMO...

I can't say of course if that theme image influenced the author to create said game...

But it's possible so, maybe if Riaise recreated that montage and posted it we could get back on track to someone coming up with the inspiration for that amazing game...

Nope. Even I did create the cherry tree montage, your time-travel interference has caused it to be lost...FOREVER. 8-0 So you'll have to make do without it. :P

It's also interesting to find out that I'm male in this other timeline. I wonder how that happened? (laugh)



Or is it Time AFTER Time (as Cyndi Lauper puts it)?


Quote from: Riaise on Fri 03/02/2017 16:16:12
It's also interesting to find out that I'm male in this other timeline. I wonder how that happened? (laugh)

Ah... now, that would have less to do with time travel and more to do with me just not checking people's profiles very carefully...

My apologies. :-[


Quote from: Mandle on Fri 03/02/2017 22:12:10
Ah... now, that would have less to do with time travel and more to do with me just not checking people's profiles very carefully...
If it makes you feel any better, I've made the exact same mistake with just about everyone on this forum. (laugh)


This is awesome!

I've got a question though, can the location be fictional. Or must it be found on the world map?
Reaction is always funny.


Quote from: Valent Jaineshon on Sat 04/02/2017 14:20:39
This is awesome!

I've got a question though, can the location be fictional. Or must it be found on the world map?

There are no limitations on what or where the location is.


Quote from: Mandle on Fri 03/02/2017 22:12:10Ah... now, that would have less to do with time travel and more to do with me just not checking people's profiles very carefully...

My apologies. :-[

Oh, don't worry about it, it's fine. :-D


Quote from: Mandle on Sat 04/02/2017 14:57:20

There are no limitations on what or where the location is.

ah,ok. I've got an idea brewing, just need to set aside a perfect time for working on it.
Reaction is always funny.


The character being immortal, as a possibility?  I can so feel a Highlander vibe there!

In the end, there can be only one!



The only rule is that the games must feature the same location in at least two distinct time periods.

Go Highlander all you want, but remember... there can only be one. (laugh)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Great theme, Mandle! I like that this is the third MAGS theme dealing with changes in the last while and no less in a time where time-travel seems like the only way to fix things... :~(


Quote from: Funkpanzer on Mon 06/02/2017 19:21:13
Great theme, Mandle! I like that this is the third MAGS theme dealing with changes in the last while and no less in a time where time-travel seems like the only way to fix things... :~(

For some reason, I feel a Sonic CD vibe with that.  Heh, something with "Past", "Present", "Bad Future", and "Good Future".

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