Sprite Jam: Modern Monster Manual [Winners Announced!]

Started by CaesarCub, Sun 31/07/2016 17:25:43

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1st: 9, Misj's Pan Faunus
2nd: 4, Trample Pie's Centaur Jockey
3rd: 3, Blondbraid's Pollution victim Mermaid


1st: 9, Pan Faunus
2nd: 4, Centaur jockey
3rd: 10, Fin Xarfax

It was hard choosing only three entries though!

Amayirot Akago

Quote from: CaptainDMy suspicion is that an accident, probably caused by a lightning storm and a mad professor, resulted in Amayirot's brain becoming inextricably linked to the databases behind MobyGames and LemonAmiga.




Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


yay, I gots a vote! Come on people! VOTE FOR DOC! (like DOmesticated Cerberus, y'know) It's number 5! :-D


Eight, Five, and Four. In whichever order seems appropriate...because if I have to think about that as well, all numbers might very well change. I'm actually pretty sure they'll change when I rethink my votes. There are some very nice entries this Jam.


2, 3 and 4. Tough choices though.

A Commuter Feeder wouldn't be too out of place in an Earthbound/Mother game :)

Crimson Wizard

Oh noes, how could I miss this comp.... :(
I had an orcish punk bar picture drawn many years ago, I could probably recreate it, but now it's too late. Oh well, other time maybe.

E: Since I posted here anyway, I will vote :).

1. (3) Pollution Victim Mermaid
2. (8) Siren Rock Band Member
3. (10) Fix Xarfax, Hydra Accountant


And the winners are announced!


1st Place
Centaur Jockey
Trample Pie
2nd Place
Pan Faunus, Male Model
3rd Place - shared
Pollution Victim Mermaid
3rd Place - shared
Siren Rock Band Member

But fear not! All other participants do get a prize!

The Gelatinous Cube Janitor!

Leaves school hallways clean and sparkling, and you only have to pay him in students!


Congrats to the winners! Well deserved.

And luckily, green is my favorite color :P


Congratulations Trample Pie, Misj', Blondbraid, and Gameboy.
You all made such wonderful pictures.

And congratz (and thanks) to all who participated. The artwork in this thread is all gorgeous!

Trample Pie

Wow thanks everyone! There were so many great entries :)

I'll get started on the next comp trophies now. Though there's a heck of a high bar to reach CeasarCubs!



Woo!  Congrats to the winners!

And hey, at least I get something for trying.  Um, how does a trophy appear in a signature?

[Edit] Nevermind, I think I got it.


Congratulations to the winners! And thank you to CaesarCub for the participation trophy! ;-D


Quote from: Riaise on Wed 31/08/2016 14:40:42
Congratulations to the winners! And thank you to CaesarCub for the participation trophy! ;-D
Second that! Also:

Yeah! Shared third place!!! :-D


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