Fortnightly Writing Comp - LOST IN TRANSLATION (Results)

Started by Baron, Tue 31/03/2015 03:35:22

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Lost in Translation

Why must all the native English writers benefit from an inherent advantage in our little writing comp?  This time around I challenge you to write a short story in another language, and then translate it into English using a tool like Google Translate.  If you are a monoglot of the English persuasion, you will have to write your story in English and then translate it into another language -or perhaps several - and then back into English.  You may edit the text after the fact to either correct glaring errors or (preferably ;)) to enhance them: the whole point is that each text should read at least a little awkwardly so that the playing field is levelled.

Here's an example:
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

-Abraham Lincoln, 1863

...and the same, translated from English to Maori, then Swahili, then Mongolian, then finally back into English (with a bit of help):

QuoteFour goals and seven years ago our fathers birthed out of this continent a new family, and brought them the freedom of the same culture.

Well, ok, nobody's going to write something that complex, but it could be fun.  You don't really need to go through the whole translation rigmarole if you can write something that appears to have been computer translated.  Consider that an additional challenge. ;)

Any subject goes, but as computer translation (especially unedited) makes for some hard-slog reading I'm going to ask all contributors to limit their original text to an arbitrary 623 words.  That's a bit short, so if you want to write a fragment of a story (maybe from an incomplete hieroglyphic ruin or something), then that's cool too. If you really need more direction as per theme, write something about Hobos on the lam.  :=

Deadline is Tuesday April 14.  I will start voting on the 15th so nobody feels short-changed of time.  Since the prose might be a bit choppy and nonsensical the voting categories will give added weight to ideas and characterization.  Some possible voting categories include:

Best Character (so good that it shines through)
Best Editing (nobody wants to slog through something completely unreadable (roll) -keep it entertaining! ;) )
Most Unholy Analogy Gone Awry (some things don't translate well -ham it up if you notice this!)
Best Plot Despite Weird Discrepancies (does the gem of your story shine through?)
Best Moral (which piece communicates a real, genuine and important lesson despite a bit of garbling and roughness around the edges?)

Good luck, and have fun!


Hehe great idea. I can use this to practice writing in sketchy Japanese and then Google Translate it back into even sketchier English :-)
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Hehe! Reminds me of part of my wedding speech that I did in Chinese directed to my new in-laws. I followed up with the literal English translation, which from my vague memory went something like: thank-you for cultivating like this excellent daughter. She will much bring come happy. :-D


How about carney talk?  There is no online translator's about carney interspersed with English so it's somewhat comprehensible to the rubes and marks on here?


Is it cans be write as if poorly transmutilated, be my ghost! ;)


Seems like this Comp's theme was invented for linguistically-challenged folks like me! I've started to write something (in English, but I may also do an alternative Polish take, just for laughts), will probably post it in a day or two.



  I'll have an entry for youse mugs and molls either tomorrow or Friday.  The story will alternate 1920s English with Carny.

  A big list of Carny terms:


In this early 1900s recording, talker/barker P.F. Barnaby alternates between his crowd on a university horn and his freaks on the stage in hushed tones spoken in Carny during his Carnival's “ten-in-one” tent show.

Barnaby:  “Attaboy!  Step right up around the electric lights mugs and molls!  Allow me to enlighten you on each of my assembled freaks, and the intrigued gawkers amongst you can simply follow them or their gazoonie helper from the midway to their tent for a private show!  Heebie-jeebies guaranteed!”
Barnaby->All Freaks:  “Da townies are big marks bringing big blowoffs...No sharpies in da lot.  Imma blow my pipes working dis grind fellas.  After each bally, drag ‘em strong to the blowoffs for da score.”

Barnaby:  “I stumbled across this little oddity during one of my many Globetrots…Anyone who follows my helper there can take a gander at what probably is A REAL Mutant Space Alien Baby!”
Barnaby->Jar-Baby Helper:  “Two bits when youse ding on the pickled punk close-up peep…Chill da lookie-lous quick.”

Barnaby:  “The Man Impervious to Electrocution!  You there palooka - youse need thrills and chills - follow Sparky to see him absorb electricity with a smile!”
Barnaby->Sparky:  “Youse hold out and go south on me again, and I pay higher cut-in to have no-gaffed electrics coming from da genny next time.”

Barnaby:  “Follow the Magical, Mystical Fortune Teller to his tent and let his one-and-only FUTURE MACHINE tell you what your future holds! “
Barnaby->Mystic:  “Two bits per mind man racket…Watch da g-wheel machine ikey heyman axle and da cradle, da boat of ‘em can be faulty.  Bat away on da fortunes.”

Barnaby:  “The Bearded Dwarf Lady - sir now don't be a louse…that term isn't nice, the polite word is “dwarves” - gives you TWO freaks for the price of one!  Follow Madam Hersute to her floptent and feast your peepers on her private show! ”
Barnaby->Hersute:  “Ixnay rangy or key girl stuff…Kiddies wit do-gooder townie parents not need notch joint right now, dey need Sunday-School show.”

Barnaby:  “Cringe in terror as Stabby The Human Pincushion jabs himself with hundreds of needles!  Follow Stabby to be amazed!”
Barnaby->Stabby:  “Deese marks are lugens…Take it easy wit da blockhead act and don break outta da big skewers.”

Barnaby:  Is our Wild Man From Borneo a primal missing-link?  Folks, you have my personal guarantee that this isn't a shaved chimp like over at my competitors!  Curious spectators should follow his handlers!”
Barnaby->Handlers:  “Watch da gaff makeup, play da marks on Wildman's pitch cards, and get those gazoonie shills and professors to help sell da marks…Dey scared then marks scared.”

Barnaby:  “Watch as the World's Strongest Muscleman tosses around heavy kettlebells like they are playtoys!  Follow Big Zed to his tent for the show!”
Barnaby->Zed:  “Don let da marks touch da gaff weights dis time…Dat would educate ‘em and make heat.“

Barnaby:  “The World's Oldest Man here is a whopping 78 years old!  Join for a casual stroll to his tent - he will get there eventually - and hear edge-of-your-seat yarns from the olden times!  He's a real wisenheimer that one!”
Barnaby->Oldster:  “Only two stories pops…Gotta chill da marks quick for dragging to other tent shows.”

Barnaby:  “All 276 pounds of the World's Fattest Man is here!  You won't lose Fatty McGloin in the crowd when you follow him to his tent!”
Barnaby->Fatty:  “No concessions…Youse really World's Most Flatulent.”

Barnaby:  “Go with my Flaming Sword Swallower to witness a performance that would kill an average man!  And who knows…accidents happen!”
Barnaby->Swallower:  “Careful blade glomming, don't go out horizontal or da man come and its curtains for da midway…no fix be enough and do-gooders stop da show.”

Barnaby->Barnaby:  “Dis grinder racket gonna make me da heat merchant...Dey gonna burn da lot.”


Using google translate for poetry works about as well as one would expect. (No, that's not true, it actually worked better than I thought.) Of course, it lost all rhyme and rhythm.

The Spy

It was sitting in a prison cell,
a young man with long hair;
his gaze tortured, his eyes are fixed,
directed to only one location.

So he sat for weeks
and always asked a question:
What brought him into this situation?
One wrong word, an incorrect sound?

Does he have a word mispronounced?
Or something incorrectly named?
Why did not he run away?
But he has smelled the trap!

They came to him that night
and broke him his every bone
and let the skin boil in oil.
What has it brought them good?

He mentioned no companions,
has said nothing to them.
He only complained all the time
of honor and good values.

This only spurred their anger
and multiplied his torture.
"You will pay for what you did!"
They asked him Where and When.

He could not answer,
because he was not guilty.
The eyes of fever now clear
the young man lost his life.

You can read german? Here's the original:
Der Spion

Es saàŸ, in einer Kerkerzelle,
ein junger Mann mit langem Haar;
sein Blick gequält, die Augen starr,
gerichtet auf nur eine Stelle.

So saàŸ er nun schon wochenlang
und stellte immer eine Frage:
Was brachte ihn in diese Lage?
Ein falsches Wort, ein falscher Klang?

Hat er ein Wort falsch ausgesprochen?
Oder etwas falsch benannt?
Warum ist er nicht weggerannt?
Er hat die Falle doch gerochen!

Man kam zu ihm in dieser Nacht
und brach ihm jeden seiner Knochen
und lieàŸ die Haut in Öl verkochen.
Was hat es ihnen wohl gebracht?

Er nannte keinen Weggefährten,
hat ihnen nichts gesagt.
Er hat nur immerzu geklagt
von Ehre und von guten Werten.

Das trieb nur ihre Wut voran
und mehrte seine Folterqualen.
„Du wirst für deine Tat bezahlen!“
Sie fragten ihn nach Wo und Wann.

Er konnte keine Antwort geben,
da er nicht schuldig war.
Die Augen nun von Fieber klar,
verlor der junge Mann sein Leben.


One more day!  Let's try to get a few more entries in folks. ;-D


Drat, I almost forgot! Blame the MAGS fever! I didn't meet the required quota of words but, well, they say less is more, right? ;) Originally I started to write in English, but it was taking me ages, and I just didn't have that much time to do it properly, so I went the safest route and wrote it all over again in Polish. It's a Jack London style short, a tense scene between daughter and father, both Native American Indians. Actually I'm quite surprised, I expected the translator to do much worse than that. However, there are few gems shining through this piece of googlish transmutation. Enjoy! :=

Polish ---> English:


Stormy Cloud threw an oar into the water, raising the fountain drops and startling coastal fish. Canoe rocked; waved his arms violently to regain balance and hard settled on the bottom, between jute sacks of eatables and leather wineskins with water. She sighed with relief and swore in the pale face.

Standing on the edge of Bald Bear laughed conciliatory, but Feeling eyes on him storm clouds, mastered quickly. The river also calmed face.*

- Why do not you make peace with each other and spirits, Stormy cloudlike? You heard healer. In front of you may one moon, no more.

- I prefer one moon away from the village full of hyenas and coyotes than to live with them for the rest of your life!

- Coyotes wrath will soon get tired, bored hyena laughter** - he replied, shaking his head slightly as if to himself needed a confirmation of their own words. - You'll see.

- Can you give me an oar, Father?

Bald bear's jaw. He stood there, on the shore, without the slightest movement; his face was like the head of a totem, which he carved when the stormy cloud was still a child. Only his eyes were alive. And, as always, so now also Stormy cloud could not withstand the paternal gaze. But even now seemed more angry than worried leaving daughter. It seemed that he belonged to the coyotes.

She jumped awkwardly out of the boat and landed splash in the water reaches to the waist. Suddenly she felt a kick in the middle***.

And you, against me, my child, she worried. But everywhere you will be better than here.

Bald Bear turned his back to her. How childish are his gestures, she thought. He was always so childish, the whole village is full of them children-coyotes, old, stubborn and too well sentient shelled their ancient customs, that it would ever change. Not surprisingly, the pale faces win. Or maybe the white skin of the greedy eyes of dogs should be mixed with the ancient coyotes. Wise coyotes can be tamed and are dogs, and can be silly shoot - is not it just such a path nature walks****?

Some little fish tickled her foot. Yes, it's time to move on.

She picked up the paddle and jumped back into the boat. She was afraid to look directly at the Bald Bear, so only slightly turned his head in that direction, to be able to watch it for the eye.

She waited for a long time, for some words of farewell or - even better - a word of anger, which confirm the correctness of its decision. But no word fell from his mouth. Only continually whispering river, as it has done ever since, the birds chirping in the trees on the shore, and from the village came the barking of dogs.*****

Time to move on.

She began to row. Silhouette of a father more and more decreased in the corner of the eye, and finally disappeared altogether. Then, quite suddenly, spring rain fell thick, warm drops, przemaczajÃ,,…c****** thundercloud to the skin - and then just as suddenly stopped.

* Pure gold there. I won't even try to correct it. I believe it's better that way.
**I think that was quite amusing. It should be: "The coyotes will soon get weary of their anger, the hyenas will tire of their laughter."
*** She's still expecting, so the child technically can't kick her in the middle (of any place /body part) yet. Or can it? Oh, Google Translate probably meant "in the middle of the river". In that case yes, I'm nitpicking.
****I really liked that. You "silly shot" me, Google.
***** I was quite stunned how sparingly Google Translate spoiled such complex sentence. Barely funny. A major disappointment.
******So Google cannot into "soaking" in Polack-speak :D Tripped over the very last line ;-D

And here's the original:

Burzowa Chmura cisnÃ,,â,,¢Å â€ša wiosŠ‚em do wody, wzbijajÃ,,…c fontannÃ,,â,,¢ kropel i pŠ‚oszÃ,,…c przybrzeŠ¼ne rybki. CzóŠ‚nem zakoŠ‚ysaŠ‚o; zamachaŠ‚a gwaŠ‚townie rÃ,,â,,¢kami, by odzyskaÃ,,‡ równowagÃ,,â,,¢ i ciÃ,,â,,¢Å Â¼ko osiadŠ‚a na dnie, pomiÃ,,â,,¢dzy jutowymi workami z prowiantem i skórzanymi bukŠ‚akami z wodÃ,,…. OdetchnÃ,,â,,¢Å â€ša z ulgÃ,,… i zaklÃ,,â,,¢Å â€ša w jÃ,,â,,¢zyku bladych twarzy.

StojÃ,,…cy na brzegu Šysy NiedŠºwiedŠº zaŠ›miaŠ‚ siÃ,,â,,¢ pojednawczo, lecz poczuwszy na sobie spojrzenie Burzowej Chmury, opanowaŠ‚ siÃ,,â,,¢ szybko. Rzeka równieŠ¼ uspokoiŠ‚a oblicze.

- Dlaczego nie pogodzisz siÃ,,â,,¢ ze sobÃ,,… i z duchami, Burzowa Chmuro? SŠ‚yszaŠ‚aŠ›, co powiedziaŠ‚ znachor. Masz przed sobÃ,,… moŠ¼e jeden ksiÃ,,â,,¢Å Â¼yc, nie wiÃ,,â,,¢cej.

- WolÃ,,â,,¢ jeden ksiÃ,,â,,¢Å Â¼yc z dala od tej wioski peŠ‚nej hien i kojotów, niŠ¼ mieszkaÃ,,‡ z nimi przez resztÃ,,â,,¢ Š¼ycia!

- Kojoty wkrótce zmÃ,,â,,¢czÃ,,… siÃ,,â,,¢ gniewem, hieny znudzÃ,,… siÃ,,â,,¢ Š›miechem - odpowiedziaŠ‚, kiwajÃ,,…c lekko gŠ‚owÃ,,… jakby sam przed sobÃ,,… potrzebowaŠ‚ potwierdzenia wŠ‚asnych sŠ‚ów. - Zobaczysz.

- Czy mógŠ‚byŠ› podaÃ,,‡ mi wiosŠ‚o, ojcze?

Šysy NiedŠºwiedŠº zacisnÃ,,…Š‚ szczÃ,,â,,¢ki. StaŠ‚ tam, na brzegu, bez najmniejszego ruchu; jego twarz przypominaŠ‚a gŠ‚owÃ,,â,,¢ totemu, który wyrzeŠºbiŠ‚, gdy Burzowa Chmura byŠ‚a jeszcze dzieckiem. Tylko jego oczy byŠ‚y Š¼ywe. I tak jak zawsze, tak  równieŠ¼ i teraz Burzowa Chmurza nie potrafiŠ‚a wytrzymaÃ,,‡ ojcowskiego spojrzenia.  Ale nawet teraz wydawaŠ‚ siÃ,,â,,¢ byÃ,,‡ bardziej wŠ›ciekŠ‚y niŠ¼ zmartwiony odejŠ›ciem córki.  WyglÃ,,…daŠ‚o na to, Š¼e i on naleŠ¼aŠ‚ do kojotów.

ZeskoczyŠ‚a niezgrabnie z Š‚ódki i z pluskiem wylÃ,,…dowaŠ‚a w siegajÃ,,…cej do pasa wodzie. Nagle poczuŠ‚a kopniÃ,,â,,¢cie w Š›rodku.

I ty, przeciwko mnie, moje dziecko, pomyŠ›laŠ‚a zmartwiona. Ale wszÃ,,â,,¢dzie bÃ,,â,,¢dzie ci lepiej niŠ¼ tutaj.

Šysy NiedŠºwiedŠº odwróciŠ‚ siÃ,,â,,¢ do niej plecami. JakŠ¼e dziecinne sÃ,,… jego gesty, pomyŠ›laŠ‚a. Zawsze byŠ‚ tak dziecinny, caŠ‚a ich wioska peŠ‚na jest dzieci-kojotów, starych, upartych i zbyt dobrze siÃ,,â,,¢ czujÃ,,…cych w skorupach swoich starodawnych obyczajów, Š¼eby to kiedykolwiek zmieniÃ,,‡. Nic dziwnego, Š¼e blade twarze wygrywajÃ,,…. A moŠ¼e te biaŠ‚oskóre psy o chciwych oczach powinny zmieszaÃ,,‡ siÃ,,â,,¢ ze staroŠ¼ytnymi kojotami. MÃ,,…dre kojoty dajÃ,,… siÃ,,â,,¢ oswoiÃ,,‡ i zostajÃ,,… psami, a gŠ‚upie dajÃ,,… siÃ,,â,,¢ zastrzeliÃ,,‡ - czyŠ¼ nie takÃ,,… wŠ‚aŠ›nie Š›cieŠ¼kÃ,,… kroczy natura?

JakaŠ› maŠ‚a rybka poŠ‚askotaŠ‚a jÃ,,… w stopÃ,,â,,¢. Tak, pora ruszaÃ,,‡ w drogÃ,,â,,¢.

PodniosŠ‚a wiosŠ‚o i wskoczyŠ‚a z powrotem do Š‚odzi. BaŠ‚a siÃ,,â,,¢ patrzeÃ,,‡ bezpoŠ›rednio w stronÃ,,â,,¢ Šysego NiedŠºwiedzia, wiÃ,,â,,¢c tylko nieznacznie zwróciŠ‚a gŠ‚owÃ,,â,,¢ w tamtÃ,,… stronÃ,,â,,¢, Š¼eby móc go obserwowaÃ,,‡ kÃ,,…tem oka.

CzekaŠ‚a przez dŠ‚uŠ¼szÃ,,… chwilÃ,,â,,¢, na jakieŠ› sŠ‚owa poŠ¼egnania albo - jeszcze lepiej - na sŠ‚owa gniewu, które potwierdziŠ‚yby sŠ‚usznoŠ›Ã,,‡ jej decyzji. Ale Š¼adne sŠ‚owo nie padŠ‚o z jego ust. Tylko rzeka szeptaŠ‚a nieprzerwanie, tak jak to czyniŠ‚a od zawsze, ptaki Š›wiergotaŠ‚y w drzewach na brzegu, a od strony wioski  dobiegaŠ‚o ujadanie psów.

Pora ruszaÃ,,‡.

ZaczÃ,,â,,¢Å â€ša wiosŠ‚owaÃ,,‡. Sylwetka ojca coraz bardziej malaŠ‚a w kÃ,,…ciku oka, aŠ¼ wreszcie znikŠ‚a zupeŠ‚nie. Wtedy, zupeŠ‚nie nagle, spadŠ‚ wiosenny deszcz o grubych, ciepŠ‚ych kroplach, przemaczajÃ,,…c BurzowÃ,,… ChmurÃ,,â,,¢ do suchej nitki - a potem równie nagle ustaŠ‚.


They say three's a crowd, so by that yardstick I declare this contest to be a success!  Our contestants are, in order of entry:

kconan with Barnaby's Ten
Sinitrena with The Spy
Kasander with Stormy Cloud

Our voting criteria are more-or-less as published at the outset of the competition.  Specifically....

Best Character: so captivating that it shines through the turbulence of translation
Best Editing: which translation has the most polish? (not Polish ;) )
Most Unholy Analogy Gone Awry: A self-explanatory category.  What just didn't translate well, but was thoroughly amusing nonetheless.
Best Plot Despite Weird Discrepancies: the gem in the rough shines through the translation exercise.
Best Setting: a place brought to life in exotic language
Most Substantive: which story will stick with you most? (due to moral, lesson, revelation, insight, gravity, emotional response, etc.)

You can vote as many times as you see fit for each category, so long as you believe in your heart of hearts that each author you vote for has truly earned a vote in that particular category.  Voting starts now and ends 72 hours from now, at approximately 2:40am Greenwich Mean Time on Saturday April 18.  Votes will still be accepted until I get around to tabulating them, which should be shortly after the deadline.  In the event of a tie I will cast the deciding ballot.  Good luck to all participants!


Best Character: Kasander's Stormy Cloud - it was difficult to "find" her character in this really difficult to read story (you say you expected the translator to do worse, but quiet honestly, I think you only think that because you already know what your story is about. The first time I read through your story I didn't pick up on the fact that Stormy Cloud was supposed to be pregnant, for example, and only realised this when reading your comment.) But once I thought about her for a bit, I liked her.
Best Editing: kconan - it was probably more difficult for kconan to write in Carny than it was for Kasander and me, who only wrote in our native tongue
Most Unholy Analogy Gone Awry: Kasander - defenitely; I laughed out loud a few times (which was kind of distracting because I tried to understand what was going on...)
Best Plot Despite Weird Discrepancies: Kasander and kconan - Can't decide, I like them both.
Best Setting: kconan - An interesting cast of strange characters, though I would have liked more details on the individuals
Most Substantive: Kasander


Quote from: Sinitrena on Fri 17/04/2015 10:02:12 was probably more difficult for kconan to write in Carny than it was for Kasander and me, who only wrote in our native tongue.

I debated doing Singlish, having lived in Singapore for a while, but then it took me forever to grind out even one mediocre sentence since its more of a spoken slang rather than "on paper".  Also, you would have gotten tired of reading the word "lah".

My votes coming...


Best Character: I'm fan of Sinitrena's tortured Spy.
Best Editing: I'd go with Sinitrena, for making the word requirement and having a tight no-frills story of a jailed spy.
Most Unholy Analogy Gone Awry: Kasander takes this one for the "Coyotes wrath will soon get tired, bored hyena laughter" literary gem.
Best Plot Despite Weird Discrepancies: Kasander, despite shirking the word requirement (ANGRILY SHAKES FIST), designed a fun plot that would bring about the most translation absurdity and in-turn does the most justice to the spirit of this writing comp.
Best Setting: I'll go with Sinitrena's jail.
Most Substantive: Stormy Cloud by Kasander will stick with me the most due to the translation being kind of an absurd puzzle to piece to together.


Hmmmmm.....  I judge there not to be enough votes yet.  Voting will be extended another day or two to try to get more input.  If we can't rustle up more voters by that time I guess I'll call it. :undecided:


Sorry, I went for the country (which means, no internet at all). 

Yeah. Where are all those voters when you need them, eh? :)  Probably gone to that colourful Background Blitz thread... feasting their hungry eyes on all that eye candy... Yuck! But in this thread, ladies and gentlemen, we live on pure, hard coal of a written word! And while doing so, we abstain from those yummy, delicious backgrounds... with all their hot spots and interactive areas and.... Alright. To the point. Here are my votes:

Best Character: One vote each? Sinitrena / kconan. I liked Sinitrena's prisoner - that kind of "martyrological" protagonist would make a great hero in any medium (literature, film, game...). And I liked kconan's Mr Barnaby, whose barking skill would impress PT Barnum himself.

Best Editing: kconan - for the creativity and for the effort it took to write all that without turning to Google's "help". It gave me a few good laughts as well. Actually I wouldn't mind if you'd make a game with that cast of characters. 

Best Unholy Analogy: contest here, I guess.

Best Plot: Sinitrena.  I only wish my German was any good, so I could appreciate your poem for what it is!

Best Setting: kconan. I'm clearly biased here. I've been fascinated by "freaks" and freak shows since mom bought me that "Human Oddities" book when I was a kid, and Ted Browning's Freaks and Lynch's Elephant Man are among my favourite US movies. Last but not least, I've been considering a freak show as one of the locations for my game project :D

Most Substantive: kconan. Barnaby's Ten has a strong "edutainment" value, too. Before I read it, I had no idea of what Carny is and how did English people speak back in the 1920s.

Sinitrena, thanks for pointing out that you didn't know if Stormy Cloud was pregnant. I should have made it clearer - by putting her hands on the stomach or something - so the reader would know better. My only excuse is that it was a really rushed piece of prose  ;)


Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


I am terrible at keeping schedules, but here's VOTES!

Best Character: Kconan
Best Editing: Sinitrena
Most Unholy Analogy Gone Awry: Kasander
Best Plot Despite Weird Discrepancies: Kconan
Best Setting: Kconan
Most Substantive: Sinitrena

Wheeeee! *runs off to the sunset*
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.

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