Background Blitz: Fan Game Location (voting open through 3/3/2014)

Started by Snarky, Thu 06/02/2014 00:35:57

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The BG Blitz has been dead for a while, and I thought it was time to kick it back up again.

Background Blitz: Fan Game Location

Just some of the many things that might make good fan game material.
First row: Obscure Cities (Schuiten & Peeters), Corto Maltese (Pratt), True Detective
Second row: The Wind in the Willows (Grahame), Jeeves & Wooster (Wodehouse), The Secret Agent (Conrad)
Third row: Vermilion Sands(Ballard), Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Rear Window

The topic for this round is fan games. Pick something you like â€" a book, a film, a TV show, a comic, an already existing game, whatever â€" and imagine you're making an adventure game based on it. Then make a background for that game. It should be an established or otherwise "authentic" location from the original work (if not extremely well known, you may want to include descriptions or reference pictures in your post), but you should feel free to exercise artistic freedom and adapt it to fit better as an adventure game background.

Additional rules
Entries should be designed as playable backgrounds within an imagined third-person AGS game, so they should have: a walkable area, at least one exit, and at least one hotspot with a useful interaction (which you should indicate either in the text of your post or in a sketch). Any resolution permitted.

The contest part of the Blitz will run for slightly over two weeks, with submissions due on Saturday, 22 February.
Voting is currently ongoing, until Monday, 3 March. See this post for a list of the entries.


Snarky, have you at some point contemplated making all of those games? Because I'd seriously be excited to play all of them except Buffy.


Contemplated? Sure, but thought is cheap! :-D

Actually, I haven't really thought seriously about a proper fan game based on any of these, specifically. I worked a little bit on a Heart of Darkness game back in the day, but I never got past the first screen. Same with Ballard's The Drowned World. And I have spent some time thinking about how to make a Wodehousian adventure game, but my idea was to use original characters rather than actually Jeeves & Wooster. I have some other ideas for fan games not included here, though.

Given that you've posted to the thread, I'll expect a submission from you! (nod)


This is a complicated sentence, but the storyworld in which the still-slowly-in-progress-among-some-others game from which my avatar comes features some tributes to Wodehouse characters (though they won't appear in the game).

I will strive to make a background!


Ooooooh - NICE theme... I might give this one a go!


What a great theme!
I'm going to try this one, if I can find the time and make something decent enough.
Oh what fun!


This is a great theme! I just got a drawing tablet so this background should turn out good.


Finished. This is a beach background for a swiss family robinson game. It is my first BG with my drawing tablet

I am proud of it.
If you don't know what the Swiss Family Robinson is about, it is about a family that shipwrecks on an island. This would be the screen that they shipwrecked on. You would exit from all sides except for the bottom. An interaction that would take place here would be getting wood from your life boat. I didn't draw the life boat because it would be a sprite.


All right, great! For people who don't know the Swiss Family Robinson, could you maybe explain what role this screen plays in the story?

Also, may I remind you of this part of the rules:

Quote from: Snarky on Thu 06/02/2014 00:35:57
Entries should be designed as playable backgrounds within an imagined third-person AGS game, so they should have: a walkable area, at least one exit, and at least one hotspot with a useful interaction (which you should indicate either in the text of your post or in a sketch).

If you could point out the room exits and describe an interaction that would take place on this screen, that would take care of it. (Edit: Thanks!)




Whoever guesses from which movie this is, is allowed to post his/her own entry :D
Can't wait to see more entries!


Hattori Hanzo... It's Kill Bill! Isn't it? And the inventory holds the pussy wagon keys and the death-list.


Quote from: selmiak on Sat 08/02/2014 17:53:31Whoever guesses from which movie this is, is allowed to post his/her own entry.

Kill Bill Vol1. And now PLEASE make it happen! I can't wait to use HYPNOTIC STARE on TOES.


Quote from: Ghost on Sat 08/02/2014 18:30:36
And now PLEASE make it happen!
But then you want Vol.2 too, this might take at least 2 more days. But it sure is fun making the fight against the crazy 88 into a point and clickhellalot ;-D


Great topic, Snarky.
That's epic, Selmiak.
I might have a go at this.
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play

Daniel Eakins

We all have our time machines, don't we?


Ahhh! Daniel Eakins read my mind and stole my entry! And did a much better job than I would have. That's fantastic.


Wow... that's a very cool BG. Nice!

Daniel Eakins

Thanks :)

Eric: Is it the same location? I was hesitating between something from "The Twelve Tasks of Asterix" and "Asterix and Cleopatra" at first.
We all have our time machines, don't we?

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