MAGS June: "Old, New, Borrowed, Blue" (CLOSED)

Started by Atelier, Sat 01/06/2013 16:44:37

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Do you hear that sound? I think it's the gong signalling 'just under two weeks left'!

Calin Leafshade

EDIT: Redundant.


Sox and I have posted Witchy Woo to the completed game forum as we have officially finished Witchy Woo! Check out the thread here.

Calin Leafshade

White Wedding

Here's our (Sookiesock and I) entry for MAGS. It's not made in AGS but I couldn't find anything in the rules to suggest we couldn't use something else.

We made this in 2 weeks using my own engine dubbed Adore (Adventure Rendering Engine - AdRE) which is also 2 weeks old so I expect some issues maybe...



Thanks to Arj0n and FlyingManderine for their testing services.


Monthly Adventure Game Studio makes it implicit it should be made with AGS - I know it's not codified but it's de facto obvious considering, as far as I'm aware, every entry ever has been made with AGS. I'm sorry Calin but I don't think I can accept it as an entry :-\ Only because it's not a fair comparison with other the entrants.

Calin Leafshade

Oh well.

In my defence it says the competition is open to "all amateur adveture makers"

Even if we're disqualified from the vote, I'd like to leave the post there so people can play the game if that's alright.
Grundislav is going to win anyway.

Matt Frith

Hmm, I'd argue that it probably should be accepted in the spirit of the competition.  I suspect he probably could have made it in AGS if not for the resolution limitations.  Not up to me though I guess...


Can you just make this MAGS a special MAGS edition, say a MAGS-OECBYO (Monthly Adventure Game Studio - Or Engine Created By Your Own), so this one could be allowed at least for once?
He's put quite some effort in this game specifically for this competition.
And hey, it would make a this MAGS a pretty unique MAGS edition :)

Otherwise, still a nice job Calin.


My entry is done!  Check it out here

I also second allowing Calin's entry.


Beautiful screenshot Calin. Why don't you and Sookie just crown yourselves the winners of the inaugural "MADORE" contest ;)
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


While I understand MAGS does imply your game to be made using AGS the MAGSs information page does say "MAGS is a monthly competition for all amateur adventure game makers" and it does not state that it 'Must' be made using only AGS.

Also this is my first finished game and it was silly Calin Leafshades idea to be differnt    :grin:

I will hide now  :X


Just got to figure out how to upload! Its 11pm here, hope that's all right with you folks...



I third allowing Calin's entry. There's nothing in there that couldn't have been made with AGS, and doing everything from scratch is a lot more work, so it's not cheating as far as I'm concerned, rather the opposite; there was certainly no unfair advantage.
We have to draw the line somewhere obviously, but it's not like it's a Unity game or something.


This is the Monthly AGS competition, so I don't understand why someone would use a different engine...


Ok, well if the other entrants don't mind, then it's cool. And as Calin put a lot of effort into the game, I did feel a bit mean.

But, I'd still say that in future entries should be made only with AGS. I always thought that is one of the points of the competition. I think it's better for everybody to start on the same level and compare between which game is best made with the same tool. I don't consider Calin as cheating, I just thought of future cases, if it even happens again, where the circumstances may be less clear cut.

Anyway, voting time! Click the titles to download.

Witchy Woo by Myinah and Soxbrooker
White Wedding by Calin Leafshade and Sookiesock
Bertha Butt's Boogie by Grundislav
Crankosaur by MiteWiseacreLives!



Could you keep the voting open until after OROW? I have only played one of the games yet...


Quote from: Atelier on Mon 01/07/2013 12:22:59
Ok, well if the other entrants don't mind, then it's cool.
But, I'd still say that in future entries should be made only with AGS.
Your decision is probably (also) based on the comments here about it?
I'm really glad you've decided to let this one through once.
And because of this, a clear statement with attention is now made that mags projects should always be created in AGS.

Quote from: cat on Mon 01/07/2013 12:35:43
Could you keep the voting open until after OROW? I have only played one of the games yet...
I also need to play 2 of these...

Calin Leafshade

It's cool you let us enter.

The game is by Calin Leafshade *and* Sookiesock by the way. Not just me.


What's the opinion on some minor bug fixes? or is it as is?
If not able to re-upload, I recommend you save often.. ran out of time for much play testing.

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