Background Blitz - May 27 to June 10 - Extreme!

Started by ThreeOhFour, Mon 27/05/2013 06:51:28

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Hello :)

For this background blitz, I want you to draw something that is, in some way, extreme. Extreme close up, extremely cold, whatever, as long as it is extreme.

Scenes must be AGS compatible. No further restrictions apply. You have until the 10th of June!

Happy drawing!




Since the monster workshop is over, I might give it a try if I'm not too busy.  :)


Extreme, huh….Well, I think this qualifies. It's extremely bad while, at the same time, being extremely unfinished. It displays extremely bad artwork, as well as extremely bad modeling. I'm so talented I can mess up both 2D and 3D. Isn't that pretty extreme?

Floyd has met his match: more hair than God, and a sword bigger than Floyd's shears, or Europe, as you prefer.



He couldn't decide if he wanted to go come to the convention as Cloud Strife or Lara Croft :D
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play



Opie, the teenage years
Opie gone bad
Opie gone really bad

Opie gone extremely bad



Dear Moving Thread

Dear ThreeOhFour,
I hope you are well. I am well, although they are being mean to me over in the Critic's Corner at the moment. The clock's ticking down has me a little concerned. Since I am a Noob around here, I have some questions that you might care to answer.
     Is it possible to be the only Blitz entry and still lose the contest?
     Are write in votes allowed? I note Ponch has a new (to me, at least) avatar. It is awesomely awesome and extremely extreme, while still being "Shakin' Bakin' Booty Quakin'" If the current situation continues, I'd be tempted to start a write in campaign to make his avatar a winning background entry.
     Do you think there will be some new, last minute entries?
                                       My best regards, jwalt


Oh, ThreeOhFour, are we in trouble, or what?

Honest guys, do you think my image is a Blitz winner? Quick, somebody submit a six-sided-color-cube, or risk me winning the competition. No body wants that to happen. Just take a peek at the Critics Corner, and you'll see what I mean.

Then again, it would be nice to have minions of my own to create something for me in the next Blitz, if I haven't killed the contest.

Edit: And gals, my bad.


QuoteHe couldn't decide if he wanted to go come to the convention as Cloud Strife or Lara Croft

It's clearly Ocean Spirit Dennis getting some dreds' "did" from Floyds. Pwning the Blitz compo like a BOSS.

@jwalt - You should make an OSD game with that guy. There's something final fantasy 7ish about it so you could totally take advantage of that, too.


Crap. 14 minutes too late to enter :(

However, for completeness sake, here's my take on the theme:

The Sky Witches' Hut

It's EXTREME RETRO! (160 x 200, 16 colors, C64 palette)
It's also EXTREMELY HIGH! (sky witches ... ah well, the name says it all)
The witch herself is also pretty EXTREME! (but she's sleeping off a three day mushroom trip - so we can't actually see her in the BG).



As soon as "Commodore 64" is a MAGS theme, I'm entering :D


@Sunny Flightless Bird, you have uncovered my devious plan. Unfortunately, little is likely to come of it. By popular demand, I am being sent off to Blender Summer Camp. There I will learn such things as welding vertices, and putting bones into things, after which I will skin them. Those later two have me particularly concerned, since they seem a cruel and unusual process.

In confidence, I will share two possible story lines for my never to be released OSD games:

Spoiler alert…

It is a dark time for England. In an almost medieval fashion, pyres burn late into the night, the final solution to Spongiform Encephalopathy, The Mad Cow Disease. OSD and Life Partner Ray cross the land searching for Cow Zero, the source of the devastating plague. They have tracked it to Farmer Macdonald's, near Kent. In company with Farmer Macdonald, they contemplate the beasts peacefully grazing in the field beyond. Each time Farmer Macdonald turns away from his herd to converse with OSD and Ray, Ponch's avatar begins booty dancing among the otherwise docile beasts. They have found Cow Zero. England is saved.

My second story returns to OSD #1, the Bridge and The Blob. From the Blob side of the room, Larry and Bob enter (of Veggie Tale fame). They are dressed as newsmen. Bob begins describing the action unfolding before them. Larry keeps asking if the Blob on the ground is bubblegum. OSD begins casting spells. Bob describes the action. Larry moves closer to the bubblegum, sorely tempted to taste it. Near the climax to the battle, Life Partner Ray enters the scene. For unknown reasons Ray's arrival throws Larry and Bob into a panic. They dash about, eventually colliding with one another. They then exit to the right of the room in great haste. The Blob dies. OSD and Ray are once again victorious.

While I feel the Mad Cow story is fairly original, I confess to the second idea having recently germinated regarding a fairly active discussion on the Forum. Further, I doubt Big Idea would think this was a good idea, and I can't afford a lawyer. I also like Veggie Tales, so that one is dead before it begins.

This shared in strictest confidence. I feel secure in my trust of you. Who cannot trust a bird in a tuxedo?




I have checked your entry. The time stamp shows "Yesterday 23:19." I see no reason why ThreeOhFour would not accept it as an entry. I am already working on my concession speech. cJwalt.say("Whew").

Edit: Make that cJwalt.say("Whew");    How's that for a Noob mistake. Pesky critters them semicolons.

Edit2: Okay, try cJwalt.Say("Whew");   I, maybe, should sign up for some scripting classes at Blender Summer Camp, too.


@jWalt - well it was 0:19 in my time zone ... so, we'll just leave this up to ThreeOhFour :D


Sounds good to me,  jwalt!

I'm oozing to play that game - it's getting pretty messy, so hurry up!


It's still 10th of June here, too late for me to post?
It's not finished, but it'd be something :)


Here is the entry!

It looks like Miez and myself kind of had similar extreme HEIGHT ideas haha :)


It's extreme in a number of ways.
For starters.. it's extremely high.
It's extremely loose in it's colouring inside of the lines, although that was extremely intentional.
And it's a time travelling rollercoaster. :P


I'll allow all entries - seeing as they were all in before the 10th was over. Let's vote in the following categories:

Atmosphere: Is an interesting world created? - Did the scene evoke a feeling?
Composition: How well are the elements combined to create a pleasing whole? do they lead the viewer to the points of interest?
Functionality: How well would it work as a game background?
Technique: How well is it rendered? (within the chosen style, in no way meaning the more elaborate the better).


Congrats to my fellow contributors, there's things I like in each of your backgrounds!
But here are my votes...

Atmosphere: Awakening - The scene certainly makes me curious; who places a portal at the end (start?) of a roller coaster, and what lies beyond the portal?

Composition: jWalt - the composition is a little lop-sided to the right, but in this case it gives the whole scene a certain interesting uneasiness.

Functionality: Awakening - I think jWalt's BG works better as a cutscene BG, and Awakening's BG would work better in a 'conventional' PnC manner.

Technique: Awakening - I really like the 'cut paper' type look - it's consistent and pleasing to the eye.

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