Background Blitz: Next Screen Over (ENDED)

Started by Snarky, Thu 04/03/2010 02:58:35

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There have been many great entries in Background Blitzes past, yet we never see more of the worlds they create. What lies through that door, over that hill, behind that corner, down that path?

For this round, your task is to show us!

The Next Screen Over

Rules: Pick any entry from any previous Background Blitz, and draw a screen you would get to if you left that background by one of the exits. (Or, equivalently, draw a screen that would take you to an already-seen background.) It doesn't have to be in the same art style or even resolution (we'll imagine that the original screen would be redrawn to match), but the two screens should work together in terms of perspective, geometry/geography, and things like that.

The contest will run until 17th 21st March, inclusive.

Restrictions: AGS Compatible

For your convenience and inspiration, here are some examples from and a list of the last few Background Blitzes (but feel free to pick from earlier ones, too):

Voting: Pick the entry you think is the best in each category. The categories are:

  • Idea - How strong and original is the concept? Is it a good response to the contest topic?
  • Technique - How well executed is the background as a piece of art within the chosen style?
  • Usefulness - How well would it work as an adventure game background, and how useful would the background be in a game?


Nice idea. am't wait to see what folks come up with.  Might even have a bash myself if I can find time.
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


I used this lovely piece by Ben304 as inspiration:

And a link to the whole thing. They don't connect seamlessly because I didn't want to mess about in Ben304's pic!


That's some impressive work there Mad, you've managed to nail Ben304's unique style to a T
Jeopardy Games "The Totem of Souls" Currently in production
The Other Side of the WORLD my webcomic


Shurely then, it means it is no longer unique...  8)


Well i'm f****d...  Awesome work Mad!
All my trophies have disappeared... FINALLY! I'm free!


Quote from: SSH on Fri 05/03/2010 14:51:01
Shurely then, it means it is no longer unique...  8)

You have blown my mind, sir.
Jeopardy Games "The Totem of Souls" Currently in production
The Other Side of the WORLD my webcomic


Quote from: SSH on Fri 05/03/2010 14:51:01
Shurely then, it means it is no longer unique...  8)

Is it 'bique'...  :-\
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Mad's painting technique got some similarities with ben's style, but ben uses larger brushes, thicker strokes and less colors (in my perception). Great work  ;D


Less oohing and aahing and more entries, please!

Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens

This is a great idea, I wish I had time to make something interesting for it :(.


Since we only have one entry so far and I'm reluctant to declare a winner by default, I'm extending the contest period over the weekend. Come on, people! Let's see some backgrounds!


Here's my try.
I used this pic:

And this how it should look merged:

I realized that this background is too hard for me, but it was late then.
I don't get how you guys draw so good and detail, I try hard, but nothing good happens...


Oh, excellent! Now we have a contest going.  :D

Some advice for all contestants:

(1) It doesn't have to be a scrolling background. In fact, most adventure game screens do not connect seamlessly.
(2) Consider what your background would contribute to the (hypothetical) game in its own right. What happens in this screen that makes it necessary for the game?

Quote from: TheRoger on Wed 17/03/2010 19:33:23
I don't get how you guys draw so good and detail, I try hard, but nothing good happens...

Drawing better backgrounds mostly comes down to practice. You can learn specific techniques, and it can be very helpful to seek feedback to identify areas for improvement, but you only improve by practicing. I think this is already quite good, and you have a good grasp of a lot of the basics, so just stay positive and keep working on it.


Quote from: TheRoger on Wed 17/03/2010 19:33:23
I realized that this background is too hard for me, but it was late then.
I don't get how you guys draw so good and detail, I try hard, but nothing good happens...

Anytime I see loominous enter one of these, I run into a corner and cry. BGs are my weakest point and the lvel of just sheer QUALITY that some of these cats can knock is, for lack of a better word,  dumfukstarstruck-bat-shit-insane.

EDIT: Okay, inspiration finally struck me! I'll give it a go...
All my trophies have disappeared... FINALLY! I'm free!


Since i'm going to be out most of the day, today I did as much as I could last night. Not particularly happy with it but all-in-all I'm pretty surprised it looks as decent as it does!

I won't hold up the competition in the name of perfection, so ON WITH WITH THE SHOW!

The idea is that it's a room in the game world of this image:

Original pic is by Pinback for the four seasons comp
All my trophies have disappeared... FINALLY! I'm free!


Alright, great! Now it's time to vote. I'll let the voting run until Saturday. As in recent weeks, the categories are:

Idea - How strong and original is the concept? Is it a good response to the contest topic?
Technique - How well executed is the background as a piece of art within the chosen style?
Usefulness - How well would it work as an adventure game background, and how useful would the background be in a game?

I would also encourage you to say a few words about each of the entries. You can just mention (a) what you think the background does really well, and (b) the one thing that could be improved to make it more effective.


Quote from: Snarky on Tue 23/03/2010 13:15:36
Idea - How strong and original is the concept? Is it a good response to the contest topic?
Technique - How well executed is the background as a piece of art within the chosen style?
Usefulness - How well would it work as an adventure game background, and how useful would the background be in a game?

Since I didn't have time to join, I'll at least take a few minutes to vote:

Idea - Questionable - Because it depicts a scene in the same world that is at a completely different location than the original.

Technique - Mad - Since each of the pieces has another artists' 'chosen style', I've chosen Mad's piece for this category, since it best reflects the original artist. I think it fits well within a single game with the original/inspirational piece...without people seeing different styles. And that's not a small feat.

Usefulness - Questionable - I could immediately see some interaction-points in this interior-scene. While I think the other pieces can also work, these interaction-points give a clear purpose to the room (or at least a wish to investigate it). In this regard, the piece from TheRoger suffers from the fact that the inspirational piece by nihilyst felt more like a title-screen than an in-game screen...and while I can clearly envision nihilist's piece with the title scrolling to the right (into TheRoger's piece) and settling while a mysterious wanderer walks in from behind on his journey, it still feels a little stuck to the title.

Some additional comments (I hope they don't sound too negative, because they're not intended as such):

- Questionable: When I looked at the original piece by Pinback, I would have expected the rooms to be narrow and high, and very Victorian inspired; like the image below (click for a bigger version). Instead you've created a low-wide room.

If you look - for example - at the windows in both pieces you see an entirely different architectural style/era. This difference - even more than the drawing style - make these pieces not fit within the same world.

- TheRoger: Somehow the piece feels a bit repetitive of the original (particularly due to the shape of the mountains). Taking the scrolling-movement I described above into account, with the main character starting/on his journey, I would have liked to have seen some sort of fantasy (Buddhist-inspired) temple to the right that creates both a starting-point for the story and serves as an initial description of the main characters.

- Mad: What I miss most is a clear exit - like a cavern or something - on the left. It's a little difficult to envision exactly how it would look in this semi-silhouette-style Ben choose for his piece; maybe adding an animated torch that chances colour from yellow (good) to blue (evil), and settles depending on the player's choices might be helpful to lead the player's eye. Also, to me the little flame by the sign doesn't seem to fit (within Ben's story for the original piece).

Edit: Changed some of the wording regarding Mad's piece.


Thanks for the tips Misj'! (Those punctuation marks seem silly together.) I built up a story in my head about the world, it's a bit steampunkish and so I imagine it's a world where industrial technology and magic co-exist. The setting I attempted to depict was supposed to look like a mud/cement walled home in a less urban area where the protagonist would be seeking for some wizened experienced individual who is apparently missing.

I agree though that the style isn't as coherent as I would have liked. I had the idea days ago but completely forgot about it until Snarky reminded me last night! 0_o

EDIT: P.S. I was elaborating, not disputing. I agree with everything you.
EDIT 2: P.P.S. Love you art work, BTW.

EDIT 3: Snarky, did you want me to vote?
All my trophies have disappeared... FINALLY! I'm free!


Since the votes are not really tumbling in, I'll toss in my ha'penny worth... if I may... also being a participant and so on...ramble-di-doo

Here it goes:

Idea - Questionable - like Misj' already mentioned you've obviously put some thought into depicting a totally different scene which still represents the given world in a sufficient way!

Technique - TheRoger - You said yourself that you tried your hand at a style your not familiar with, and I think you managed quite well! With a bit of practice and maybe fiddling with the brush settings, you'll get there or even better acquire your own unique style...

Usefulness - Questionable Again, I have to concur with Misj'. Your Background offers the common adventurer the most to do!

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