Sprite Jam (until Jan 6th) - Three Kings - WINNER ANNOUNCED

Started by Khris, Sat 29/12/2007 15:37:48

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Choose one of the original three wise men or imagine how they'd look if Jesus was born today.

Maybe they'd represent some entirely different faction? Emos? Nerds?

Pixel pushers will like a restriction to 150x150 @ 32 colors.
Hi-res artists are welcome to use the limits of their system, although the size should be kept at reasonable dimensions to use the sprite as an in-game character.

Happy spriting!

edit: Heh, corrected date :)


umm.. do you happen tto have a time machine handy? either that or this is gonna be a LONG sprite jam.
†Å"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.†
The Restroom Wall


Quote from: lo_res_man on Sun 30/12/2007 00:25:29Re: Sprite Jam (until Dec 6th) - Three Kings
umm.. do you happen tto have a time machine handy? either that or this is gonna be a LONG sprite jam.

Yes, yes, I so love when they do this. Too bad he changed it. :=


It's more like The King. I tried to make it sort of Dott style. I hope this can be considered present day.



Here comes a King from Burger King, but I couldn't imagine how he could be related to modern day Jesus?

2x (17 colors)


He's some sort of King, that's all that matters. I just chose that theme due to the ending date.
Very nice entries so far, a third would be nice :=



"Okay three eyed Hitler/Salman Rushde colen - put the masiah down! You will not ruin Xhristmas again!!"

(p.s. i meant to write clone but it came out colen - thats much funnier!)
Hey! All my awesome trophies dissapeared in the year since I was here last. CONSARN_IT! with an underscore!!! I earned dem tings!! Oh well. Hope your Monkey floats.


Sorry, I completely forgot about this.

Congrats Mr_Frisby, you win this round. (Although I'd love to see a pixelled version of your entry, the originality tipped the scale.)

Cheers to joel and Clip for a shared second place. :)

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