Sprite Jam (until 7.9.07) - Evolution of Mankind

Started by space boy, Sat 01/09/2007 17:01:12

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space boy

Evolution of Mankind

It's the year 100 000 AD. Humanity has colonized myriads of planets. Over thousands of years they have evolved and adapted to their new homeworlds. What do they look like now?

Draw an evolved human from the year 100 000 AD

24 colors + transparency
96 x 96 pixels

Competition ends on friday 7.9.07 at 00:00 GMT.

The winner will be determined by voting which will begin on friday 7.9.07 at 00:00 GMT and end on sunday 9.9.07 at 00:00 GMT.

Votes count as follows:
Host and participants - vote is worth 2 points
Non-participants - vote is worth 1 point

Have fun!

Brad Newsom

Lets kick this off with something different!

Seeing as 100,000ad is so far away, and the fact that so much technology was evolved in just 5 years, I really see man looking totally different from the way we see ourselves today.

Here's my hypothesis. We see to evolve to be superior in form. Our minds will evolve to handle psionic sight, nourish ourselves through osmosis, move using a higher form of telekinesis, let go of arms and legs, manipulate our surroundings with telekinesis. Despite evolution, we still need to satisfy our need for pleasure and reproduction, so I left the basic genitalia of man with the evolution.

I don't think this is my final entry, but I'll still post it as progress.

(male & female)



(male & female)


EDIT: FINAL Plain Transparent & Stroked Transparent

(male & female)



social evolution: the homo serviens.


By all the gods, goddesses geni and demon ever invented by the mind of man...I hope not. :'(
†Å"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.†
The Restroom Wall


Here is a typical 100,000 AD man as I percieve it:

Realising how ridiculous it was that one would have to release one's grasp on either beer or hotdog in order to change channels, mankind has evolved a third arm out of his not insignificant belly.

6 colours and 1 for the background - probably the hardest I've worked at choosing an unusual and small pallette. Not enitirely happy with it, but it'll do.

space boy

Jens, my little color checking program here says that your sprite has got 47 colors.


Right. DPaint has no function to display the amount of used colors so I usually count the (full) columns (of the palette display) and multiply that with 16. I have obviously been confused and mulitplied with 8  ::) Changed that.

Neil Dnuma


After 98.000 more years of sitting

edit: 2x

space boy


Since when did we vote for sprite jams? Anyway, I guess I'll vote for Neil on this one.

Neil Dnuma

I think it happened a few times in the past where the host disappeared.. not so this time, but why not?

Whatever, I give my vote to Brad Newson. I like.

Btw, Ben and Jens also had very good entries!


Nice work, Jens and Brad, but Neil Dnuma has my vote.


For what my 1 point is worth, I vote for Brad Newsom.

All the entries were good but I love Brad's for pure sci-fi vision.
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


My vote for Jens.

Amazing idea and it fits so well.

space boy

My vote goes to Brad Newsom. And if nobody else votes we'll have a tie between Brad Newsom and Neil Dnuma(5 points each).
I guess I forgot to add some rules that tell what to do in a tie situation. Woops. >.>
Being the host I could just choose a winner out of the two but that would make the whole voting procedure pointless.
There's one and a half hour left so keep voting. The next vote could determine the winner.


space boy

And the winner is Neil Dnuma! Congratulations!
Thanks to everyone who participated.

Neil Dnuma

Wow, that's totally unexpected. And for such a silly entry...

Thanks for the votes, I'll think up a new jam.

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