Animation Competition Feb 21 – Mar 3

Started by Twirlly, Tue 20/02/2007 22:58:38

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Theme: Clowning Around

- Your task is to teach Clowny an entertaining clown act for his upcoming show using at least one prop.
- You do not have to use the props provided, feel free to create your own.
- You can alter the shape, size or color of any of the objects or duplicate them if necessary.

Ex. Clowny can jump and do flips on the trampoline, he can juggle with balls or other objects, he can squirt water from a flower, climb out of a tiny car…(you get the point)

INTRODUCING*drum roll*…
Clowny the Clown:

***There will be TROPHIES!!!***
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!



I will try and join in this one and I will modify this post once I have worked on my entry. :)
Believe in afterlife! It's true in a metamorphical way ;)
Ken & Roberta - my inspiration!! 20 years.
U are what you love doing and passionate about - keep up what you love most.

Neil Dnuma

Clowny's new act is on:

Steel Drummer

I'm composing the music for this game:


Only a couple of days left until the end of the competition. I would love need to see more entries and thanks to BaRoN for expressing how I felt and still do at the moment, but I was looking forward to your entry as well(maybe you're just putting finishing touches on it). Also gypsysnail there's still time and I would love to see what you come up with. Ã, :'( Ã, I sadly think my favorite competition is dying. Please save this competition people!!!Ã,  ;D
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!


Maybe people in their busy lives are too busy juggling priorities to remember the ol' Animation Competition....



Well I guess that's enough clowning around now lets see which clown act stole the show:
*long intense drum roll*

Neil Dnuma â€" I loved your animation overall and the cannon was original. I really liked the details from the slight shift of the cannon when Clowny gets in to the sparks and clouds of smoke. The crowd background and the flips out of the cannon were a bonus as well.

BaRoN â€" I thought it was funny the way you had Clowny use his own nose as a part of his juggling act and how it seemed as if he were trying on different noses throughout the animation. Way to spice up an ordinary act!

1st Place: Neil Dnuma

2nd Place: BaRoN

;D Thanks for entering and I look forward to the next competition from Neil Dnuma.

P.S. Sorry about the trophies, for some reason that I couldn't determine they aren't appearing on the site correctly.
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!


Congrats Niel, that's a really smooth animation!  I like the little details, like the blinks and the way the cannon budges slightly to accept its "shell".  Look forward to the next comp!

Neil Dnuma


I love the "nose juggling", BaRoN!

New comp soon.

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