5 Years of MAGS Special: Anniversary Contest

Started by Klaus, Thu 01/06/2006 03:36:32

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Being one of the previous winners (no other participants ;D) I'm really interested about this one.  Like always the time might be a problem, though.

Anyway since it is anniversary I decided to follow the first MAGS' guidelines.

Good luck everyone!


Man, I'm so entering thissone! Awesome rules. :awe:

I think I'll choose conspiracy for my rules list.

Again, awesome rules!Ã,  :D

EDIT: I lost all my files for my game. Damn viruses!  >:( :'( :'( :'(


I'm probably not going to be entering, but I really would like to see this theme used. Hooray for zombies!

Dave Gilbert

Wanna use old graphics?  Sure you can, if if you choose THIS set of guidelines. :-D


Quote from: Dave Gilbert on Sun 04/06/2006 15:50:45
Wanna use old graphics?  Sure you can, if if you choose THIS set of guidelines. :-D
True - this is the only exception. But it also doesn't allow all kind of old material ;)


†Å"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.†
The Restroom Wall


Ok I'm in I finished my intermediate cert yestersay so lets so what I can pull together in 8 days,
I've chosen this topic

I'll probably never get it done but it is my first attempt so wish me luck

Dave Gilbert

I'm going for these rules:

It's moving along quite quickly, so I'm 99% certain that it will be complete - in some shape or form - by the deadline.  Oh yes.  It will be complete.


i've decided actually to change my guidelines to this


i've changed the guidelines of mine again
since when downloading ron resources my computer suffered a near fatal error so im staying away from them


Okay, I've decided to also join this MAGS anniversary edition, and have asked Fizzii to do the graphics. It's probably ready for upload tomorrow.

The chosen ruleset is...


all of them!


Hi everyone.Ã, 
Ã,  Ã,  Just to let you all know that unfortunately I'm going to have to bow out of this MAGs.Ã,  I had a lot less spare time than I was hoping for (damn things such as "work" and "responsibilities" and other various commitments and distractions got in the way :P ), so I simply was not able to get enough of my project completed in time (though I'd say I still got about half of it completed).Ã,  Of course I'm a bit dissapointed myself that I didn't have the time to commit to this project, especially considering this is a very special MAGs and all.

However, all is not lost, I still plan to continue working on this little project over the next month or so (but not as a MAGs of course) in hopes to release it in the near future.

In case some of you have not yet seen the recent "Release Something" thread, I'll post a couple of samples here of what I was working on for this MAGs (art work is hand-drawn by me the "old fashioned way" using pencils and paper, then scanned into the computer):

Ã,  Ã, Thanks for understanding that I didn't have the time to finish this game within the deadline.
Ã,  Ã, And, my respects and congrats go out to the people who manage to complete their MAGs game in time this month.
Conan: "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!"
Mongol General: "That is good."

Blade of Rage: www.BladeOfRage.com


I didn't finish my game either. For the first week I couldn't come up with any idea at all. And when I finally got the idea and started working on it, I became lazy and fed up on the project. Just like I do with any game project I start. ¬¬ I might finish it someday though.

Here's a screenshot of the game:

If you are interested, you can read a bit more about it on my website: http://www.pabsoft.com/games.html



Man I only saw this now.. grrrr.

Wish I knew about this a little sooner. Anyway goodluck to all and close off is 30 june?


Quote from: Barbarian on Wed 28/06/2006 18:22:55
Just to let you all know that unfortunately I'm going to have to bow out of this MAGs.
Quote from: Pablo on Wed 28/06/2006 20:56:26
I didn't finish my game either.
Sad to see your games not being part of the competition :'( The concepts look very promising...

Quote from: Afflict on Wed 28/06/2006 21:20:34
close off is 30 june?
Yes, it is! To go in detail the end is reached in 48 hours from now (see timestamp of this posting). So game creators had the whole month - 30 days - for game creation. Much longer than for usual MAGS competitions, but it's all special this time :)

By the way: Don't get confused when the next MAGS competition already starts on July 1st while this one is still in progress! In the end there will be an overlap of about one week then.


I'm also dropping out on account of not being able to finish in time.  :'(

Here's a screenshot of what I was working on...

I was using three rule sets: 2004-10: Conspiracy, 2005-07: Underwater, and 2006-03: The Skies. I might complete it later and release it anyway. Same stuff the others are saying.
The Bunker



I can see that anyone who DOES enetr is going to win by default...  :(


maybe the comp should run for 2 months, then everyone can finish their games.  ;D

creator of Duty and Beyond

Dave Gilbert

Quote from: SSH on Thu 29/06/2006 10:09:07
I can see that anyone who DOES enetr is going to win by default...  :(

Don't jinx it!  I hope I'm not the only entry AGAIN this time. :-(

Anyway, you might have seen my "In Production" post about my game "The Shivah", but I figured I'd throw in my 2 cents here with an exclusive mags thread screenshot!

This should be done by tomorrow.

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