Sprite Jam 10 May - 16 May Wizards/Witches WINNER ANNOUNCED

Started by buloght, Wed 10/05/2006 07:41:12

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Topic: Wizards and Witches

A new game is being designed and it needs a main character. You, the artist, must create a witch or wizard fit to be the main character. The game will be played at 320x200 fullscreen (Discworld) or partscreen (Simon the Sorcerer) or anything in between (from 320x200 playing area to 320x134 playing area) This information has been shared with the artist and as the artist you have also been contacted on the character details in regards to age, race, etc of the character.

- create a main (playable) character
- max colours: 16
- max res: 50x90
- no copying Rincewind nor Simon (must be original character)
- apprentice or learning wizards are also allowed (for example, pib from Apprentice)
- wizard or witch may be evil or good (don't have to look like traditional wizard)
- have fun

- winner gets a spot in the AGS Hall Of Fame (!! yeah)
- winner gets the job (not really, no such game exists)
- winner gets to set the topic of the next jam (need I say more)
- pixellated trophies: bronze will go to best personality
- all participants will receive invaluable experience

Inspiration Examples:
Rincewind and Simon -


Heh. Nice topic.

Newton, The Geomancer

Newton is a simple guy with a simple life. As far as anyone remembers he lives in an old windmill with his pet cat. And no one bothers Newton. No one, exept the local farmers having a little bit of trouble with moles or bad soil from time to time.
But, in a few minutes something amazing is about to happen, and the greatest adventure in Newton's life will begin...

P.S.: That's a wand.  :P


Save space for my sprite here...

Edit: I must do my luggage for Barcelona (F-1) and Paris (Barcelona-Arsenal) I won't be able to finish this, sorry...  :'(
Are you guys ready? Let' s roll!


Save this spot for me! I'll be back 8)

Back! Behold the mighty wizard, Zapper!

Referation pic:

Privateer Puddin'


Again, not very good but :D


A quick small entry over here:

(14+1 colors)


This is Andrus, teh greatest good wizard on earth.

His specialties are all kinds of potions and he knows a lot about herbs and nature.
At the moment he's still trying to make a spell that would stop global warming.




15 colors plus transparency.

Qualen maintains that his devotion to pyromancy is purely an expression of his rapt appreciation for the sinewy grace and poetic chaos of fire. That it's been years since anyone had the nerve to make fun of his plum cape and high heeled boots is, of course, merely incidental.

Qualen's other love is the theater, although his pursuit of an acting career has not proved as successful as his pursuit of greater understanding of the mystical arts. Most recently he went out for the title role in his local community playhouse's production of Dark Queen of Krynn. His audition was graceful, stylish, and positively consumed with the "it" factor. Inexplicably, though, the part went to an obtuse, well-endowed nymph from around the bend. When asked what reasoning could possible lie behind this obviously misguided decision, the director merely looked pale, glanced at Qualen's wand, and repeated with dubious intonation that the wizard was, "too tall."


Henry, the Wizard Apprentice:


I love this topic, buloght. Great one!Ã,  :D

10+1 cols, 32X77


Here is my entry...


12 colours

...well she is one member of the Marion clan. Her name is Salme, and she knows how to use powerful spells.


Hi there,

original size: double size:

This is Hagatha Christie. She first got interested in the dark magic when she was 9, through a traumatic encounter with a big frog of 8 pounds weight that happened to mistake her for a exceptional lovely fellow. In the following years, she developed an encreasing habbit to turn all kind of amphibians and unwilling men into pink purses.

This is my first compo at all, so thanks for watching and reading ;)

[Edit: 13 May 2006, 02:15]

I had fun, so I just added another entry. I think this will be the one to be judged... assuming that I won't do another one, that is :) Well, here it is: the purple gnome wizard, just about to summon some blue fireball

50x90 pixel, 15 colors + transparency

original size: double size:


here is my quick entry. Martha the witch:

She has her very own "witch call service"

since she can fly sorry, her broom is more than 50px long.

She usually flyes nacked, but only in the night time. She is ready to show how she make that to jury, if the jury promise her that she'll get the job...Ã, Ã,  ;)
My Blog


Ok, here is my next entry.
My witch is not human, but there is less known about these creatures, neither where they come from, nor where they live...(I'm sorry, but I'm very uncreative this morning).
But they are really, really evil....
Ã,  2x


Meet our little wannabe witch, who has borrowed some of Aunty Megs stuff from over Scimble Hill, because she wants to be just like her with "all the cussing and stuff"!


Name: Pywacket (actually Susie Parks, but she thinks thats more "Mithick")

Age: 9 3/4

Type: Witch Apprentice

Magical Talents: non-what-so-ever

Special Abilities:
nerve recking +6
pout +8
cuteness +5

EDIT: Nearly forgot Aunt Megs companion that lives in her hat! He tries his best to help Susie with comments he deems witty. Oh yeah, his name is Cyril.



You are Melvin, a young wizard who has been turned into a rabbit after getting on the wrong side of the evil and mighty wizard Izykiel.Ã,  Your quest?Ã,  Regain your human form... and bring down Izykiel once and for all! (not a particularly original quest, but hey ^_^)

Ã,  Ã,  2x

50x59, 14 colours (including transparency)



Just an old skool wizard (except no stars, damn 16 color limit!)
35x35 16 colors

EDIT: Great topic BTWÃ,  :)

EDIT2: Just for fun :)


Wizard attack frame!

Steel Drummer

My first ever Sprite Jam entry: Jasmine Farthrow! EDIT: When I saved it as a gif the colors got a bit messed but it's okay anyways..


50x85, 9 colorsÃ, 

Jasmine is an apprentice magician from the land of Dominion. AGE: 14Ã,  Ã, HEIGHT: 5'9Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Skills: Collects herbs for her master, can use fire spells. EDIT: Jasmine will have to defeat the evil king, Skagar, and restore justice to the land.
I'm composing the music for this game:


Hi Yodaman

Nice RPG Sprite  ;)
you have 2 easy problems.. :)

Your sprite size is 70 x 120 ( eliminate background)
And have 1164 colors. (anti-aliased) Save in Gif and lower color)

max colours: 16
max res: 50x90


Well, now I have proof that some people just don't read anything...

Steel Drummer

I saved in GIF but the upload server blurred it a bit so it has more colors.. I'll redo it with a smaller image size.
I'm composing the music for this game:

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