
Started by Potch, Thu 28/07/2005 16:41:39

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Hi.  anyone playing this game?  I found a bunch of things, and now I don't know what to do.  I have:

  Empty bottle, rope, screwdriver, and lighter.  i've talked to everyone, and threw the meat at the zombie.   Now what?
The hardest thing in this world... is to live in it. (Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy Summers in "The Gift")


ask ME if you don't know :)
what is the problem???
Every object has it's own purpose...
rope is used in restorant,cigarettes are for sheriff etc...
just say where did you stuck and i'll help you
and the devil sends a beast with a wrath,coz he knows that a time was short!!!


Quoteask ME if you don't know
what is the problem???[\quote]

My problem is I can't download game because it has used up its monthly bandwidth and the website link doesn't work..........any hints on thatÃ,  ;D


Quote from: jane on Fri 29/07/2005 14:15:13
Quoteask ME if you don't know
what is the problem???[\quote]

My problem is I can't download game because it has used up its monthly bandwidth and the website link doesn't work..........any hints on thatÃ,  ;D
try mirror download at:
and enjoy...if you can Ã, :D


Thanks - not sure if there is a bug in the game but I picked up a key and now its disappeared from inventory..........also have an empty bottle, rope, screwdriver, and lighter.  i've also talked to everyone like Potch and can't get any further.....Potch where did you find the meat?


Jane, I honestly can't remember where I found it!
The hardest thing in this world... is to live in it. (Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy Summers in "The Gift")


Dunno if you guys want it, but Yatzee has a walkthrough on the Belusbius site. The link is at the bottom of and the url directly to the walkthrough is


That walkthrough isn't for Belusebius.
The hardest thing in this world... is to live in it. (Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy Summers in "The Gift")


there is no bug in the game!
the key disappears coz it was used  on the door with a wolfman behind (that's the room where you find the meat)

talkin' to persons is only FIRST half of task for any of NPCs
second half is giving the right item ti NPC..
for example:
sherrif needs cigarretes...luigi needs rope...mortician doesn't need anything :)
and the devil sends a beast with a wrath,coz he knows that a time was short!!!


Thanks for the advice...............I'm not actually a novice at playing these games and I do realise that I have to do more than talk to person in a game! I thought the point of hints and tips was to get some real help to progress with the games?????

As for not having any bugs...............why does the zombie disappear but I still keep getting a note coming up that the zombie will eat me----------where is he and how can I throw the meat at him if he's not there????

Also when I try to get pass the sherrif it jumps me back to the zombie scene I had to do it several times before it would work.

I also can't get the screwdriver to work on any door :-\


Quote from: jane on Sat 30/07/2005 12:57:11
Thanks for the advice...............I'm not actually a novice at playing these games and I do realise that I have to do more than talk to person in a game! I thought the point of hints and tips was to get some real help to progress with the games?????

As for not having any bugs...............why does the zombie disappear but I still keep getting a note coming up that the zombie will eat me----------where is he and how can I throw the meat at him if he's not there????

Also when I try to get pass the sherrif it jumps me back to the zombie scene I had to do it several times before it would work.

I also can't get the screwdriver to work on any door :-\

when you throw meat to zombie,he should stop...then you can pass him... and are the first to report this bug..i'll fix it up!
but,try giving a cigarettes to sherrif and then pass him

screwdriver is operational on door after 'dave's coffehouse'
it's the only way to enter that room (restourant)

send me a privat message if you still have troubles
and the devil sends a beast with a wrath,coz he knows that a time was short!!!


and by the way...i did not have any intenton to offend you,or anybodu else
so..i am very very very sorry about it  :-[
and the devil sends a beast with a wrath,coz he knows that a time was short!!!


No wurries..............will reload game and try again if I still get the same prob then will contact you


thanx to jenny for finding a major bug (but this bug will not stop you for finishing the game)!!!

the first door after coffehouse CANNOT be opened (the screwdriver was ment to be used for that,but bug pops out and screw all)

but it's not essentialy for succesfull end of game.
and the devil sends a beast with a wrath,coz he knows that a time was short!!!


and that means -no giving a cigarettes to sherrif.
those actions were there just to explain a story of a game.
and the devil sends a beast with a wrath,coz he knows that a time was short!!!


Quote from: Djokitzaaaaa on Sat 30/07/2005 19:01:41
and that means -no giving a cigarettes to sherrif.
those actions were there just to explain a story of a game.

I finally fix the bugs! download fixed version and enjoy complete game (with some more locations)
download NOW!!
and the devil sends a beast with a wrath,coz he knows that a time was short!!!


Just downloaded it again, and sorry mate but can't play it - another bug - when I get screwdiver and try to go walk back to screen with delivery door the game just freezes up.  Its a shame 'cos you obviously put so much work into it and I love the RON games.  Maybe its my computer, so will wait and see if others mention it.


in THIS version,you have no need to open delivery door...i mean the first door from coffehouse...
screwdriver is used on Brown's back of town square

try that way :)
and the devil sends a beast with a wrath,coz he knows that a time was short!!!

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