Alien Prison Escape

Started by Stupot, Thu 16/03/2023 07:30:59

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I've found myself stuck. Any hints would be gratefully received.
I have the antenna with the thread around it, but need to find some kind of adhesive.
I have the bowl with the sugar and starch, but need to find something spicy.
I haven't worked out what to do with the shopper yet.



Look around outside, at all possible things that can be interacted with. Can you mislead/distract the shopper? Do you find something when you interact with areas on the screen?
Try to mislead him by turning the signs.
When he is on the wrong path and figures out he is wrong, you have to distract him.
Throw a stone in the lake.
Once he is in the front, you have to distract him even more. What does he want?


Quote from: cat on Thu 16/03/2023 09:33:52
Look around outside, at all possible things that can be interacted with. Can you mislead/distract the shopper? Do you find something when you interact with areas on the screen?
Try to mislead him by turning the signs.
When he is on the wrong path and figures out he is wrong, you have to distract him.
Throw a stone in the lake.
Once he is in the front, you have to distract him even more. What does he want?
Thanks cat. That was just what I needed.


Hello, I need help.

I can't solve the "rock, paper, scissors" puzzle and I can't get the cookie.

I already have the chili rice, and I have already glued the antenna to the ship. I think I'm just missing the sugar in the cookie.



Quote from: cireja on Thu 10/10/2024 17:37:18Hello, I need help.

I can't solve the "rock, paper, scissors" puzzle and I can't get the cookie.

You need to cheat.
Talk about other stuff, then pay attention to what he says.
When he says something similar to "rock", "paper" or "scissors", make your move.
Hope that helps.


Hello, Thank you for your answers.

I'm afraid I'm unable to come up with the right phrases for Baxter to say any similar words. I have tried many, many combinations and answers, but I never get anything.

Maybe there is a sequence of phrases that can be followed?


You can find more detailed hints and the solution to the Baxter problem here, in the MAGS thread where it was an entry, answered by @Bulbapuck , the author of the game.  ;-D


Now I have managed to solve the puzzle.
How nice that you remembered that post with those indications. Thank you very much.

And about the puzzle, well wow, a bit far-fetched. It's very difficult, because at least for me it's not intuitive at all.

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