My latest stuff (NO 56k).....

Started by DanClarke, Fri 15/09/2006 12:19:40

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sorry i havent been around much, havent really had a spare minute, been busy with some pretty high profile freelance jobs. Here's a few bits and bobs im working on atm:



The style of the other images than the first one smells strongly like grand theft auto :)


I thought of Grand Theft Auto too!

These are very good!

But i wonder, if Rockstar were original or they took a style and because they're such a recognised brand people identify the artwork as their own style now?

Cool parkour pics too!


Hello. Nice art.

I'd suggest cleaning up your linework and controlling your shapes more. Extra attention to limbs, hands, wrists and fingers in particular. Folds on last series need a lot of work too.


That second parkour pose seems weird...but then again most pictures of David Belle seem weird so if it's not a photo trace the pose needs some work. Usualy when you use parkour jumping tehnicues (spelling?) hands go straight foward and legs are almost together.
- They are all from AGS coloringball


Thanks all, yes the work is inspired directly by GTA, the brief emphasised this was to be the look, so ive done a lot of research on it.

Helm, anysuggestions on the folds? It's something ive always struggled with.

Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens

Nice stuff, Dan.  I've never really known anyone to put two fingers over a trigger, though ;)!


Quote from: ProgZmax on Fri 15/09/2006 13:26:16
Nice stuff, Dan.  I've never really known anyone to put two fingers over a trigger, though ;)!

It's reffed from a DVD still, and i can confirm that shes a girl who likes to use two fingers.



You wouldn't be looking into rotoscoping now, would you :D? One of my current projects is about rotoscoping, too. Great stuff.


She's got quite a wide face. Intentional?


Yes, I suggest you look at folds in screencaps and other things you use as reference and trying to copy them.

The face: you're copying essential aspects of the girl's face like where the eyes and mouth is more or less and it holds up because it's based on a screencap, meaning, the geometry of the face is mostly there. But your inidividual rendering of those parts needs a lot of be desired. As I said, controlling forms, and clean lineart.


wow, looks nice dan.  ;)
im sorry for this noob question, i don't know much about art industry terms, but i was wondering what "high profile freelance jobs" meant?  :)

creator of Duty and Beyond


The art style of the GTA stuff looks a lot like vectored photos. I dont know if thats what they actually are or not.

Not that I'm saying that these are.  :)


Quote from: Helm on Fri 15/09/2006 19:04:54
Yes, I suggest you look at folds in screencaps and other things you use as reference and trying to copy them.

The face: you're copying essential aspects of the girl's face like where the eyes and mouth is more or less and it holds up because it's based on a screencap, meaning, the geometry of the face is mostly there. But your inidividual rendering of those parts needs a lot of be desired. As I said, controlling forms, and clean lineart.

Yeah, this is something im pretty new to, but i'm enjoying it so i'd like to get into it more.

Cheers for the tips!


Are these traced, or what?
Great job anyway! :) They really remind me of the newer GTA series!

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