New splash screen for AGS editor

Started by Crimson Wizard, Tue 21/05/2013 09:14:17

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Crimson Wizard

I've had an exchange of PMs with Chris Jones lately and he told that he does not have the original source of editor splash screen. He mentioned that one person did these pics for him, but he forgot who it was.

Right now I have a splash background cleaned from version numbers, but I was unable to find a matching font, so I did AGS 3.3 splash by copying the "3" digit from "3.2" splash.

Unless someone else knows the author of original splash, perhaps there's a person who would like to draw a new one?
Maybe there are people who may invent concept art for a splash screen?

This is not urgent, but sooner or later we will need this.

Ryan Timothy B

Perhaps upload a copy of the current splash screen to help motivate people who are too lazy busy to open AGS and taking a screenshot for themselves. ;)


This sounds like a good idea for a competition thread to me!

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: Ryan Timothy on Sun 26/05/2013 10:39:57
Perhaps upload a copy of the current splash screen to help motivate people who are too lazy busy to open AGS and taking a screenshot for themselves. ;)
Here it is:
No need to take screenshot, btw, it available is in our git repository too:

Quote from: Ali on Sun 26/05/2013 11:12:12
This sounds like a good idea for a competition thread to me!
Do as you like :)


does it have to be bmp or are pngs with alphatransparency also possible?

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: selmiak on Sun 26/05/2013 15:39:45
does it have to be bmp or are pngs with alphatransparency also possible?
Firstly, source image should be made of layers, so that the version number or any text could be changed easily (Photoshop, Paint.Net document, etc).
As for the flattened image, IIRC .NET supports at least Bmp, Jpg and Png.


Let's not go the jpg route. The current splash screen should be fine - can we not just photoshop out that '3.2' label and replace it with a new one, in a similar font?

Is it really necessary to design a whole new splash screen?

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: Phemar on Mon 27/05/2013 08:52:22
The current splash screen should be fine - can we not just photoshop out that '3.2' label and replace it with a new one, in a similar font?
That's an option. I don't own Photoshop, and not very much proficient in fixing images; also I couldn't find matching font. If you can do this, you are welcome to do so.

Quote from: Phemar on Mon 27/05/2013 08:52:22
Is it really necessary to design a whole new splash screen?
No. But maybe someone would like to?

Calin Leafshade

A think a new splash screen would be a good symbolic step forward.


It would be nice if loominous could design something, as he did the art on the AGS main page, I believe.  Not sure when he was last around though.


I'd be also very curious, what Darth Mandarb comes up with.


It would be cool to have a new splash screen. No offense to whoever made it, but I was never fond of the current one myself. Of course that's just one person's opinion and the splash screen doesn't really matter to the program itself :)

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