[FEATURE REQUEST] - Improving the Parser section

Started by Gal Shemesh, Wed 03/07/2024 12:52:26

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Gal Shemesh

The Parser section seems to be one of the things that were least improved in AGS since it's very beginning. It would be nice if it could be improved as follows:

- Abiltiy to multi-select words for deletion or for changing their type (ignore / normal / synonym).

- Ability to have the Delete key affect the selection of words in the list, and to prompt the user for deletion or for a type change. Currently it is only possible to right-click to delete, and it doesn't even prompt if you're sure that you want to delete the word if accidently clicked instead of "Add synonym / new word".

- Add option option to add an ignored word in the right-click context menu instead of needing to right-click on an existing ignored word and to add a synonym to it.

* The entire Parser could actually be replaced with an external text file for adding/editing words and types, instead of needing to edit everyting direclty in the editor.
Gal Shemesh,


Quote from: Gal Shemesh on Wed 03/07/2024 12:52:26* The entire Parser could actually be replaced with an external text file for adding/editing words and types, instead of needing to edit everyting direclty in the editor.

It wouldn't be too difficult to write a parser module that could do this. (Personally I'm not convinced that a parser belongs in the core AGS engine/editor.)

Gal Shemesh

I actually like that AGS has one built-in, without needing to use any external module. Unless it's a plugin that can be added to the game folder and appear in the project tree, like the FontEditor plugin which allows you to edit fonts directly in the editor; I wanted to have one years ago when I began with AGS but there was none, so you had to use SCI editing tools for that.
Gal Shemesh,

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