Unsure on side view....

Started by Retro Wolf, Mon 05/08/2013 15:01:16

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Retro Wolf

I've been tinkering with a possible character design for a future project. I like the front view, it's the side views I'm not so sure about.
Thankyou in advance for any help or suggestions!



Not a critic but in my opinion:

Since his face design is concentrated in the center. So the second below the front (right-most) looks suitable.

Left below the front (left-most) will look more good, if you show his other hand, other leg and bit of the front chest too. This will make it more complicated especially walkcycles. So, I recommend you to go with the second below the front (right-most).

One more thing, since character has somewhat fat belly, therefore it would be better if you show this in side view too.
Nice art, btw. :)


I am probably the worst person on the forum to try to offer some suggestions regarding artwork, but I'm doing it anyway. You can ignore me and wait for Anian or some of the other miracle workers on the forum to offer up the good advice. Here's what I did:


I didn't touch the front view.

I thought the lower left image looked more like a three-quarter view, so I tried to turn it into one. I thought the full side view had the shoulders too far back, so I moved them. I added a nose, and moved/recolored the lips. I think Adeel's suggestion regarding the belly in the side view is valid, but I didn't try that. I've messed your sprite up enough already.

Retro Wolf

Sorry I should have mentioned that I was not going for diagonal views, I should have been more careful with my post. The two bottom ones are two different attempts for the side of the head. Thanks for the input guys.


Not my best paintover, but...


I tried to get the character as consistent as possible between front/side view, but while I was doing that, I was fiddling with the pose to make it more interesting. Straight up/down posing will kill a character faster than a bullet. I don't know what kind of character this is, so I just relaxed his pose and gave him more of a body shape to work with.

Also: Watch your colours! Use a desaturated, dull colour for the background so your colours don't get washed out and to keep your contrast nice and high. Also vary your hues as they get darker, the sprites will look richer for it.

Retro Wolf

(nod) Looking good Scavenger! I'm trying to graduate from editing RON sprites, so thanks for the tips!

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