PixelArt - Male Template 1

Started by eternal_renegade, Wed 07/08/2013 05:32:06

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I'm not really a pixel artist, so I coming here and asking for advice. :) I want to make some templates that I will later animate (And I may share those.) So any advice you can give would surely help. This sprite isn't very tall (About 4 heads), and I'd like to improve anatomy, then later I will make a female, possibly a child, and someone a bit bulkier perhaps.

Anyway, Thank you! :)




It's too curvy - I thought this was a female figure before I read the text. The waist-hip ratio is far too feminine.

The calves are too thick (your calves aren't thicker than your thighs, right?), thighs appear too short, with the shading beginning over the knees.

It looks like he's pressing his arms against his sides. The shades also give him a bit of a hunch. Try a more relaxed pose.

I assume the exaggerated head size is a stylistic choice, so I'm ignoring that.

Quick paint-over:


Quote from: Andail on Wed 07/08/2013 13:43:57
I assume the exaggerated head size is a stylistic choice, so I'm ignoring that.

after reading that I noticed he actually has a really tiny head with a pope hat on, zoom in and you'll see it in the original :D


Quote from: Andail on Wed 07/08/2013 13:43:57
It's too curvy - I thought this was a female figure before I read the text. The waist-hip ratio is far too feminine.

The calves are too thick (your calves aren't thicker than your thighs, right?), thighs appear too short, with the shading beginning over the knees.

It looks like he's pressing his arms against his sides. The shades also give him a bit of a hunch. Try a more relaxed pose.

I assume the exaggerated head size is a stylistic choice, so I'm ignoring that.

Oh thank you. :) I updated the first post with the new version based on your paint-over. It's easy for me to go to far with something when really it should be simplified. I appreciate the input!
As far as the large head, you assumed right, I believe a larger head is good for making a more expressive character at a lower resolution.

Quote from: selmiak on Wed 07/08/2013 23:26:52
Quote from: Andail on Wed 07/08/2013 13:43:57
I assume the exaggerated head size is a stylistic choice, so I'm ignoring that.

after reading that I noticed he actually has a really tiny head with a pope hat on, zoom in and you'll see it in the original :D

Lol. I suppose you're right, however, the top of the head has a bit more shape now.

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