Scanner or graphic tablet

Started by , Fri 01/03/2013 15:01:00

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Quote from: Armageddon on Fri 08/03/2013 09:35:45
I often wonder if they scanned in the Mechinarium artwork, and if they touched it up at all later.

Yeah, those guys from Amanita know how to rock with their pencils & tablets... 

Here you are:

According to this, the artist drew with his left (in his case, secondary) hand :-D


Quote from: Snarky on Sun 03/03/2013 10:15:30
Quote from: Frito Master on Sun 03/03/2013 02:18:44
Getting used to a tablet takes a few mins to a few days.
Or much more. It took me months before I was fairly comfortable with my tablet, and I still (after years of - admittedly fairly occasional - use) can't e.g. draw a straight line between two points in freehand.

Ah. I'd I figured it was a easy switch for most people I prefer it over paper by huge margin.

I drew alot with a mouse and I pickup on artistic stuff really maybe that helped /shrug.


I draw all my backgrounds and the sprites with the ASEprite editor by using the mouse. I've got a tablet, but I don't like it.
My BGs look kind of weird cause I'm a freestyler:  :-D
First I start with a sketch (by using the editor)
Then I search for the right colors in the RPG palette and start to draw

It is still not finish as you can see here:

320x240 true color

... I use the blur tool for the edges and the jumble tool for the finish... With the ASE you can also scale to index colors with/without dithering

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