[Music] Ambient Track for a Cyberpunk Game

Started by Binak Versailles, Tue 03/12/2019 13:42:09

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Binak Versailles

Hi All,

Just another piece that I am willing to share.

Quite rough (a first draft of these ideas), so bear with me: https://soundcloud.com/binak-versailles/sans-frontieres-the-static-zone

Any feedback is welcome.

Binak Versailles.


That is a really nice Track! I feel like there are three parts to it. It starts with a menancing sound that changes into something more cheerful and in the end its kind of relaxing. My favorite was the first part, but I enjoyed all of it and think it would fit nicely into a cyberpunk game :)

Binak Versailles


Thanks for the kind words, it is very much appreciated! Thanks for taking the time to listen.


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