Critic for a puzzle game (!)

Started by Nikolas, Tue 25/08/2020 20:37:55

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Hi all,

Long time no see... As always...

About 20-25 years ago I designed a game, which I'd like to do properly for handheld devices.

You can see a video of it in action, and me narrating (you can laugh all you want) in the following video

Of course this is a ridiculously old and simple prototype, but the idea stands I think.

My question is simply this: What would be the best way to control the character? In the video you see the character is controlled with the cursor keys (easy peasy). But on a phone, or a tablet?
a. Trace with your finger where the character goes.
b. Use a floating cursor.
c. Divide the screen in 4 parts (huge cursor).
d. Other?

I know that I can have an options menu to change the way you control the character but my problem is that I think that "a" is the best option, but with size being an issue I initially planned (and designed more than 50 levels) to have 10x16 tiles (x y). But 10 tiles horizontally will be tiny and very difficult to trace and for such a game accuracy is important.

Any thoughts on this? On the game itself? (no comments on the graphics or sound of my voice if possible hahaha).


How about just four buttons representing the arrow keys: Up, down, left, right, in a compass-like configuration?

Keep it as close to the PC control system as possible?


Quote from: Mandle on Thu 27/08/2020 03:04:03
How about just four buttons representing the arrow keys: Up, down, left, right, in a compass-like configuration?

Keep it as close to the PC control system as possible?
That would work of course. It's part of my plan.

I'm just wondering if, given it's a touch screen, a "trace your finger" would work better and faster.



I don' play much much on handheld systems, but having to trace over what you're doing isn't very practical, since it blocks the view.

I can imagine that using a left or right corner with the controls like Mandle suggested, might work better. Since then one can hold the mobile and use the thumb to press the keys.
You can even add a setting for the player to decide between left or right handed (and even using both, for those that like using both thumbs).
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


I showed this to my eleven year old daughter, and she said she would prefer to control it by tracing with her finger. (I thought about asking her because I saw her playing a very detailed pattern game using her finger.)


goes to see, ask the young and they have a completely different way of thinking and using mobile devices.  (laugh)

Maybe, if not too hard, you could use of the systems as default and then an option to change, for the old timers like us.  ;)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Quote from: heltenjon on Fri 28/08/2020 21:57:42
I showed this to my eleven year old daughter, and she said she would prefer to control it by tracing with her finger. (I thought about asking her because I saw her playing a very detailed pattern game using her finger.)
Thank you! This is my impression as well. As a 42 year old *ahem* I think that cursor keys are the way to go.
But a younger generation who is used to sliding their finger on a screen... That's a different story.

Which brings back my initial worry: 10 tiles horizontally are too many to have the finger slide work. Of course my fingers are huge compared to an 11 year old, so maybe an 11 year old won't have trouble (plus I need glasses. teeheehee).

Thank you all

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