Almost done with the first artwork draft, would love to get some feedback

Started by Tapwated, Sun 17/11/2019 16:37:02

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I've been working for about 10 days on the different graphical aspects of my first game, and I feel like my judgement is probably not too objective having spent so much time on it. Would like to know from you what could be done better and what's currently lacking. Thanks for any input!

(I know I missed an apostrophe in that dialog, it's the font's fault!)



I'm not exactly sure what kind of feedback you are after but:

I love the character close up. And think it's perfect.
The characters in game lack detail/color, and clash both in style and coloring with the close up.

The BG looks like a dark photograph, grainy and out of focus. If that's what you intended it's perfect.... but I don't really like the 3 styles together.  :-\

If it was me, I would go with the clean style of the close up character.
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Looks quite good for your first game. The thing that fits the least are the standing poses, they seem to be from walk cycles, and the character closest to the viewer looks like he needs the restroom really badly.

Left couch should also get shadow, couch shadows could be a bit darker.


Thanks for the tips guys! The standing poses are indeed from walk cycles, I didn't finish an idle animation yet (now that you mention it, the closest guy definitely looks like he's been holding it for days. I can't unsee that now)

@Cassie I think your comment is spot on, I'm having quite a hard time achieving a somewhat organic, coherent style


Quote from: Tapwated on Sun 17/11/2019 23:50:42
I'm having quite a hard time achieving a somewhat organic, coherent style

That is one of the hardest things to achieve! But you will get there!


Quote from: Mandle on Mon 18/11/2019 06:19:18

That is one of the hardest things to achieve! But you will get there!

Hope so :) Thanks Mandle!

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