A rough animation made to get a vibe of the sprite aesthetic

Started by dharmadischarge, Mon 20/05/2024 14:31:50

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Quote from: eri0o on Mon 20/05/2024 21:54:47It's hard to say anything without context.

Did the image not post or do you mean in the context of the characters in the game?

I wasn't sure if I should post details about the game because it is not ready to be announced yet or is not complete enough for that thread. I worked on the world and characters as a novel and a comic before trying it as a game.

I am interested in if the graphics style would read ok in an adventure game? But can post details about the project if its ok?


In the gif the characters are in a platform perspective and not a traditional adventure game perspective, but they look like they would force specifics on the color/design of backgrounds to make they still be readable against a background that would be behind them. They do appear to work fine if you are going for a platformer.

It also looks it's going for some comedic dynamic between the two characters so if this is meant to be horror it is bad but if it's indeed a comedy it's good.


no no it is meant to be funny lol. the game may be scary but the animation was just to practice and get a vibe for the look and see how to animate them.

Though I may change the perspective of the sprites. I am hoping to abstract the game. Making it on a flat plane. which may very well not work with the genre because it would lose a sense of space. So I have to experiment and think about that.

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