Unexpected at the Rising Star (Soundtrack available)

Started by Cassiebsg, Sat 21/10/2017 21:11:19

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Well, he made a little more than half... so he gets himself composed there's still a chance to get it done during 2018... ;)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


I've finally got round to playing this and have to say it's really great so far! ;-D

Also I'm glad I suggested Eric to do the music - he's created some majestic tracks for this.


Thanks :)
I'm glad you're enjoying it so far. (nod)
Also feel free to be a critic (either being it good or bad) about everything! What works and what doesn't... what I should keep and what I should trash for when I do my next one.

PS - I'm sure I would win the "Most confusing game created with AGS" if there was such an award... (laugh)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Quote from: Cassiebsg on Fri 12/01/2018 20:55:28
Also feel free to be a critic (either being it good or bad) about everything! What works and what doesn't... what I should keep and what I should trash for when I do my next one.

The only bits that I would say doesn't look so good (if I'm being picky - well you asked for it!) are the walking animations - they must be a nightmare to do!  Also that main character voice just seems off to me... (laugh)

I will definitely nominate it for "Game With The Most Mushies(nod)


In lieu of receiving a nomination for best Music and Sound, I finally got the push to get the soundtrack released. ;-D

So if you enjoyed the wonderfull music that Eric Galluzo has composed specifically for this game and wish to listen to it undisturbed you now can! :-D

Anyway here's the download link, enjoy! (nod)
Soundtrack, original music by Eric Galluzo, now available as a zip file here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/jikskcnzrmef7qf/BattlestarGalacticaUnexpectedSoundtrack.zip
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Now - I *know* this is a stupid question, but: how did you do the 3D?
A plugin, a module?
How did you design the rooms, obects, hotspots?

I've been wanting to make a 3D game for some time now, but I didn't know AGS was capable of it; except for some plugin from like 10 years ago for v1 of the engine :/

HOW did you do it? Or is it just a clever illusion with 3D generated 'flat' rooms and animation?


Or is it just a clever illusion with 3D generated 'flat' rooms and animation?

This. (nod)
I made the models in Blender, rendered them, saved them as pngs and imported them as sprites. Nothing magical or weird. ;)

I believe there is a 3D module (or) plugin and Gurok is/was working on some generated 3D thing, but more can't I tell you, as I really don't want to do a 3D game. I'm just using 3D models to get my sprites as I found out that not only my talent for hand drawing isn't very good nor do I have much patience for doing pixel art... so I took the next best thing (that I actually enjoy doing mind you. :-D )
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: bx83 on Thu 22/02/2018 22:40:06
I've been wanting to make a 3D game for some time now, but I didn't know AGS was capable of it; except for some plugin from like 10 years ago for v1 of the engine :/
I would not really recommend doing actual 3D game in AGS. Although it is possible to achieve real 3D imagery with plugins (and even with scripting, although such game would rely on your CPU speed, rather than video card), it is not only the 3D graphics that is a problem, but other aspects, like interacting with objects in 3D space. You no longer will be able to rely on built-in functions to get an object under cursor, nor on built-in walkable areas. Everything that is related to coordinate system: object placement, pathfinding, and so on, will have to be rewritten anew to accomodate with 3D space.
Of course all of that could be accomplished, in theory, but you won't be able to use AGS own room editor to design your scenes, nor character Views and animations (because they won't support 3d models), which leaves only scripting language (and perhaps dialog system) that may still be of any use. Which leads to question - why would you need AGS at all.

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