The cadaver synod

Started by Blondbraid, Wed 29/06/2016 17:57:25

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The year is 897. Pope Stephen the sixth or seventh, is holding a trial against his predecessor Formosus,
and you have been chosen as Formosus defender. The thing is, you hardly know a thing about law.

That's probably why Stephen chose you.

This game was made for MAGS in June 2016 with the theme "Neglected Historical Eras".
The story is loosely based on an historical trial known as The cadaver synod, as well as borrowing elements from a certain medieval legend.

Get the game here:


Downloading! :-D

EDIT: And finished! (nod)(laugh)
Really nice and lovely! Weird true story too. 8-0 Only wished there would have been more puzzles (aka: stuff to do). Otherwise ***** from me! (nod)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Nice little history lesson, with a piece of myth thrown in.


Congratz on the release!!! I can't wait to play this, after my own entry is done and released tonight of course ;)


I just finished playing and what a treat!

Hilarious in every way, as well as quite scarily showing off the unlimited depths of human stupidity...

I learned a new word from it too:



Thank you everyone for your kind words, I'm really happy that you liked it! ;-D

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