Spilakassinn /The slot machine V.1

Started by Meistari F, Thu 06/12/2012 23:07:23

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Meistari F


Sorry I have deleted that game.

Moderator may delete this page for me.


Meistari F

I got one question from one of my icelandic friends. "Is it possible to play this game for machintos?" 
Well I don't know about that.
So that is why I am asking you guys. How can I convert my pc game so machintos players can play my game too?
I have never use a mac computers so I am not sure how that can be done.



I gave this game a go.

This game, whilst the potential is there,  has serious flaws and the graphics are not very good.

You might consider doing a new build making vast improvements to both script executions and graphics and taking your time to produce a quality game. This would encourage others to play your games in the future.

There are people here that may lend you a hand (we all need a hand sometimes).

Don't give up.

Good luck with future games.

Meistari F

I was only 1 day making this game. So I didn't gave much time working on the graphics.
I understood you very well. I know this game sucks and I totally agree with you that I need to update this game with much better graphics and more improvement next time.

Thanks for the 1 comment.

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