MAGS March 2014: Moustache Quest

Started by Retro Wolf, Mon 31/03/2014 23:40:59

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Retro Wolf


Moustache Quest was created for the March 2014 MAGS competition. The theme was "Moustache!".

Join Moustache Mike as he prepares for the annual Facial Hair Championships!
You must guide Michael to find his manliness, confidence, and style to win the competition. Meet some crazy characters, and experience the inevitable and tired Monkey Island references!

A short point and click adventure created in a week.
I had larger plans for this game, but I came into the competition too late, perhaps I'll do an extended edition one day.

Music track can be found here:

Special thanks to Ghost for the Lightweight BASS template.
                  Edmundito and Tzachs for the tween module.

Voting is over; Moustache Quest came 2nd!

19th April 2014:
Version 1.2.
-Fixed a couple of gameplay niggles.
-Fixed the one spelling mistake I accidently made; which Adeel punished me for. Thanks Adeel. (roll)
-Fixed a very rare but very bad bug: The player would disappear forever.
-Fixed a rare bug: The GUI would get stuck.
-Added a credit for the music artist. :-[
-Added a credit for Adeel S. Ahmed (bug tester for 1.2).
-I've included all sprites and backgrounds.


This a (very) short game, with enough dose of 'lite' fun to help you relax. It'll only take your few minutes and you'll be refreshed. Puzzles are very easy. Had the game been worked on for longer, it would've been more fun to play. But nevertheless: highly recommended, if you're having a stressful day!

Retro Wolf

Thankyou for playing Adeel!

There's a couple of bugs in there, will release an update when the voting ends.


Just finished it! Had a good laugh! Good work Mr.Wolf.
And thanks.

P.S: I went for the second ending.
Working on a RON game!!!!!

Retro Wolf

Glad you enjoyed the game Miguel!
I only wish I hadn't joined the competition so late;  in my head, the game had more to it.


Quote from: Oldschool_Wolf on Sun 06/04/2014 17:34:06
I only wish I hadn't joined the competition so late;  in my head, the game had more to it.
I smell a deluxe edition 8-)

Retro Wolf

@ArjOn: Now I'm back at work I've caught some bad shifts, some days I have to get up at 2 in the morning so probably won't be in the game developing mood for a while.
I can also be quite fickle with what I work on, but never say never!


Hehe.ãâ,¬â,¬Fun little game but you missed a great pun opportunity:
Catching the rabbit in a... hare net :grin:
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play

Retro Wolf

Moustache Quest came 2nd! I'd like to thank those who enjoyed my game enough to vote for me.

I've released a minor update (see original post).

I'd like to thank Adeel for managing to break my game within minutes; inadvertently becoming my bug tester.

Forgot to mention that I've included all the artwork, to be used for whatever.


Quote from: Oldschool_Wolf on Sat 19/04/2014 18:54:24
I'd like to thank Adeel for managing to break my game within minutes; inadvertently becoming my bug tester.

Thanks a lot for crediting me, pal. It really wasn't that necessary but thanks nevertheless! ;-D

Quote from: Oldschool_Wolf on Sat 19/04/2014 18:54:24
-Fixed the one spelling mistake I accidently made; which Adeel punished me for. Thanks Adeel. (roll)

English people who commit spelling mistakes are blasphemers of English. And obviously, they are bound to get punished for such an heinous crime. You should be glad that I didn't ask British Govt. to have your testicles removed! (roll)

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