Captain Disaster in: Death Has A Million Stomping Boots - STEAMED!

Started by CaptainD, Fri 29/12/2017 08:30:19

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@dactylopus & WHAM - thanks guys! ;-D
@Snarky - well this has already been answered but not, the storylines for each game are completely self-contained. 8-)
@SilverSpook - haha well I did tell them at work that if I sold a million over the weekend, I wouldn't be coming in on Tuesday! (laugh)
@TheBitPriest - yep, Stomping Boots is technically the first, and always shall be!  (Hopefully, it will always be the one with the longest development cycle too...) (roll)
@Kweepa - nice try matey but what you saw was a glitch in the Acturan Mind Learning Interface, which occasionally surfaces when unusual minds are involved.  Since Captain Disaster's mind is certainly unusual, it is possible that this glitch will occur more than once, although we have tried to make sure this doesn't happen.  No promises.  No refunds! :-D

Amayirot Akago

Just started playing and I like what I'm seeing so far, however I did notice a glitch in the Speeder dealership where every time you click on the poster with the green lady on it, CD will give the same description of what it looks like regardless of whether you're interacting or using an inventory item on it. Just thought I'd let you know.
Quote from: CaptainDMy suspicion is that an accident, probably caused by a lightning storm and a mad professor, resulted in Amayirot's brain becoming inextricably linked to the databases behind MobyGames and LemonAmiga.


Aw man where did this critter hide during the hundreds of hours of testing we put in?  I'll make a note of it, thanks.

If anyone else finds a bug can you please PM me.  Cheers.

Hope everyone who's playing is enjoying it! ;-D


Bought and downloaded yesterday. Just looking out for some spare time to actually play it.
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Quote from: Stupot on Tue 02/01/2018 05:18:36
Bought and downloaded yesterday. Just looking out for some spare time to actually play it.

Thanks Stu!  I really appreciate your support, and hope you enjoy it when you do manage to find time to play it.


That's great news Dave! ;-D

I'll get right on it after Neofeud... and Unexpected at the rising star... and Kanji Gakusei... and the House without Windows... and Gnome's Homebrewing Adventure... and Conspiracy: Below-Zero... and Legend of Hand...



Quote from: Creamy on Wed 03/01/2018 22:43:13
That's great news Dave! ;-D

I'll get right on it after Neofeud... and Unexpected at the rising star... and Kanji Gakusei... and the House without Windows... and Gnome's Homebrewing Adventure... and Conspiracy: Below-Zero... and Legend of Hand...

Haha well I look forward to your thoughts on the game sometime in 2024 then mate! (laugh)


Taxler Endiosk

I worked on the demo for this, it's great to see the final product! If you have a fondness for planet-hopping sci-fi TV shows and movies of yesteryear, and you also like the idea of guiding a bumbling buffoon through a comedy of errors in deep space, give this game a try. Along the way you'll battle against galactic evildoers (not to mention various pieces of technology that are supposed to be there to help you) and cross paths with partying robots, huge translucent gelatinous shopkeepers, alien bureaucrats, and more...



Thanks MiteWiseacreLives!, Taxler Endiosk and HanaIndiana! :smiley::smiley::smiley:

I know some of you passionately hate walkthroughs - this next bit is NOT for you! - I have completed the Act I walkthrough.


Oh oh oh.... wait... this is finished and released! 8-0 :-D
Bit congratulations! Hope you sell a million copies (and then some more)... ;)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...



HUGE congratulations, mate!

This game is amazing and a true inspiration to everyone out there who thinks they could never get a quality full-length game finished and released. You showed how to do it: Keep at it no matter what even if it takes a decade of work here and there and involves tearing apart a lot of what you have previously made and rebuilding and/or trashing it.

Even though I have played various versions of the game through about 10 times during testing I will be sure to get the release version, treasure it, and perhaps finish my playthrough faster than the game took to create. ;)


Thanks everyone!

SilverSpook did a great video this morning of him playing the game, and I was around to help (or not, possibly) since I'm at home sick.  Which just goes to show, every cloud has a silverspook lining.  Or something.

Another YouTuber did a Let's Play yesterday too:


I love watching Let's Plays of games that I love and especially games that I helped out/worked on and am rooting for!

Can't wait to follow these series!


Quote from: CaptainD on Mon 08/01/2018 15:22:04
Thanks everyone!

SilverSpook did a great video this morning of him playing the game, and I was around to help (or not, possibly) since I'm at home sick.  Which just goes to show, every cloud has a silverspook lining.  Or something.

Good times! I think I'll have to play more point and clicks on the stream. It's nice to have a crowdsourced hint system when you get stuck :D  Great work on this game, lots of fun and more funny cheese-filling than a seven-layer cheese-only burrito.


Captain Disaster in: Death Has A Million Stomping Boots is now available from FireFlower Games.

For this release we also got some awesome new promo art by Kastchey :


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