Botos do Diabo [MAGS Nov 2024]

Started by jfrisby, Mon 02/12/2024 00:43:58

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(aka Devil's Porpoises)
By Babar & jfrisby
A fever dream horror somewhere in the Amazon...

AGS database:

Botos do Diabo is a short horror fever-dream point and click set on a river somewhere in the Amazon.
Made for Adventure Game Studio MAGS monthly competition November 2024 for the theme "Body of Water".

- 8 colors!
- Dolphin!
- Closeups! Animation!
- Endless(?) scrolling background!
- Original soundtrack!

- Violence
- Mild strobing/ seizure warnings (6- second lightning pixel art in intro)
- possible jump scare(s)
- starvation
- blood
- Possible dolphin attacks


Well, that was creepy!  8-0  I liked it, and I felt it was like the fever dream you announce it as.

The game is sort of on tracks, and it feels unavoidable to play out like intended. I had the feeling that none of it was real, and perhaps even the river might be Styx. Still, the evil dolphin (Flipper flipped!) and the baby in a basket (like Moses!) were great, and both gave me the full WTF moment. I guess the story in this game may be interpreted any number of ways.
So - good game! Congratulations on making it!


Quote from: heltenjon on Mon 02/12/2024 01:02:00Well, that was creepy!  8-0  I liked it, and I felt it was like the fever dream you announce it as.

The game is sort of on tracks, and it feels unavoidable to play out like intended. I had the feeling that none of it was real, and perhaps even the river might be Styx. Still, the evil dolphin (Flipper flipped!) and the baby in a basket (like Moses!) were great, and both gave me the full WTF moment. I guess the story in this game may be interpreted any number of ways.
So - good game! Congratulations on making it!

Thanks as always for playing heltenjon!
Things are definitely chained together linearly in this one, which was sort of an experiment.. it was hard to make that feel ok, and I'm not sure if we did :D

Some other ideas like more deaths (there's one in there!.. which maybe doesnt make sense depending on your interpretation of the game..), actions sequences (wack-a-dolphin, river rafting/paddling), didn't really make it past the drawing board.  :-D


Quote from: jfrisby on Mon 02/12/2024 02:00:52Thanks as always for playing heltenjon!

Some other ideas like more deaths (there's one in there!.. which maybe doesnt make sense depending on your interpretation of the game..)
If Hell is repetition, and you have to try again after you die, then perhaps. But you're right, I didn't die. I guess the dolphin can get you, and possibly sinking the raft, as well.


Cool!!! In some way, it makes me think of an old AGS game called "Dada: Stagnation in Blue".

And yep, I'm pretty much sure that the river is Styx or something like that.


It is a beautiful and great game. Well done!  ;)
My official site:


A very short and good horror game in my opinion. Simple puzzles don't overshadow the narrative part, both music and the graphic style (including the monochrome palette) help converying the distress of the protagonist.
Well done!


Alpha Beta Gamer on Youtube has covered the game:

Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


Oh wow, thanks for letting us know!  I knew their freegameplanet site had listed a game of ours before, but didn't know they had a channel..  It's amazing to see all the comments :D  🐬

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