AGS Cameras Tech Demo

Started by Crimson Wizard, Sat 03/07/2021 00:41:46

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Crimson Wizard

AGS Cameras Tech Demo

This game is a technical demo meant to illustrate and, perhaps, teach usage of custom Viewports and Cameras, which were introduced in AGS starting from version 3.5.0. It is made in hopes to raise awareness of this new feature and it's potential practical uses.
"Technical demo" means that it's not a real game with a story, but rather a collection of scenes with very simple gameplay elements.
This game is released as open source, the game script is completely free to use; note that the game art is not free to use though.

Game DB entry:


The latest source is available here:
The project and code is under CC BY license (completely free), but art is under CC BY-NC-ND (non-commercial, personal use only).


* Coding: Crimson Wizard
* Art: Blondbraid, lorenzo, Alan v.Drake



Thanks again Ivan Crimson  :grin:


Thanks! I have a little question (maybe it's a silly one) but if I want to make to work, for example, the interdimentional mirror in more than one room on a game, have I to write (or paste) all the script lines on every room? Or is there a way to make a function in the global script to simplify things? and call later that function in each rooms script I need? 

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: glurex on Wed 02/03/2022 00:14:09
Thanks! I have a little question (maybe it's a silly one) but if I want to make to work, for example, the interdimentional mirror in more than one room on a game, have I to write (or paste) all the script lines on every room? Or is there a way to make a function in the global script to simplify things? and call later that function in each rooms script I need? 

Yes of course, all of this code may be moved to a script module and then used or called in multiple rooms. You may also create a separate script for that, not necessarily have everything in global script.

I did this in room scripts for simplicity sake in this demo.

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