Darum - The mystery behind a human mind

Started by Thanyx, Sat 19/03/2016 11:13:29

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Darum is a VERY short game, consisted of minipuzzles, and rather nice longer dialogs.

Depressive atmosphere and sound, creates immersive experience. Try it out, have a good time!

Link to the game: http://www.adventuregamestudio.co.uk/site/games/game/2029/

Friendly advice: PAY ATTENTION TO THE DIALOGS, they are important for the progress.


I find myself dubious about this game but due to the bold claims I'm going to check it out...

I hope I'm pleasantly wrong!


EDIT: The game was actually quite cool, but a tad too philosophically driven for my taste. It seemed to be more pushing an agenda than supplying the player with a means to explore the deep questions on their own...

Still: A very interesting experience...And the music and sounds were awesome!


Thank you, Mandle, for your response and review. Much appreciate any opinion given.

Have a nice day.


I forgot to add that I'll be sure to check out anything you release in the future. It's always great to find an author who makes non-standard games.

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